Nowadays, countless light industrial factories in the island country have gone bankrupt one after another, and a large number of workers have flowed out of the factories. After these workers lost their jobs, they could not find suitable jobs for a while, and could only do odd jobs or simply stay at home.
But life is always going to pass, so after Sasuke released the news, he immediately attracted a large number of young and strong laborers.
No matter what work these workers do, as long as they are paid enough, they will be motivated enough. In just one or two days, Sasuke has gathered tens of thousands of people from the neighborhood.
From the third day, the construction of the steel plant and the iron smelting plant was officially carried out.
The little devil has strict requirements on the progress of the project, coupled with the sufficient number of workers, the construction of the factory is progressing quite fast.
On this day, Sasuke invited Li Xie to inspect the construction site.
The two stood on a high ground, and Li Xie could clearly see that there were countless workers busy on the entire construction site. These people had a clear division of labor, and everyone was working hard.
It has to be said that there is still a set of management methods for the little devil.
Li Xie didn’t know if these people were really active, or if they were strictly required by the military to do the work, and the efficiency was amazing.
With the help of heavy machinery, the workers actually built the overall framework of a factory in one day.
There are more than one factory building in the steelmaking plant and the iron smelting factory. In the busyness of the workers, the frame of the factory building is erected one after another. The progress of the entire project is progressing at a speed visible to the naked eye every day.
Li Xie’s first visit here was on the second day after the project started.
At this time, the factory is still in the stage of laying foundations.
But when Li Xie came to inspect the construction site ten days later, he found that a complete factory area had been built here, and even staff quarters and canteens had been built.
Now the frame of the entire factory area has been completed, and the rest is only some details of the interior.
“The efficiency of your country is really fast enough. It has only been more than ten days, and the project is almost done. General Sasuke, all this is your credit.”
Li Xie and Sasuke walked on the construction site and said casually.
Sasuke smiled and said, “This is all within our responsibility. It is about our cooperation. Of course, the Empire will not be sloppy.”
After speaking, Li Xie pointed to the prototype factory area ahead: “Li Sang, in three or five days, everything here will be established, and all the facilities in the factory will be perfected.
At that time, you can ship the machinery and equipment. ”
Sasuke said with a proud look on his face.
The efficiency of the empire has always been their proud capital.
Li Xie was polite to Sasuke, but he was quite disdainful in his heart.
These little devils are still happy here, but they don’t know that they are digging their own graves! .
No. 8Chapter 12: Factory Starts, Prelude to Financial Harvest
The two walked around the factory area, and Li Xie nodded secretly.
Now that the steelmaking plant and the iron smelting plant are almost completed, it is time to send a message to the group headquarters and ask them to transport the machinery and equipment.
After leaving the factory, Li Xie said goodbye to Sasuke.
When parting, Li Xie said: “General Sasuke, I will report the progress of the project here to the group headquarters after I go back. In about two or three days, the machinery and equipment of the group headquarters will be delivered.
At that time, I will trouble you to help us transport this batch of equipment to install-. ”
“It’s simple, our people can act at any time.”
Sasuke looked relaxed, and left in the car after saying goodbye.
Li Xie also returned to the company and reported the matter here to the group headquarters in the form of a telegram.
After receiving the telegram, Wu Si immediately came to see Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, Li Xie sent a telegram saying that the steelmaking plant and iron smelting plant in the island country are about to be built, and it will take about two days.”
Su Yun took the telegram, and after reading it, he immediately made a decision: “You arrange it yourself, and two days later, our equipment will be shipped to the island country immediately!
In addition, you can notify Dong Cheng, Fang Shanming and others of this news so that they can be ready at any time. Our financial harvest on the island country will start soon! ”
“Understood, President Su!”
Su Yun’s words were loud, and Wu Si’s answer was sonorous and powerful.
As things progressed to this point, both of them felt a little nervous.
But not because of fear, but because of excitement.
Island finance is a huge and plump cake. Now this cake has been put on the plate, and Huayin Group will be able to eat it in one step!
Two days later, many machines and equipment of Huayin Group were shipped.
The freighter team transported across the vast sea and delivered the equipment to the island country.
For many days, many ports in the island country have been busy. Since the second batch of industrial products was shipped to the island country, Huayin Group’s industrial products have not been interrupted in order to supply the consumption of the parity market.
But this time in the port, the situation is a little special.
In the past, when industrial products were shipped, port workers delivered the goods to the outside of the port, and then people from Huayin Group and the military received them and then sent them to various markets.
But as soon as this batch of machinery and equipment arrived at the port, it was immediately taken over by the little devil army.
As early as the day before the shipment of these machines and equipment, Li Xie received a telegram from the group headquarters, and then Li Xie told Sasuke the news and asked him to help come to the port to receive the machines.
So early this morning, more than a thousand troops gathered at the port, and there were many trucks behind them.
After the military received this batch of goods, they immediately loaded the equipment onto trucks under the command of the leading officers and transported them straight to the newly established iron and steel plants.
After the equipment arrived, the workers in the factory immediately installed the equipment under the guidance of the technical staff of Huayin Group. At this point, the steelmaking plant and the iron smelting plant were officially established.
Li Xie was doing business in his office while the machines in the steel mill and iron smelter were being installed.
Just as Li Xie finished reviewing some documents, there was a knock on the door of the office.
“Come in!”
Li Xie put away the documents at hand and agreed.
An assistant walked into the door and reported: “Mr. Li, this morning, the equipment of the steelmaking plant and the iron smelting plant has been installed, but the technicians said that the parameters of the machinery and equipment need to be adjusted before the steel can be smelted.”
Li Xie said decisively: “You go and tell them, just say don’t care about any parameter debugging, let them run the factory first.
As for each parameter, it can be adjusted slowly in the subsequent process.
“I know Mr. Li.”
The assistant led the way out.
Li Xie lay down leisurely on the chair, smiling and looking out the window.
The completion of the iron smelting plant and the steelmaking plant means that their preparation plan to harvest the island nation’s finance has been implemented to the last step.
Next, they only need to smelt the acquired machinery and equipment, and then they can show their minions to the little devil!
Regardless of the equipment debugging, the direct start of construction is the decision made by the group headquarters.
The establishment of steel mills and iron smelting plants in the island country is not to refine steel, but to destroy those machines purchased from the island country’s factories.
Those machines that can smelt steel take about half a year to debug.
Huayin Group will not wait, and there is no need to wait.
What’s more, after half a year’s delay, the ghost knows how things will change?
These actions of Huayin Group are now on the verge of being exposed. The little devils just didn’t notice it, but that doesn’t mean they are all fools.
Skirt ⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐・
Really have to wait for the first half of the year, once things go wrong, their plans may be in vain.
After receiving Li Xie’s order, the managers of the iron smelting plant and the steel plant were quite puzzled. Steel making and iron smelting are delicate activities. How can they extract good steel without debugging the machinery and equipment?
But Li Xie did not explain this, and they could only act on orders.
In this way, the steelmaking plant and the iron smelting plant entered a fully operational state within a few days after the completion of the construction. Countless steel is smelted here every day. From the outside of the factory area, you can see thick smoke billowing from the chimneys of the factory buildings.
Sasuke was very pleased when he received the news.
“The Huayin Group is really fast enough that the factory has only been established for a few days, and they have started to operate.
This way, the Empire can get high-quality steel faster! ”
In addition to being pleased, Sasuke wrote the matter into a telegram and reported it to the army executives, and praised Huayin Group for its decisive work and an excellent partner of the empire.
But Sasuke didn’t know that in the furnaces of iron smelters and steel mills, the smelting furnaces were allThose machines acquired from their homeland.
He wouldn’t even know that the black smoke coming out of the chimneys of the two major factories is like the gas of the island country. When the black smoke stops rolling, the economic lifeline of the island country will be completely pinched by Huayin Group!
After a period of time, Sasuke and Wang Dehai met in the hotel room. The trip of the two was very secret, and no one but the two of them knew about it.
After coming to the island country last time, Wang Dehai has not returned to China. This time the steelmaking plant and iron smelting plant were completed. Su Yun simply ordered Wang Dehai to represent Huayin Group and take charge of the factory affairs.
This is also to further dispel the vigilance of the little devil.
After many negotiations and contacts, the little devil already trusts Wang Dehai very much. With Wang Dehai in it, the little devil will not be suspicious of this matter.
The two met this time to discuss follow-up actions.
The two sat opposite each other, and Wang Dehai asked first, “How about Brother Li, the little devil hasn’t realized our intention yet?”
Li Xie nodded: “So far, the little devils still thought we were helping them and didn’t notice anything.
But…” Beg.
Chapter 813: There are still smart people
Li Xie hesitated for a moment, then continued: “But this is only limited to their army side. As for their government officials, we are not fully sure.”
Wang Dehai’s expression became solemn.
Li Xie was right. Little Devil’s government members are stronger than the army, and there are still some capable people.
It’s just that Huayin Group used tactics to intensify the conflict between their government and the military, which has led to the failure of the two sides to communicate effectively.
But now the parchment in Huayin Group’s hands has been spread out, and the sharp dagger is about to be exposed.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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