In this case, the little devil’s government will certainly not sit idly by, so they are likely to put aside their grievances, or at least find a way to tell the truth to their army.
After thinking for a while, Li Xie continued: “We need to speed up our actions. The group’s efforts for more than a year, “Three Two Seven” is the last shiver. At the last moment, we can’t fall short.”
Wang Dehai nodded and said: “Don’t worry about this for the time being, the little devil has already taken the bait. The iron smelter and steel plant have been operating for a while now, and a large number of machines and equipment are smelted every day.
Before long, these machines will be smelted into a pile of scrap metal!
As long as this step is completed, even if the little devils notice something, we can just ignore it! ”
The machines and equipment in Wang Dehaikou are naturally the ones they bought from the island country.
These machines and equipment were originally used for light industry production, but now they are all concentrated in the hands of Huayin Group, which means that the little devils have completely lost the foundation for rebuilding light industry.
When all equipment is destroyed, Huayin Group will no longer have any concerns.
At that time, even if the little devils discovered the intention of Huayin Group and wanted to rebuild the local light industry, it was not so easy.
Hearing this, Li Xie’s face suddenly softened a lot.
But he still had concerns.
Although the little devil’s military didn’t notice anything, their extra-high class members were not vegetarians.
Once they find clues, the trouble is not small.
What’s more, the steel plant and iron smelting plant were built not far from the original Fushan Industrial Park, which has always been the focus of the little devil’s investigation.
The people in the extra-high class are not good people, and Wang Dehai may be suspected by them at any time.
Therefore, Li Xie warned: “Brother Wang, although things are going well, we still have to be careful. The members of the extra-high class of the little devil are not vegetarians. You have to be careful about being targeted by them.”
Wang Dehai smiled: “This is not to worry about.
The little devil currently trusts me quite a bit, and the people in the extra-high class will not target me. ”
Thinking of this, Wang Dehai wanted to laugh.
For a long time, Sasuke wanted to pull him into the team of the little devils, and Wang Dehai did not refuse at that time, just said to think about it.
This is naturally an excuse to gain trust, but Sasuke and others don’t know it.
So in their opinion, if Wang Dehai is not from China, he is almost like his own.
Li Xie also knew the meaning of Wang Dehai’s words and couldn’t help but smile.
Wang Dehai looks simple and honest, but his mind is very shrewd. He has played around with the little devil several times.
At this point, Li Xie admits that he is indeed inferior to Wang Dehai.
Although he can call Sasuke a friend on the surface, in fact the little devil doesn’t trust him.
Li Xie has noticed several times that the little devil has been letting the people in the special high class stare at him secretly, which is why he will ask Wang Dehai to do the smelting of the equipment.
Originally, those machines and equipment were acquired by his subordinates, and it would be more straightforward to be directly responsible for them.
But if he wants to keep the guys in the extra-high class all the time, he can only ask Wang Dehai.
Otherwise, once the clues are discovered by the people of the extra-high class, the plan will be revealed. In that case, he, Li Xie, will undoubtedly become the sinner of the whole plan.
The matter of smelting machinery and equipment has been quietly going on.
During this period, Wang Dehai would go to Sasuke from time to time to be sloppy, and hinted that Sasuke would quietly leave Huayin in the near future and join the side of the little devils.
Sasuke is very happy about this, and his trust in Wang Dehai is increasing day by day.
All the plans of Huayin Group are being implemented smoothly. Su Yun and others are in a better mood every day.Waiting for the day of the showdown, start directly with the finance of the island country 0 ……
In contrast, in the little devil’s government, there are people who are increasingly anxious.
Takahashi is the most urgent of these people.
Unlike the army’s gang, Takahashi is proficient in finance, and he also knows that Huayin Group’s recent series of actions are preparing for the harvest of the island country’s finance.
But the bastards in the army have been making trouble, and even if he knows, he can only watch.
However, the recent developments in the empire made Takahashi unable to sit still.
After the imperial government implemented the subsidy policy, the local enterprises of the empire not only failed to make any progress, but instead accelerated their bankruptcy due to a series of reasons.
To this day, only a handful of local companies are still struggling to support the entire empire.
And these companies have come to the brink of collapse.
As for those companies that went bankrupt early, most of them have also been acquired by Huayin Group.
In the past two days, he heard that Huayin Group had established a steelmaking plant and an iron smelting plant in the territory of the empire, contacted Huayin Group during this period of time, and then thought about the current market situation of the empire, Gaoqiao suddenly understood everything!
Huayin Group is going to destroy those machines and fundamentally cut off the possibility of the empire rebuilding light industry in a short period of time!
Once Huayin Group succeeds, the entire imperial market will be completely controlled by Huayin Group, and the empire that has lost all the foundations of light industry will no longer be able to turn around.
Because of this, Takahashi has been thinking about ways to break the game.
He is the Minister of Great Tibet of the Empire and is in charge of the economic operation of the Empire.
So after thinking for a few days, Takahashi decided to go to the people from Huayin Group and have a good talk with them.
This morning, Saito took a plane to Fukuyama from Kyoto Airport. Before the trip, Takahashi did not inform Saito of the matter.
Although Saito is the head of the government of the empire, he is essentially a soldier and has no knowledge of economics.
And in many things, Saito is also more inclined to think in military thinking.
That’s why Takahashi didn’t dare to inform Saito.
He was afraid that Saito would act impulsively and make things worse.
Chapter 814: The Arrival of Takahashi
Sitting on the plane to Fukuyama, Takahashi’s brain was spinning rapidly.
When I went to Fukuyama, I mainly talked to Huayin Group about the imperial economy, and hoped that Huayin Group could make some concessions and leave some room for survival in the imperial market.
But now the initiative has been held by Huayin Group, so Takahashi’s departure is not so much a negotiation, but a request to Huayin Group.
After thinking about it, the plane arrived at Fukuyama Airport.
After getting off the plane, Gaoqiao immediately went to the location of the Huayin branch.
He didn’t bring any accompanying team this time, only two followers, and he was very low-key when he traveled.
Takahashi didn’t want Saito or the Army to know about his trip, otherwise they would likely block it.
When he came to the Huayin branch, Saito showed his identity to the security personnel and asked the security personnel to go in to report. He himself stood at the door and waited quietly, without any air.
The security staff at the door was quite surprised that the high-level officials of the island country would come to visit in person, and their posture was so peaceful?
The security personnel did not dare to neglect, and immediately went in and reported to 09.
At this time, Li Xie was dealing with some things in the office, and suddenly, the phone on the table rang.
Li Xie picked up the phone, and it was from the security department.
“What’s up?”
Report to Mr. Li, Mr. Takahashi, Minister of the Island Country’s Great Tibet, came to meet you, and is waiting at the gate of the company. He hopes that you can come down and talk to him in person.
“How many people did he bring?”
Li Xie was slightly surprised.
Takahashi came over in person. Could it be that the little devils discovered their purpose and wanted to bring someone to block the company?
But Li Xie thought something was wrong.
If he led troops to block the company, it should be someone from the army. Taking a step back, it should be Saito who brought people over himself. In any case, it would not be Takahashi’s turn.
Thinking of this, Li Xie became more and more puzzled.
Just as his thoughts were changing, the security guard replied, “Mr. Li, as far as we can see, Takahashi only brought two followers and no others.”
“Okay, I’ll go down right away, don’t be slow.”
Li Xie put down the phone and immediately set off to rush downstairs.
At the same time, the doubts in Li Xie’s heart grew stronger.
His mind kept changing, not because he was afraid of what Takahashi would do, but thinking about the purpose of Takahashi’s coming here.
He knew Takahashi’s identity. He was the Minister of Tibetan Affairs of the island country. He was in charge of the economy and was proficient in finance. Huayin Group’s series of actions could be concealed from the military, but it might not be possible to conceal Gaoqiao.
That being the case, Takahashi should have come to find him for economic reasons.
But the other party actually came alone, what is this for?
After going downstairs, Li Xie deliberately restrained his emotions.
No matter what the other party does, he can’t reveal any clues first.
When he came to the company gate, Li Xie saw a middle-aged man in a suit with outstanding temperament waiting not far away.
“This should be Takahashi.”
Li Xie was calm and went up to meet him.
Since the other party didn’t bring anyone with him, he didn’t need to be nervous.
Seeing Li Xie’s arrival, the people from the Security Section hurriedly followed.
Then the man pointed at Takahashi and said, “Mr. Li, this is Mr. Takahashi. He is eager to see you.”
Li Xie nodded, walked up and greeted: “Your Excellency has come from a long way, and you have lost a long way to greet you. I don’t know what you are doing here this time?”
Takahashi first showed a look of surprise, then looked at Li Xie up and down, he didn’t expect the other party to be so fluent in the empirelanguage.
Seeing Li Xie’s official tone, Gaoqiao said with a smile: “This is your Excellency the general manager. I have no other intentions of coming here this time. I just want to invite you to a light meal and talk about some cooperation matters by the way. If you are free If so, please honor me.”
Li Xie pondered slightly after hearing this.
Takahashi is a heavyweight official of the island country, and his background is not small.
The other party’s so-called cooperation is probably just a pretext. In the end, it should still talk about the Huayin Group’s occupation of the island country market.
If you refuse, it is likely to have an impact on the next plan.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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