Therefore, Li Xie smiled and said, “Since Your Excellency has invited me, I will be disrespectful.
But please allow me to prepare a little. ”
“Your Excellency.”
Takahashi was not in a hurry and followed Li Xie to prepare.
Li Xie went straight upstairs, first ordered someone to pass the matter to Wang Dehai, and asked Wang Dehai to take precautions, and then brought a few followers down.
After all, Li Xie didn’t know the real intention of the other party, so he should be careful.
Seeing Li Xie bringing people down, Takahashi didn’t say much.
After a little politeness, the two took a car to the city of Fukuyama.
After entering the city, Gao Qiao didn’t show any publicity, but just found a restaurant at random, invited Li Xie in for a drink, and asked two entourages to wait outside.
Li Xie thought about it, but did not let the people who brought it follow.
Takahashi didn’t come here to ask for trouble, but simply wanted to invite him to dinner.
However, Li Xie knew that the less ostentatious a person like Takahashi did, the less simple the things involved might be, so Li Xie did not let his guard down.
It was already past the meal time, and there were not many people in the restaurant.
The two found a corner and sat down. After Gao Qiao ordered some food and drinks, he said directly, “Mr. Li Xie, you can probably guess the reason why I am here, I just want to talk to you about your company and things between empires.”
Li Xie nodded, he did have some guesses about this.
However, Li Xie still pretended to be confused: “What do you want to talk about? Our cooperation with your country has always been to communicate with your country’s army, and your Excellency seems to be a member of the 330 government?”
Takahashi smiled bitterly and said no more.
He knew that Li Xie was still taking precautions against himself, so he was not very good at speaking.
So Takahashi temporarily put aside the topic and just chatted with Li Xie about some unimportant things. The two chatted and ate, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.
Takahashi didn’t talk about the two sides again until they had almost finished eating and drinking.
“Mr. Li Xie, you are a smart person, so I won’t betray you.
I know you don’t trust me, but this time I’m not here to talk to you about bilateral cooperation, but to ask you for one thing. ”
“Oh? Please say it, Your Excellency.”
Li Xie came to be interested.
Takahashi’s attitude and behavior today are very friendly, which in itself surprised him, and now he is asking Huayin Group?
Takahashi sighed: “I know what you have done in the empire, I came here this time to ask you if you can reduce the prices of some industrial raw materials.
Today, the price of raw materials in the empire remains high, and light industry manufacturers everywhere go bankrupt one after another. If this continues, the empire’s light industry will be destroyed. ”
In fact, the island nation’s light industry has been ruined.
From the Fukuyama Industrial Park incident to the present, more than 95% of the light industrial manufacturers in the island country have gone bankrupt.
What Takahashi said was just a scene.
Chapter 815: It’s too late to make amends
Li Xie paused slightly after listening to Takahashi’s words.
Takahashi is right. The price of industrial raw materials in the island country is indeed controlled by Huayin Group secretly, but Li Xie is not surprised because of this.
Takahashi is proficient in finance, and it is strange that he does not understand this.
What surprised Li Xie was that since Takahashi knew about this kind of thing, why did he come alone today instead of telling Saito or the army?
If Takahashi made the matter public, the true intentions of Huayin Group would be exposed immediately.
The government and military of the island country will inevitably dispatch armed forces to stop all actions of Huayin Group and expel Huayin Group from the territory of the island country.
But Li Xie was calm on the surface and didn’t answer, just said indifferently: “Since Your Excellency knows about this matter, why don’t you make it public?”
“Mr. is a smart man, he should know why I didn’t say it.”
Takahashi smiled wryly, his tone full of helplessness.
He knew what Li Xie was thinking, if he made this public, Saito and others would definitely send troops to take down the Huayin Group in one fell swoop.
Takahashi also thought about doing this, but the current situation made him have to give up this idea.
Now that things have developed, the economy of the empire is no longer in their hands.
Huayin Group’s industrial products have completely occupied the empire’s market, and the empire’s light industry has been completely destroyed. If they expelled Huayin Group at this time, the entire empire’s market will collapse.
Thinking of this, Takahashi felt very aggrieved.
The reason why everything has developed to this point is due to the two idiots, Saito and Lin Xian!
Lin Xian and Saito are both soldiers, and they are only suitable for leading troops to fight, but one of them is the head of the government of the empire, and the other is still interfering in the government affairs of the empire by relying on military power all day long!
These two people don’t know anything about economics and finance, they only know how to act recklessly.
The consequence of this is that the empire is completely unable to respond to the economic strategy of Huayin Group, and is one step slower than Huayin Group everywhere, and finally the other side easily controls the economic lifeline.
Just like this time, if Saito and Lin Xian could wake up in time after the explosion in the Fukuyama Industrial Park,If the power is handed over to him, then Takahashi is confident that he will be able to control the situation in time.
Sadly, it’s too late to say that now.
At that time, it was impossible for Lin Xian to hand over these matters to him. Although Saito would discuss with himself, he always held the decision-making power in his own hands.
The two were born in the army and the navy respectively, and spent a lot of time fighting for the conflicts between the navy and the army all day long.
The precious opportunity to save the imperial industry was just wasted in vain.
On the contrary, Huayin Group has been careful and careful from the beginning, taking every step of the way, and everything is interlinked, and every step is connected without leakage.
In the face of such a sophisticated means, the Empire will have to deal with it with all its strength from the very beginning, without any distraction.
But at the time, the Empire did not do that.
Needless to say, Lin Xian was led by Huayin Group by the nose.
Although Saito has also done some actions, it is only superficial and has no effect at all.
Up to now, the situation is out of control.
Li Xie nodded slightly, and Takahashi’s words were sincere.
But he couldn’t make any kind of concessions because of the frankness of the other party. This economic war cost countless people’s efforts. If Li Xie compromised, he would be no different from a traitor.
So Li Xie said to Gaoqiao, “We cannot satisfy your request.
Since you are proficient in finance, you should know that the price of raw materials is not determined by us, but should be determined by the market.
Now, the entire East Asia region is the market of Huayin Group, and our raw materials need to meet the needs of the entire East Asian market, so it is very scarce.
I can tell you that at present, Huayin Group has been making every effort to supply raw materials to various places, but the supply is still in short supply, and the raw material gap in the market is still very large.
In this case, the price of raw materials cannot be lowered~々. ”
When Li Xie said these words, he kept looking at Takahashi.
He believed that the other party could understand the meaning of these words.
To put it bluntly, it is impossible for Huayin Group to reduce the price of raw materials. They managed to control the market in the island country, and it is impossible for them to spit out the fat in their mouths.
But Li Xie didn’t want to tear his face in person, so he used this kind of words to imply the other party.
Takahashi smiled bitterly in his heart, of course he understood what Li Xie meant.
Li Xie has made it very clear that Huayin Group cannot agree to their request, and the price of raw materials will still maintain the current level.
In this regard, Takahashi is very angry.
He lowered his stance and begged with full sincerity, just to leave some room for the empire to hover.
But the other party refused so simply!
But Takahashi didn’t dare to get angry, or it was useless for him to get angry.
Huayin Group has already controlled the economic lifeline of the empire, and his anger is nothing but incompetent rage.
What’s more, some things may not be guessed by others, but Takahashi already knows it.
For example, the Huayin Group established an iron smelter and a steel plant in the territory of the empire. Others may think that this is just a profit-making method for the Huayin Group.
But Takahashi knew that these two factories were the last sword to destroy the foundation of the empire’s light industry!
Gaoqiao raised his glass, and Li Xie also raised his glass to touch it.
After a glass of wine, Takahashi directly said: “”Mr. Li Xie, some time ago your company has been sending people to acquire local manufacturers in our empire.
Those manufacturers add up to a large number of machines. After your company acquired these machines, where did you put them? ”
Takahashi already knew this, and this inquiry was just to verify what he thought.
Li Xie (okay) naturally wouldn’t tell him the truth, but said: “At present, these machines have been shipped to Huaxia in batches, and the group will test them.
As long as qualified machines are inspected, the Group will install and use them in the new plant to enhance the Group’s productivity. ”
“I see.”
Takahashi nodded slightly, but his heart was bitter.
Li Xie’s words just now, he will not believe a single stroke!
If not as he expected, those machines have already entered the newly built steel mills and iron smelting plants, and they have become a pile of scrap metal!
As a result, the Empire would have no chance of reviving light industry.
This kind of thing, as early as when Huayin Group began to acquire local companies, Gaoqiao had some guesses.
It’s a pity that the army’s skin full of brains and muscles won’t believe him at all, and they can’t see the real purpose of Huayin Group. They think that Huayin Group is doing this just for profit.
Chapter 816: Do you really dare to expel Huayin?
Saito can’t see through it at all. This guy is all thinking about how to make profits for the navy, and he doesn’t care about economic struggles.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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