There was a brief silence between the two sides.
Takahashi came here to ask Huayin Group to make concessions, but Huayin Group would not do so.
At this point, things seem to have reached an impasse.
Gaoqiao and Li Xie sat opposite each other, just eating and drinking silently.
After a long time, Takahashi said slowly: “I probably know what your company means, and you can use Huaxia’s words to stay on the line.
Your company has already controlled the market of the empire, can’t it make some concessions and leave some leeway for the empire?
Mr. Li Xie, if you agree, it will be good for both parties.
Now that the market of the empire depends on your industrial products, you can continue to make money with peace of mind in the empire, otherwise, I will tell the army, Saito and others about your affairs.
Then you will lose your backers in the Empire, and the Empire’s army will take youHuayin Group was deported.
At that time, you won’t get any benefit, and your previous thoughts will be vanished. ”
Takahashi’s tone remained calm, but there was a sense of deterrence between the lines.
At this point in the conversation, he had no choice.
Since Huayin Group was unwilling to make concessions, Gaoqiao had to be tougher and try to persecute Huayin Group.
Unexpectedly, Li Xie showed 330 smiles.
“Your Excellency is tough, but are you really going to do this?”
Li Xie said this, of course, with confidence.
Takahashi was silent for a while when he heard the words, and then he said word by word: “If your company really wants to continue to do things absolutely, then I will definitely do it.”
“Well…I believe your words.”
Li Xie nodded, and then his expression became slightly cold.
“But you have to understand one thing, do you really want to see Huayin Group be expelled from the island country?”
Takahashi was silent.
Li Xie’s words hit his pain point at once.
Today, all light industrial products in the island country are supplied by Huayin Group, and the domestic light industry in the empire has long since disappeared.
Once Huayin Group is expelled, the supply of industrial products will be cut off instantly.
At that time, the economy and people’s livelihood of the empire will collapse completely.
Seeing Takahashi’s silence, Li Xie knew what Takahashi was thinking.
I have to say that Takahashi is a smart man, and he has seen everything very thoroughly compared to those in the army.
After drinking the wine in front of him, Li Xie stood up and took two steps to Takahashi’s side.
(ajed) Then, Li Xie put his hand on Takahashi’s shoulder and spoke calmly.
“Your Excellency Takahashi, Huayin Group’s stay in the island country is beneficial to you today.
The choice is now in your hands, whether to let the island nation’s economy continue as it is, or to let yours go backwards three decades overnight, is just a few words from you.
Your Excellency Takahashi, in your words, everything is for the sake of the empire, I hope you go back and think about it clearly. ”
When talking about the word “empire”, Li Xie’s tone was full of ridicule.
After speaking, Li Xie walked away.
Takahashi sat quietly in his seat, and emotions such as resentment, helplessness, and anxiety poured into his heart, as if he had knocked over a five-flavor bottle.
Whether it was Li Xie’s ridicule or the current situation of the island country, his heart was filled with pain and struggle.
As Li Xie said, the status quo of the empire is there.
With the collapse of the local light industry system, all the industrial supplies of the empire came from Huayin Group.
The economic lifeline of the empire has also been controlled by Huayin Group.
At present, the economic operation of the empire is no longer in their hands. Development and decline are all in the control of Huayin Group.
If they drive out Huayin Group, there will be no access to industrial goods.
As a result, all the daily necessities of the empire, including daily necessities, will become in short supply, and even gadgets such as toilet paper and matches cannot meet the supply.
At that time, the market of the empire will completely collapse, not to mention the people at the bottom, and even the daily necessities of the middle and high-level people will be unsustainable.
This is undoubtedly very scary.
Once this happens, the economy of the empire will not be as simple as going back thirty years.
At that time, in order to obtain enough industrial products, the empire will have to import from foreign countries by all means, which means that all the war wealth they made in World War I will be consumed.
And the economic development of these decades has all come to nothing.
In particular, the light industry of the empire will undoubtedly start from scratch. The empire is equivalent to an instant regression to ancient times, or even more than that.
Thinking of this, Takahashi only felt a pain in his heart.
He picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank two glasses of wine in a row.
It was only now that he realized that he was helpless.
Huayin Group would not give in, and his threat was useless, because the other party insisted that he would not tell the truth.
Sadly, it is true that Huayin Group is the enemy of the empire, but the empire cannot do without them!
Once the Huayin Group is expelled, there will be an abyss waiting for the imperial economy, because this time the economic crisis is caused by the cooperation between Huayin Group and a Western consortium.
By now, Takahashi also knew about the so-called pitting of the Western consortium.
This is clearly a fascination array.
Huayin Group used its interests to lure the idiots of the army, but the real purpose was to justifiably transport a large amount of industrial products into the empire!
And Takahashi can imagine that Huayin Group has already made full preparations for the possibility of being expelled.
In their cooperation plan with the Western consortium, there must be a link to expulsion.
If Huayin Group is really expelled from the island country, in a few days, all kinds of industrial products in the empire will be in short supply, and at that time, some smugglers will appear in the empire for no reason.
Needless to say, these people must have connections with the Western consortium, or simply be members of the Western consortium.
And the prices of some of the industrial products they sell must be ridiculously high!
At that time, these smugglers will refuse to accept Japanese yen, and will only accept metal currencies such as gold, silver, and even brass, but they will not accept banknotes!
This kind of behavior is not fundamentally different from when the Western consortium invaded the Chinese economy.
To put it bluntly, they are buying the reserve metal of the empire in disguise.
The empire’s finances would be reaped bit by bit in this way.
But if the Huayin Group is not expelled, the empire’s finance will still not be able to escape the fate of being harvested.
Under the premise that the imperial economy is under the control of Huayin Group, Takahashi can completely imagine that Huayin Group will use the method of boiling frogs in warm water to harvest their financial achievements over the past few decades.
This is the practice of cutting flesh with a dull knife, but the empire is completely powerless to resist.
Chapter 817: The raw materials for light industry have beencontrolled
“Huayin Group… bastard!”
Takahashi secretly hated in his heart, and cursed in a low voice through gritted teeth.
It is a great shame that a huge empire has been silently planted in the hands of a private company.
But Takahashi couldn’t do anything about it.
Now, apart from accepting the reality, he has no better means to resolve the crisis.
After leaving the restaurant, Takahashi immediately returned to the airport and boarded a plane back to the capital.
After coming out of the airport, Takahashi thought about it all the way, and felt that he should tell Saito about the matter, because Huayin Group has sounded the horn to harvest imperial finance, and a financial war without gunpowder smoke is about to kick off.
And the idiot Saito should be able to understand this, he is still stronger than Lin Xian’s gang of idiots.
And he was not willing to be caught by Huayin Group, and told Saito about the matter. He could also think of a way together, and maybe he could find a chance to turn around.
As for Lin Xian, Takahashi was still considering whether to inform him.
The bastards in the army are hopelessly stupid, and Gao Qiao is afraid to tell Lin Xian that Lin Xian will only use force regardless of the situation.
In that case, the economy of the empire would be completely shattered.
After getting off the plane, Takahashi did not delay for a moment, and went straight to Saito.
Saito is also worried about the collapse of the empire’s local industry recently. Although he doesn’t understand economics, he at least knows that the collapse of light industry is not good for the development of the empire.
And he also knew that Huayin Group could not be allowed to control the market of the empire.
When I came to Saito’s office, as soon as Takahashi Port entered the door, Saito got up and greeted him.
He is now in a turmoil, and is trying to find Takahashi to discuss countermeasures.
“Mr. Gaoqiao, your arrival is just right, the empire’s local light industry has been collapsing one after another, and if this continues, Huayin Group will easily occupy the empire’s market.
We have to figure out a way to deal with this. ”
Takahashi nodded slightly, it seems that Saito is not too stupid.
Seeing Takahashi nodding, Saito hurriedly said, “Takahashi-kun, do you have any idea?”
Takahashi shook his head and said, “Saito-kun, the reason why our local light industry has been defeated in the competition with Huayin Group is that the raw materials used by our local enterprises are too expensive, resulting in the high production cost of local enterprises. Not too high.
Under this premise, local companies will inevitably suffer losses if they want to compete with Huayin Group at the same price.
So as long as the price of raw materials is not resolved, we cannot change the status quo. ”
“So Takahashi-kun, what do you mean?”
Saito didn’t quite understand it. Takahashi had said similar things before, but he did not discuss a specific solution.
Now that Saito mentions this again, is there a turning point in things?
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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