Who knew that Takahashi’s face turned black.
It seems that he still overestimates Saito, this guy doesn’t understand the current situation at all!
Holding his temper, Takahashi had to explain: “Saito-kun, I just heard recently that Huayin Group has secretly taken a series of actions since the accident in the Fukuyama Industrial Park.
On the surface, they are only selling industrial products to the empire, but behind the scenes they are controlling the prices of raw materials for industrial products, making the prices of raw materials in the empire remain high.
Today, the price of raw materials for light industrial products used in the empire has been completely controlled by Huayin Group. Our local enterprises have been defeated by Huayin Group from the source, and there is no chance to turn around. ”
Takahashi did not tell Saito of his previous whereabouts, but only said that he had come to inquire recently.
Saito didn’t have time to ask questions after hearing this, and said in shock, “What? What the hell is going on here?”
The fact that Huayin Group actually controlled the price of raw materials in the empire was a bad news for the local light industry of the empire, and Saito had never been aware of it before.
Takahashi knew that this guy did not understand economics, so he had to analyze and explain step by step.
He started with the supply of industrial products: “Saito-kun, the current supply of raw materials for industrial products in the Empire mainly comes from three aspects.
The first is produced locally, the second is supplied by the overseas territories of the empire, and the third is imported from overseas. ”
“I understand that.”
Saito nodded when he heard the words, this kind of thing is on the bright side, Saito naturally knows.
Although the resources of the empire are scarce, it is not completely absent. In terms of raw materials for light industry, it can still supply some of its own.
As for overseas territories, it refers to the Korean Peninsula and Northeast China.
⒉⒉0⑤23①4⒐nei skirt・
Imported resources refer to those purchased from foreign consortiums such as the US consortium. Western consortiums have collected a large number of light industrial raw materials from the Nanyang region, and then sold them to the empire.
This is also the most important way for the Empire to obtain raw materials for light industry.
The territory of the empire is narrow, with many mountains and hills, and raw materials for light industry are scarce, and the local supply is less than 30% of the entire light industry.
On the other hand, places like the Korean Peninsula and Northeast China have high dimensions, short summers and long winters, so they can’t produce much light industrial raw materials at all.
Therefore, the supply of light industrial raw materials in these two regions only accounts for about 5% of the total.
Apart from these two parts, the remaining 65% of the raw materials are all imported from abroad.
But Saito didn’t know the tricks of Huayin Group’s cooperation with Western consortiums, so he asked: “But Takahashi-kun, our main raw materials come from Western consortiums..
But how can Huayin Group control the prices of those raw materials? ”
“Because Huayin Group has long since colluded with Western consortiums!”
Takahashi said bitterly.
Among them are resentment against Huayin Group and some dissatisfaction with Saito.
What time is it, Saito still doesn’t know anything about these things, which makes Takahashi very disappointed.
But he could only explain patiently.
“I got news before that the Western consortium has already linked up with Huayin Group and ceded the trading rights of raw material imports to Huayin Group.
At the same time, they also cooperated with Huayin Group to purchase and hoard raw materials in large quantities in the empire, causing the price of raw materials for light industry in the empire to skyrocket.
Local enterprises have fallen into a slump again, and they simply do not have such strong funds to fight this financial war with Huayin Group! ”
“Huayin Group! It’s Huayin Group again!
Damn it! idiot!
They act recklessly time and time again, and it’s all because of the idiots in the Army.
If it wasn’t for the fact that they introduced Huayin Group into the empire for a bit of resources and protected them everywhere, how could Huayin Group have done this in the empire.
The army is really unforgivable! ”
Hearing Takahashi’s explanation, Saito couldn’t help begging furiously.
Chapter 818: Lin Xian, you are the culprit!
Huayin Group has repeatedly tried to do things in the empire, but the army is not aware of it, and has been covering up everywhere, which has led to the current empire’s economy being manipulated.
This made Saito very angry.
Takahashi looked at the angry Saito, indifferent.
Things have come to this point, and it’s useless to say anything.
He now just hopes that Saito can calm down and strive to find a chance for the empire.
After Saito calmed down a little, Takahashi said indifferently, “Saito-kun, anger is useless.
Up to now, Huayin Group has completely controlled the economic lifeline of the empire. If I guess correctly, Huayin Group will start to slowly increase the price of industrial products in the next step.
And they will not raise prices too fast, each time the price increase will be very small, so small that our people will not care at all.
And the cycle of their price increase is likely to be “three or four zero” every two or three months. ”
“It’s true, it doesn’t make sense!”
After Saito heard Takahashi’s words, some of the anger that had just subsided came up again.
It’s all said and done, even if he is an idiot, he understands it.
By doing this, Huayin Group made it clear that it was leading the empire’s economy into the abyss step by step. For example, every time they raised prices by one or two points, the people would definitely not care.
But after two years, the prices of manufactured goods across the empire are likely to have doubled or tripled.
By that time, the people will even feel nothing.
Because this kind of price, they watched it rise step by step, and the people may have been accustomed to this kind of price at that time.
When they realize that something is wrong, the wealth in their hands is almost tied.
Takahashi waved his hand to signal Saito to calm down, and then said, “Our top priority now is to find a way to prevent such things from happening.
At least, Huayin Group cannot be allowed to act recklessly all the time.
Otherwise, after two or three years, the wealth of the entire empire will be theirs. ”
“Humph! This matter was caused by Lin Xian’s gang. Now that there is trouble, of course, they have to solve it. I’ll go to him with you and reason with him about the good things he’s done!”
Saito said and strode out of the office, and motioned for Takahashi to follow along.
The situation of the empire has come to this point, and Lin Xian is undoubtedly the culprit.
Now Saito can’t care about personal grievances and conflicts between land and sea. If Lin Xian and others are not persuaded to wake up, the empire will be completely destroyed!
Takahashi didn’t say much, and went to find Lin Xian with Saito.
Now, he can only hope that Lin Xian is not stupid enough to stop acting recklessly because of the grievances between the two sides.
At this time, Lin Xian was sitting in the office. Now he doesn’t know the real purpose of Huayin Group, and he is still happy for Huayin Group to smelt steel and supply resources.
After a while, the guards came in to report: “Report General, Takahashi and Saito came to meet you outside the door, saying that there is a major matter to discuss with you.”
“Oh, let them in first.”
Saito sneered, this guy Saito came over, what else can he do except find fault!
But since the other party came to find him, he still had to meet, mainly because Takahashi was also with him. Lin Xian felt that the other party might indeed have something to say.
Even so, Lin Xian would not give Saito a good look.
When Saito and Takahashi entered the office, Lin Xian said coldly, “Saito, what are you doing here, I don’t welcome you here.”
Saito endured his anger: “Lin Xian, I’m not here to quarrel with you this time, but I have something important to tell you. This matter concerns the interests of the empire, not your personal grudges and grievances.”
“Humph! Put away your set, which time did you not say that!”
Lin Xian didn’t buy Saito’s account at all.
Every time Saito comes over, it is the interests of the empire to open his mouth and shut his mouth. He has long known the character of this guy.
Saito ignored him and said coldly: “You are really obsessed, let Takahashi-kun tell you, what you do yourself will see how you buy it!”
Saying that, Saito gestured to Takahashi, Takahashi stepped forward and began to explain to Lin Xian.
Lin Xian just looked at it like this, but he wanted to see, this time Saito is so righteous and awe-inspiring, what can he say!
Gaoqiao said directly: “Lin Xianjun, now Huayin Group has controlled the economic lifeline of the empire, and now the entire empire is facing a crisis. I hope you can give up the quarrel and solve the Huayin Group first.”
Takahashi didn’t show any expression, he didn’t want to quarrel now, he just wanted to find a turning point as soon as possible.
Ke Lin Xian was full of disdain.
the first twoSaito came over and slandered Huayin Group, and now Takahashi is doing this again, it is clearly nonsense and alarmist 0 ……
“Taoqiao-kun, what evidence do you have for saying this?”
Takahashi didn’t bother to have the general knowledge of a martial artist like Lin Xian, and began to explain in detail what happened.
“Lin Xianjun, since the accident in the Fushan Industrial Park, Huayin Group has begun to transport industrial products to the empire and established cheap markets in various places.
However, their behavior has caused local companies to be suppressed. Local companies cannot sell their industrial products and go bankrupt one after another.
Up to now, Huayin Group has acquired all the bankrupt local companies.
Up to now, the entire imperial market is occupied by Huayin Group, and there is no room for the local enterprises of the empire to survive. ”
“That’s a bunch of chaebols doing it themselves!”
Lin Xian looked indifferent, if it wasn’t for those local chaebols who only wanted to make money, how could they be defeated?
Takahashi Yubu argued with him, and continued: “And Huayin Group also colluded with Western chaebols, obtained trading advice for light industrial raw materials from Western chaebols, and raised the price of raw materials.
Subsequently, they joined forces with Western chaebols to aggressively purchase local raw materials for light industry, causing the prices of local raw materials to rise wildly.
As a result, the production cost of local enterprises will increase, and they will face losses once the price is lowered, but Huayin Group can sell industrial products at low prices and attack local enterprises.
Our local companies are already struggling and cannot win this price war. This is the fundamental reason why they were forced to go bankrupt.
Lin Xianjun, you may not know that the so-called cooperation of Huayin Group before 4.3 to cheat the industrial products of Western chaebols was just to transport those industrial products into the empire in a justifiable manner.
Since then, they have colluded with Western consortia.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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