It is not that he is unpopular, but as a financial elite, he must consciously maintain his demeanor.
Of course, this demeanor remained largely lonely.
Seeing that his hard work has been greatly rewarded, Fang Shanming’s mouth was grinning to the base of his ears, and his face was filled with smiles when he was drinking.
Wu Si and Dong Cheng only learned the details later, but in the later stage of the plan, the two also planned a lot for this.
In front of the long table at this time, the three of them were holding champagne and drinking three glasses of wine in a row.
Even if the wine swelled slightly, it blocked the happy smiles of the three of them.
For example, Zhao Lin, Qian Tong, Liang Hui and others are walking around, celebrating success with their colleagues. During the cup and cup exchanges, many people even disregard their normal decency, making loud noises and singing loudly!
The financial harvest of the island country has begun, which means that they can get countless rewards from it.
In the past, Huayin Group paid a huge price in order to resist the economic invasion of Western consortiums, and did not hesitate to use financial leverage. Although it was successful, it also hurt some of its vitality.
And island finance is the best medicine.
All the shortfalls of Huayin Group will be made up from it, and they can further expand and develop with follow-up supplements.
This is related to the future of the entire group, but also to the future of everyone in the group.
With such a happy event, how can everyone be restrained.
After all, they were only in their twenties and thirties, at the age of enthusiasm, immersed in great joy, and their usual restraints had long since disappeared.
Under the bright lights, one champagne tower after another was emptied directly, and boxes of red wine stacked on the wall were opened.
Accompanied by delicious food and wine, the carnival atmosphere has just entered its peak.
In the almost crazy crowd, Su Yun and Nelson sat at the end of the long table, each holding champagne, while Phyllis stood behind Nelson, smiling.
After drinking the glass of wine, Su Yun first looked up at the carnival crowd, and then looked at Nelson.
In such a warm atmosphere, Su Yun’s inner joy was like a flood, filling every corner of his body, so that Su Yun spoke a little faster than usual.
From the beginning to the success of this financial harvest war, it took more than a year before and after, Huayin Group and even Boss Dai paid a lot for it.
In the middle of the journey, Huayin Group had to struggle to support it because of the pressure of Western chaebols, which can be described as twists and turns.
But now, all is over.
Victory is already in our hands, and the next time is Huayin Group’s harvest.
In this regard, Su Yun followed theLike the employees who were revelling, their joy was beyond words, but in front of Nelson, he had to maintain his image a little, and then he could restrain himself.
But in fact, Nelson’s performance at this time is far more open than Su Yun.
While drinking, Su Yun noticed that his hands were shaking slightly.
Compared with Su Yun, Nelson’s city is a bit shallower after all, and even if he wasn’t very familiar with the people from Huayin Group, Nelson himself would like to join the carnival of the crowd.  …
After all, harvesting the finances of the island country is also of great benefit to the eight major consortia.
They can use this to make up for their losses in the Huayin financial war.
As a representative of the cooperation with Huayin Group, Nelson’s status in the family and upper circles will also soar rapidly.
Excited, Nelson took the initiative to salute Su Yun.
“Mr. Su, the success of the island country plan is inseparable from your full-scale planning, and we admire your oriental wisdom.
Now we can put all the plans on the table. The market of the island country is already in our pocket. Even if the people of the island country want to resist, they will never dare to touch us. ”
A look of admiration appeared in Nelson’s eyes.
Although he has not been involved in specific actions against the island nation, he has been monitoring the progress of the matter.
During this period, Nelson gained a new understanding of Su Yun’s wisdom.
It was really difficult for him to understand how Su Yun managed to strategize, even though he was not in the island country, he could clearly grasp the little devil’s mind.
Su Yun knew what Nelson meant, but did not explain much.
But Nelson is right. Now they are the enemies of the island country, but they are also the masters of the island country’s market.
In a big way, the light industry in the island country has completely collapsed. Even though Huayin Group is an intruder economically, the market of the island country needs to be maintained without Huayin Group.
Under this premise, no matter how dissatisfied the little 4.3 devils were, they would not dare to touch them.
“Mr. Nelson is right, and then we can harvest the little devil’s economy in a fair and honest way.
At that time, your lost wealth will also be greatly replenished. ”
Nelson waited for Su Yun’s words and couldn’t help but ask, “Then I want to ask, when will we attack the island country?”
Nelson’s eyes gleamed.
Today, the finance of the island country is just a piece of fat on a plate for them, ready to eat.
And the losses of the eight major financial groups have always been there, so they can’t wait to eat this fast fat to supplement the energy they lost before.
According to Nelson’s idea, they will eat up the finance of the island country in one bite, leaving nothing left! .
Chapter 824: No one can touch China
But Su Yun’s thoughts were different from theirs.
The style of the Western consortium has always been to kill with one shot, but Su Yun wanted to slowly enjoy the wealth.
And Su Yun wants to squeeze every drop of value from the island country!
So Su Yun replied, “Mr. Nelson, I don’t think we need to be in a hurry.
You have suffered losses before and so desperately need to be replenished, but I believe that true wealth comes from creation. ”
Su Yun said and looked at Nelson.
Nelson was a little puzzled, and Su Yun continued: “If we carry out financial harvesting in the traditional way and eat up the economy of the island country in one bite, we can only harvest a wave of leeks.
So we have to let the little devils work for us, let the leeks grow continuously, and we harvest them one by one! ”
“What’s the meaning of this?”
Nelson still had some doubts.
All along, the pattern of economic harvesting has been basically the same.
That is to control the market of a country or region, or to empty the reserves of this country or region, and then dump industrial products here on a large scale after 2009 to make a lot of money.
But Su Yun didn’t seem satisfied with doing so.
Su Yun smiled and said: “This is very simple, in the final analysis, we should treat the little devils as free labor and let them work for us.
The specific method is that we inject capital into various industries in their country.
For example, in the education industry of island countries, we inject capital into it, make its education involute, open up the hierarchy in their education field, and even split it into happiness education and elite education.
Mr. Nelson, do you think the little devil will let his children receive a happy education by that time? ”
Nelson heard the words, and his face showed the color of enlightenment.
The so-called involution of education is to use the power of capital to divide the education industry in the island country. To be more specific, it is to engage in different treatment!
For example, to open a school, as long as you are willing to pay, you can let your children enjoy better teachers.
In this way, the islanders are definitely more willing to let their children receive a better education, so as to spend more money, and this money naturally goes into their pockets.
Nelson suddenly became interested: “Understood, other than that, what else is there to do?”
At this time, Nelson already vaguely knew what Su Yun was thinking, but he needed to confirm a little. If it was what Su Yun thought, the entire island country would become their production machine.
This machine does not produce industrial goods, but it makes money!
Su Yun continued: “Mr. Nelson, I think you already understand what I mean.
In addition to the education industry, we can also use this name to speculate in real estate, and we can also start from their medical care, insurance, pension and other fields.
We want to drain their value little by little, let the little devils overdraft the wealth of the next few decades and generations, and make their entire society become negative!
Life will crush their spines by then, but they have put their wealth in our hands and will always be hungry for something in return.
Until then, they won’t rebel against meThey will be more willing to accept our exploitation! ”
As Su Yun spoke, the smile on his face became stronger and stronger.
His attitude towards the little devils is like that of some unscrupulous capital exploiting the common people in the past, using insurance, loans and other means to let the little devils overdraft their future wealth in advance.
Nelson couldn’t help trembling slightly when he saw Su Yun’s smile.
The smile on Su Yun’s face was obviously normal, but he seemed to feel some kind of cold breath from it.
This came from his previous understanding of Su Yun.
The Chinese people are praising Su Yun for caring for his compatriots and helping the country, but Nelson didn’t fully see until now that Su Yun was so ruthless and resolute in the face of aliens other than his compatriots!
The meaning of Su Yun’s words is very clear.
Nelson is also a capitalist, how can you not understand?
The so-called speculation in real estate through education, the so-called speculation in medical care, insurance, and pensions are all common means of capital exploitation.
Let the little devils buy school district housing, buy medical insurance, buy pension insurance, etc., nominally for the sake of their children’s education, for the sake of their happiness and well-being in their later years.
But Huayin Group will not honor these, just attract them to spend money, spend money, spend money!
To put it bluntly, this is a white wolf with empty gloves!
But little devils don’t know that they will willingly take out the money, but they don’t know that this is just Huayin Group emptying their pockets.
When revisiting Su Yun, Nelson also greatly appreciated such ideas.
His eyes lit up, and he gave a thumbs up: “Mr. Su’s methods are indeed very feasible. To be honest, we didn’t think of these. This is an amazing way to make money. Maybe we can try to do it in the future.”
After Nelson finished speaking, he gestured to Phyllis with his eyes.
Su Yun’s “slow exploitation” method makes him very appreciate.
In this way, they can continue to obtain wealth from people in some countries or regions instead of harvesting them all in one fell swoop, but they cannot obtain sufficient benefits in the future.
Phyllis nodded slightly.
He understood that Nelson wanted to discuss this method at the meeting of the eight major families, and let them, the Locke family and the rest of the consortium, follow Su Yun to implement this method.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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