Afterwards Nelson said again: “Mr. Su, you have such an idea, why didn’t 343 do it in the first place?”
Su Yun’s expression changed immediately.
He understood what Nelson meant.
Huayin Group started in Huaxia, and Huaxia is the largest market in the East. If Huayin Group can apply the above methods to Huaxia when it develops, they will gain huge wealth.
If this is the case, the strength of Huayin Group can be ranked among the top five in the world very early, rather than the current situation, which requires long-term accumulation and development.
But this kind of thing, Su Yun would not do it at all!
He put down his glass and his tone became serious and determined.
“Mr. Nelson, although I am a businessman, I am first and foremost a Chinese.
This land is my hometown, the place where I was born and raised, and the people here are all my compatriots, and I will not do this to my compatriots.
And Mr Nelson, I will not allow anyone to do this to my fellow man.
Today, the entire business community of Huaxia is under the supervision of our Huayin Group. If anyone dares to inject capital into education, medical care, pension, real estate and other fields and exploit their compatriots, our Huayin Group will definitely kill them!
Even if it is a foreign consortium, if they dare to do these things in Huaxia, our Huayin Group will not let them go, and let them know what the hegemony of the eastern business world is! “.
Chapter 825: The Fukuyama Conference, the Financial Harvest Begins
Su Yun’s words were loud, and when he spoke, his eyes were always on Nelson.
It made Nelson feel as if he was being held by something, and he felt uncomfortable.
But Su Yun didn’t feel wrong.
Nelson represents the eight major financial groups, and Huayin Group will not exploit compatriots in China, but the eight major financial groups may not have this idea.
They do this on their own territory, and Su Yun doesn’t care, and can’t control it, but if these guys want to stretch their hands on the land of Huaxia, Su Yun will definitely chop it off with his own hands!
Therefore, the words just now are some of Su Yun’s thoughts, and they are also a warning to the eight major financial groups.
The atmosphere between the two suddenly stiffened, and then Su Yun broke the deadlock.
He raised his glass and said with a smile: “Mr. Nelson, tonight is our celebration banquet. We won’t talk about this kind of thing for the time being, and I believe we are partners, and you will definitely not have any ideas about Huaxia.”
“Ahahaha, of course, Mr. Su can rest assured.”
What I said just now was just a casual feeling, a joke, and Mr. Su needn’t take it to heart. ”
Nelson also raised his glass and smiled contemptuously.
But he still had some regrets in his heart.
If they can persuade Su Yun and let their capital be stationed in Huaxia, they will get a huge amount of benefits.
However, what Su Yun said just now made Nelson understand that this was impossible.
The eight major consortiums had already lost to Huayin Group once before, and they were kept in the dark by Huayin Group from the very beginning.
Soon, Huayin Group, which has absorbed the finance of the island country, will become stronger. If they still want to get involved in Huaxia, if they fail, that kind of loss is not something they can afford.
At that time, Huayin Group definitely had the strength to compete with them.
The standoff between Nelson and Su Yun was just an unexpected episode at tonight’s banquet.
After the page was turned, the atmosphere of joy between the two was replaced again.
in suWhen Yun and Nelson were talking, a group of senior officials of Huayin Group were also celebrating each other. The atmosphere of the banquet reached its peak from the beginning, and it still did not decline until a few hours passed.
By the time the banquet was over, many people had lost their ability to drink.
But they were still full of smiles.
The success of the island country plan is not comparable to the completion of a project, it is the finance of an entire country!
Moreover, there are many feuds between China and the island country, how can everyone be unhappy?
The banquet started around 7:00 p.m. and lasted until more than 3:00 in the morning. At the end, the sky outside the window had dimmed brightly, and the carnival finally stopped.
At this time, the entire office was extremely cluttered, and a night of carnival had made it a mess.
But Su Yun didn’t care much about it.
After the banquet is over, the staff will come to clean it up.
After the carnival that night, the senior management of Huayin Group held a formal meeting to launch the financial harvest operation on the island country.
After a series of operations by Huayin Group, today’s island country has almost lost the concept of light industry.
In the entire island country, local companies are either bankrupt or acquired by Huayin Group. The machines in the factory have also been put into the furnaces of steel and iron smelting plants by Huayin Group.
There are still some factories in the island country that are still struggling to support.
But they just couldn’t let go of their hatred for Huayin Group and were unwilling to accept the fate of being acquired.
Even the bosses of several factories threatened to compete with Huayin Group to the end, even if they lost a little bit of money.
But such a person is no different from a clown jumping a beam.
Since the second shipment of industrial products to the island country, Huayin Group has gradually occupied the market of the island country with its crushing price advantage.
Up to now, with the collapse of light industry in the entire island country, the entire island country’s industrial products can only be supplied by Huayin Group. Huayin Group has fully occupied the island country’s market, and there is no force that can hinder them.
Those local companies in the island country that threaten to fight are just a lonely boat in the turbulent sea.
The waves of Huayin Group can break them to pieces at any time.
In this context, Li Xie also held a meeting in Fukuyama.
On the second day of the celebration banquet, Su Yun ordered someone to get in touch with Li Xie and asked them to prepare everything. The financial harvesting activities of the group on the island country will be fully launched.
In addition, Su Yun also issued a preliminary harvest plan. Li Xie held this meeting to inform the members of the Huayin Group in the island country to implement the headquarters’ plan.
This afternoon, many Huayin Groups in the island country went to the location of the Fushan branch.
The people who come here are all the heads of Huayin Group in various parts of the island country, including managers of banks, heads of local parity markets, and some other business people.
These were all dispatched to the island nation from within the country, and each had outstanding abilities.
In the conference hall of the branch, everyone arrived one after another. After everyone was almost there, Li Xie walked in from outside the conference room.
Seeing Li Xie coming in, everyone in the meeting was full of expectations.
After this meeting, it means that they can completely showdown with the little devils.
Everyone came to the island country and stayed dormant for a long time, just for today.
After entering the conference room, Li Xie also specially asked the secretary to conduct some on-site roll call.
The group’s intention is to let them gradually increase the prices of goods in various markets from now on, as the beginning of harvesting the island country’s finance, so Li Xie must ensure that all personnel are present.
After some roll call, there are many people in charge of industries all over the island country.
Li Xie then slowly opened his mouth and said: “‘”Everyone, so far, we have fully occupied the island country market and conveyed the news to the group headquarters.
Two days ago, the group headquarters has made a decision to start a comprehensive harvest of Little Devils Finance~々! ”
Li (good Li’s) voice fell, and all the participants began to applaud enthusiastically.
This result has always been expected.
After coming to the island country, many people couldn’t help asking their colleagues for news every day, and they had to be careful not to let the little devil see the clues in advance, which was considered a huge effort.
And they operate in the island country, deceiving little devils face to face, it can be said that they are dancing with swords and pulling teeth.
Before that, once the plan failed, the little devil would definitely expel and kill the people of Huayin Group, and at that time, they would be the first to bear the brunt.
Therefore, after everyone was sent to the island country, they were under enormous pressure.
Some people even tease in private that they are just some employees who undertake secret underground work.
These are just some jokes, but it is a very accurate expression of the anxiety of these people at that time.
But today, the pressure can finally be let go.
Chapter 826: Development of Transportation Business
Therefore, after the applause, someone in the conference hall could not help but let out a sigh of relief.
Seeing this, Li Xie didn’t say anything. As one of the people in charge of the island country plan, Li Xie could understand the pressure everyone was under.
After all, he was one of them.
After everyone was quiet, Li Xie said loudly: “I know that everyone has been under a lot of pressure these days, and some people are even scared.
But starting from today, we can put everything on the bright side, and the little devil has been unable to resist us.
Below, I announce the resolution of the group headquarters. ”
As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Li Xie.
Li Xie is holding a document in his hand, which is the action rules from the group headquarters.
“According to the order of the group headquarters, we will carry out the first round of price increases after ten days, and the prices of all industrial products will be increased by 5% on the original basis.
One month after the first round of price increases, we will conduct a second round of price increasesprice.
The price increase process in the future is analogous. Every month, the price of our industrial products will be increased, and each round of price increases will be 2% to 4% of the current price.
Before the start of each round of price increases, I will arrange for a special person to inform everyone 350 to ensure that the price increases are at a consistent pace. ”
After speaking, Li Xie looked at everyone one by one.
“The resolution is roughly the same. The detailed document will be sent to you after the meeting. Do you have any questions now?”
“no problem!
I understand Mr. Li.
We are fine. ”

Everyone in the meeting responded, and Li Xie nodded in satisfaction.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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