I understand, Mr. Su! ”
This time, everyone in the audience responded.
The construction of passenger transportation is something that transportation companies have been doing, but in the field of freight transportation, transportation companies have not invested too much.
Now Su Yun proposes to strengthen the freight capacity of various places, which will be a big test for the busy transportation companies.
But the crowd did not complain or feel frustrated.
This is their responsibility, and everyone will go all out.
Ding Yan also nodded, his expression extremely firm, he knew that his burden was far from over.
Seeing this, Su Yun didn’t say more.
The construction of passenger and freight transportation is still in its infancy. For a long time to come, the burden on the shoulders of transportation companies will always be heavy, and Su Yun does not want to put too much pressure on them.
After all, the construction of transportation is not a child’s play, training drivers, developing routes, etc. must be done step by step, and it is useless to be anxious.
Chapter 828: The Rise of Inland Trade Cities
After the meeting that day, Ding Yan returned to the transportation company with a group of management from the transportation company.
Although the number of their drivers is sufficient now, considering the continuous construction of roads in various regions of the country in the future, the transportation company still has to vigorously develop passenger transport.
In addition, as Su Yun said, transportation companies should also strengthen construction in the field of freight, and the two major fields of passenger and freight are inseparable from drivers.
Therefore, the driver training work of the transportation company must continue.
The continuous construction of roads in various places has made the task of Huayin Transportation Company aggravated a lot, but it has brought great benefits to the development of various parts of the country.
In the past two years, domestic business has flourished, people’s living standards have improved, and local economies have become increasingly prosperous.
At the beginning, due to insufficient infrastructure, it was inconvenient to communicate with the “three to five zeros” in various places, and the radiation effect brought by economic development was not fully reflected.
But this situation is changing with the continuous development of domestic transportation.
With the improvement of transportation construction in various parts of the country, the exchanges and communication between many cities have gradually become more convenient, and this impact is first reflected in the commercial field.
The improvement of roads has allowed commercial and trade exchanges in various places to be more free, and commercial and trade activities have gradually prospered.
This feedback, in turn, has further driven the economic development of various regions.
In the past, developed cities in China basically appeared in coastal or riverside areas, such as Shanghai and other places. This is because inland transportation is inconvenient, and many business activities can only be carried out by sea or water.
However, in the past year, with the continuous strengthening of commercial trade between different places, several cities in the inland areas have gradually developed into developed commercial and trade cities.
The first city is naturally Jinling.
Jinling is the base camp of Huayin Group. Since the development of Huayin Group, its status as a commercial center is becoming more and more stable.
In addition, Huayin Group has been vigorously constructing in and around Jinling City from the very beginning, so the traffic conditions around Jinling City are naturally the best in China.
Up to now, the suburbs, villages and towns around Jinling City have all built roads of different specifications. The city is surrounded by wide two-way six-lane lanes, and there are unimpeded country roads in the towns and suburbs.
Around Jinling City, large and small roads connecting the surrounding cities have also been built, which greatly ensures the internal and external traffic capacity of Jinling City.
The road conditions in Jinling City are also very good.
As early as the initial development of Huayin Group, Su Yun requested the government to cooperate with it to re-plan the roads and buildings in Jinling City.
In today’s Jinling City, every street is very wide, at least reaching the standard of two-way four-lane.
In addition to road construction, the infrastructure in Jinling City is also the best in the country.
In terms of transportation, there are many bus lines in Jinling City. The buses in the city run continuously every day, and there is an endless stream of long- and short-distance passenger vehicles to the outside world, which can guarantee the smooth passenger transportation of Lingcheng at all times.
Today’s Huayin Passenger Terminal has become the largest passenger terminal in China.
Every day in the station, guests from all over the world come to take the train. Many of these guests are businessmen from all over the world who come to Jinling City to conduct business transactions.
Such prosperous business exchanges have made Jinling City, a central city in the country, a step further. In just two or three years, the development level of Jinling City is far ahead, leaving other cities unmatched.
In addition to Jinling City, the second largest commercial city in the inland area is Hankou.
Hankou is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and in the center of the South. It has been the core city of the South since ancient times, and it has the reputation of “the first prosperous place in Central Chu”.
In recent years, the development of domestic transportation has allowed the city to continue its previous prosperity.
In addition, it is close to the Yangtze River and has unique water conservancy advantages. Now the development of ground transportation has made the city of Hankou a southern hub city with extremely convenient water and land transportation.
And Hankou’s railway transportation is also quite convenient, and the end point of the Jinghan Railway is here.
Therefore, Hankou has become a city of gold with water transportation, road transportation and railway transportation.
Hankou and Jinling are both southern cities, and the most representative inland trade city in the north is Xuzhou in Suzhou.
Xuzhou has been a strategic place since ancient times, with the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal passing through nearby, and the intersection city of Longhai Railway and Jinpu Railway.
Such a huge advantage of water and land transportation has made Xuzhou’s commercial trade extremely developed.It has become the third largest inland trade city after Jinling and Hankou.
In addition to these three major cities, Chongqing in the southwest region has also risen in recent years, becoming the largest trade city in the southwest region.
Although Chongqing is located inland, it is close to the Yangtze River, and the waterway transportation is equally convenient. It is precisely by relying on the water conservancy advantages of the Yangtze River that Chongqing has become the most important external window for the whole of Sichuan.
At present, many commercial and trade exchanges in Sichuan are transiting with Chongqing as the hub.
Many bulk trades will choose to enter Sichuan from Chongqing, and some goods transportation and commercial trade activities within Sichuan will also operate externally through Chongqing.
Such as Jinling, Hankou, Xuzhou, and Chongqing are all representative cities with developed domestic commerce and trade.
In addition, there are some commercial and trade cities that are rising due to economic development, such as Changzhou, Zhenjiang and other places, which can be regarded as Jinling’s light, and trade activities are gradually developing.
However, compared to this big trading city like Jinling, they are insignificant.
Today’s Jinling City, the daily volume of goods transactions can be described as terrifying.
There are large and small domestic merchants in the city, either in restaurants, in teahouses, or in hotels and other places, negotiating cooperation and conducting trade exchanges.
In addition to the Chinese people, many merchants from foreign countries will also travel across the ocean to Jinling City to cooperate with local merchants and merchants.
Such prosperous trade exchanges have made Jinling City’s daily trade volume of goods reach the level of millions of tons. As for the specific number, no one can count it.
Compared with Jinling City, Xuzhou, Hankou, and Chongqing are naturally inferior.
However, their daily cargo transaction volume has also reached one million tons. The economic development and the improvement of transportation construction in various places have benefited these cities, which are already hubs, a lot.
Of course, these cities are just a representation of the development of China today.
The changes in transportation and economy have made them prosperous. Although many areas in the country are still backward or even poor, the changes in these cities have sounded the clarion call for the changes in the motherland.
Chapter 829: Merchant from the North
“Jinling City has become more and more prosperous in the past two years. When I came here to do business, it was not so convenient.”
Qu Dongsheng is a northern businessman who has been doing business in the south and the north since five or six years ago.
When he first started his business, Qu Dongsheng started as a small trader. At that time, he mainly traded some furs and medicinal materials from the north and other places and shipped them to the south, where they were sold to some wealthy merchants in the south.
After that, Qu Dongsheng used the money from selling fur and medicinal materials to trade some industrial products from the south and transport them to the north for sale.
And Qu Dongsheng made the difference between this back and forth.
At that time, he often traveled to and from Jinling, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang and other places, so he was deeply touched by the changes in the Jiangnan region, especially the Jinling area.
In the past two years, with the improvement of the domestic economy, the situation of all parties has also stabilized, and Qu Dongsheng’s sales business has grown bigger and bigger.
Now, he still often travels between the north and the south, but he no longer has to worry about many things. After the business has grown, some sundries will be handled by his subordinates. Qu Dongsheng is only responsible for discussing cooperation with some old customers in person. 09
And Qu Dongsheng’s business scope has also changed slightly.
In the first few years of his business, the domestic economy was not prosperous. After Qu Dongsheng sold furs to Jinling and other places, he often could not collect the goods he wanted.
At that time, he often turned around in many places in order to collect a batch of goods.
But now it’s different.
Since the rise of Huayin Group in Jinling, it has promoted the rapid development of various industries. Not only has the economic level of Jinling increased rapidly, but also countless manufacturers have risen one after another.
Although Huayin Group started with heavy industry, the scale of light industry is also very large.
After the rise of trade in Jinling City, it has now become the largest distribution center for goods in the south of the Yangtze River, and countless merchants come to trade here every day.
Today, he only needs to contact Jinling City a little to buy a large number of industrial products, and the variety is complete and the weight is sufficient.
At this time, Qu Dongsheng was sitting in a tavern outside Jinling City, chatting and drinking with the two guys accompanying him.
They were waiting for a customer to come and trade with them.
The guys are people who have been with him for many years and are not restrained in private.
The three of them sat by the window, so they could see some of the surroundings, and even looking up through the window, they could see some high-rise buildings inside Jinling City.
That’s why Qu Dongsheng uttered the sigh he said before.
“Guys, you can remember when we came to Jinling in the first few years. In those years, there were not many high-rise buildings outside Jinling City, and even Jinling City was not as prosperous as it is today.”
A man smiled and said, “That’s right, sir, when we came here to do business in the first two years, these places outside the city were no different from the backcountry.
Don’t watch them catch up in the big cities, but there are brick and thatched huts everywhere, not much better than our countryside. ”
Another guy looked around and said with emotion: “Who said no, I just arrived here and thought we went to the wrong place.
But in the past two years, the development speed of Jinling City is really scary.
In just two or three years, buildings were built everywhere in the city, buildings, and even the places outside the city became prosperous. ”
The guy pointed to the distance: “The Huayin Group developed the Huayin New District here, and also set up the Huayin headquarters. Now the outside of the city is better than the inside of the city!”
After all, the two guys were also the ones who followed Qu Dongsheng to the north and south, and their knowledge was not bad.
However, due to his limited cultural level, he cannot describe his thoughts.
Ke Qu Dongsheng is different, his homeAlthough he is not a wealthy family, his ancestors have been in business until now, and at least they have the conditions for him to study.
Therefore, compared with the two guys, Qu Dongsheng can better appreciate the sense of the passage of time in these years.
He remembered that when he first came to Jinling City, the prosperity of Jinling City left a deep impression on him.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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