This big city is completely different from his hometown. Although the streets in the city are not all wide avenues, the streets and alleys are connected in all directions, and there are shops and storefronts around the streets and alleys.
In the prosperous areas such as Qinhuai District, there are some department stores, large shopping malls, and buildings.
In the evening, those places will still be flooded with lights. It was also at that time that Qu Dongsheng, who came here for the first time, first recognized the concept of “feasting and prosperous places”.
But compared to now, the Jinling City at that time was far behind!
Qu Dongsheng took a sip of wine and sighed softly: “Although Jinling City was prosperous back then, it is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from today.
At that time, the streets in the city were messy, and many shops and commercial buildings had no layout at all. In such a big city, there were still places where electricity and water were not connected.
When we came over to collect some goods, we had to piece together everything.
But things are different now. In the past two years, Huayin Group cooperated with the government to rectify the streets of the whole city. Today, Jinling City is full of wide streets.
Since the economic development, businessmen from all over the city have gradually come to do business. Now Jinling has become the largest trading city in China.
In and out of the city, countless high-rise buildings have also been built, not to mention the original prosperous areas, even those original slum areas now have stable water and electricity pipelines.
Now outside the city can not be called outside the city, it is said to be the suburbs, it is more prosperous than some cities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang! ”
Qu Dongsheng spoke with interest, and he couldn’t stop talking.
As a person who has traveled all the year round, he has seen the changes in Jinling City in the past two years. For him, it is like a dream.
At the beginning, he felt that Jinling was prosperous, but because he was just a fledgling, he had not seen much of the world.
In fact, Jinling City at that time was stronger than ordinary cities. The roads in the city were messy, the commercial trade was not developed, and sometimes the types of commodity supplies were insufficient.
Compared with a prosperous city like Shanghai, Jinling was still a lot worse.
But in just three or two years, this backwardness is gone forever.
The current Jinling City, in Qu Dongsheng’s view, is a real big city!
The most intuitive thing is that some of the original small shops have long ceased to exist and have been replaced by commercial buildings. The so-called small shops are also full of prosperous charm.
Once open, the stores feature flashing signboards, special glass on the outside, and many of the interior shelves have been replaced by transparent windows.
Not to mention those big shopping malls.
All the areas inside are quite neatly planned. Each area is decorated with vitrified bricks on the walls and the ground. The chandeliers arranged on the top and the wall lamps inlaid around them make the commercial building full of a futuristic atmosphere.
Chapter 830: The Great Development of Jinling
Compared with previous years, the types and styles of goods inside have also increased a lot.
For example, clothes, shoes and hats, whether in commercial buildings or small stores, there are only a few styles, nothing more than red, yellow, blue and green embedded with flowers.
Of course, the rich will naturally look for higher-end clothing, but for the common man, this is extremely gorgeous.
But now the situation is different.
From the year before last, when Qu Dongsheng passed through Jinling, the people here began to wear bright clothes even if they were ordinary people.
The clothes were obviously well-designed, with bright color combinations and trendy styles.
Even the civilians at the lowest level no longer only wear those coarse clothes, but also began to wear gorgeous clothes that only the dignitaries could afford in the past.
Qu Dongsheng saw all of this in his eyes.
He understands that all this should be attributed to Huayin Group.
Since the rise of Huayin Group in Jinling, they have begun to influence the market on a large scale, and have included numerous light industrial manufacturers under their own names.
After two years of development, the prices of daily necessities such as clothing have decreased year by year, and people have more wealth in their hands.
Therefore, today’s Jinling can show the phenomenon of “equal clothing between civilians and officials”.
And this is only part of the changes in the city, as for the outside of the city, the changes are even more earth-shaking.
At this time, Qu Dongsheng and the two guys had already eaten and drank for a while, and when the interest came up, Qu Dongsheng simply said: “Let’s go guys, today let’s go shopping outside Jinling City, Huayin New District and other places.
Since the development outside the city, we have passed by several times, and each time we have passed by in a hurry because of business matters, and we have not gone in to take a good look. ”
“But sir.” A man said worriedly: “Aren’t we going to wait for the boss here? If we miss the time, it’s hard to explain.”
They ate at this pub outside the city, resting and waiting for others.
Boss Gu is a partner of Qu Dongsheng. After the great changes in Jinling City in the past two years, Qu Dongsheng purchased all the goods he needed from Boss Gu, and he no longer had to go to various places to assemble things like before.
Qu Dongsheng waved his hand: “It’s alright, I’ve agreed with Boss Gu, I’ll see you after 3 o’clock in the afternoon~々”, then Qu Dongsheng glanced at his watch: “It’s just after noon, let’s go shopping first.”
“Yes, sir.”
The three got up immediately, left the tavern and went outside.
come outAt the time, Qu Dongsheng also specifically instructed the owner of the tavern that if Boss Gu arrives early, let others wait here for a while.
This tavern has only been opened in the last two years. Every time Qu Dongsheng and Boss Gu talk about cooperation, it is here. This is why the two choose to meet here instead of meeting in the city.
Of course, in the final analysis, Qu Dongsheng will not miss the appointment. A few people will go out for a walk at most and come back, so they will not miss the agreed time.
When he came, Qu Dongsheng had already rented a car. After leaving the door of the tavern, Qu Dongsheng asked the driver to drive to Huayin New District.
The vehicles were walking on the way to Huayin New District. Qu Dongsheng and the others kept seeing one vehicle after another traveling between the roads.
Most of these people came to Jinling to do business.
Among these businessmen, there are some financiers, bankers and the like, and their direction is also Huayin New District, or simply Huayin Financial Company.
When the Huayin New District was just established, although the construction was prosperous, after all, the construction time was not long, and the internal traffic was not very busy.
But after this period of development, as the commercial activities of Jinling City have gradually prospered, the commercial activity center outside Jinling City has also become more large-scale and busy.
Qu Dongsheng and others sat in the car, looking to both sides of the road from time to time.
Some buildings on both sides of Zhijian Road, and the entrances of buildings, people in suits or long gowns come and go from time to time.
And listening to their accents, most of them are not natives of Jinling.
This phenomenon is normal. Businessmen from all over Jinling are increasingly frequent. On the roads inside and outside Jinling City, many people are guests from other places.
In contrast, Jinling locals seem to be much fewer.
But Qu Dongsheng knew that this was not because there were fewer locals in Jinling, but more and more foreign merchants had been doing business here in the past two years.
Among some business people who came and went, Qu Dongsheng even saw a few crooked nuts with blond hair and blue eyes.
Today’s Jinling City can be regarded as a veritable international metropolis. It is also located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and is close to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places. Since its development, many foreign businessmen who come to China to trade are also frequent in Jinling. item business.
“Huayin Group is worthy of being a domestic giant. Just relying on this new area, you can see the confidence of others in the world!”
Qu Dongsheng sighed and couldn’t help looking at some tall buildings in the distance.
Like everyone who comes here, although Qu Dongsheng has no specific concepts about words such as “‘future” and “dream”, once he enters Huayin New District, he has a feeling that he is not in this world.
In addition, since the beginning of this year, the business activities of Jinling City have increased rapidly, and some areas of commercial activities have gradually developed around the Huayin New District.
In order to maintain the prosperity and cleanliness of the new area, Jinling Municipal and Huayin Group will naturally not make the interior of the new area too cluttered.
However, the radiation force of Huayin New District is inevitable, which leads to many commercial buildings and shops outside the original new district, and Huayin New District is quietly expanding.
While Qu Dongsheng and others were visiting Huayin New District, the boss Gu, whom he referred to, a businessman named Gu Yulin, was arranging to receive a new shipment of goods at the Xiaguan Wharf.
This batch of goods was shipped from the north, and the quantity was hundreds of tons.
Today’s Xiaguan Wharf is not as prosperous as it used to be. With the increasingly frequent trade exchanges between Jin (Hao Li Hao) Mausoleum, the original large wharfs such as Xiaguan Wharf are very busy every day.
There are hundreds of thousands of freighters on the dock every day. These freighters range from dozens of tons to large freighters of thousands of tons.
The cargo that Gu Yulin was receiving was unloaded from a thousand-ton cargo ship.
While letting his subordinates receive the goods, he looked at the freighters, merchant ships, and passenger ships passing by on the river, and he couldn’t help showing a touch of emotion.
Just two or three years ago, Shimonoseki Wharf was not as busy as it is today.
At that time, both inside and outside the wharf mainly welcomed incoming and outgoing guests. Although there were also various cargo ships and merchant ships, the frequency and scale were far worse than those in the past two years.
Unlike now, the entire wharf is not only busy during the day, but even at night, there are many merchant ships waiting to load and unload goods in order to send all kinds of goods to the north and south.
Chapter 831: A Happy Transaction
At this time, there were many freighters on the river.
These freighters are all industrial products and various raw materials shipped from north and south.
Among these countless industrial products and raw materials, some are directly transported to Jinling City and surrounding areas for trading, and some are transported from the south to the north, or from all parts of the north to the south for trading.
Because today’s Jinling City has become the largest commercial and trade hub in the entire eastern part of the country.
Most of the goods and raw materials transported from the southeast of the Yangtze River to the north will pass through Jinling, and the goods transported from the north to the south will also be distributed through Jinling.
Gu Yulin started his life with this.
Since Jinling’s commercial trade has flourished in the past two years, he has built his current family business step by step by reselling and transporting goods and raw materials from place to place.
Therefore, Gu Yulin is very clear about the current business situation in the city.
In his opinion, although Jinling City is prosperous today, it is far from reaching its upper limit.
With economic development and the rapid expansion of various industries, in the near future, Jinling City will definitely be a hundred times more prosperous than it is now.
This has already been proved.
Since more than two years ago, Gu Yulin has watched the changes of Jinling City with his own eyes.
As a big trader who resells goods, he has been going back and forth between the various terminals in Jinling in the past two years, and he is well aware of the changes in various terminals in Jinling in the past two years.
simpleShan 353 points said that in today’s Jinling along the river, there are piers rising everywhere.
In addition to the original Xiaguan Wharf, Pukou and other places, such as the area along the river in Jiangxinzhou, and the river surface in the northern suburbs of Jinling, there are large and small wharfs being built.
This development is already the trend of the times.
Jinling City, as a hub city for the distribution and distribution of goods from the north to the south, has a daily cargo throughput of tens of millions of tons. Some of the original terminals have been unable to meet the needs of cargo exchanges.
So many large and small docks are built up naturally.
When Gu Yulin came back to his senses and found that the people below were still dawdling, he couldn’t help saying loudly: “You guys move a little more quickly, we have to go to another wharf to unload the goods in the evening!
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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