If time is wasted, who will take on this responsibility! ”
“Yes, sir!”
Hearing Gu Yulin’s rebuke, his subordinates quickly accelerated their actions.
But the amount of goods received this time is too large, and they can’t finish it in a while.
Seeing this, Gu Yulin couldn’t wait any longer. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, he had to rush to the tavern to find Qu Dongsheng and others to discuss cooperation, and he would rush to Xuzhou early tomorrow morning.
Recently, Gu Yulin is preparing to expand his business scope, and places such as Xuzhou and Hankou are today’s commercial and trade centers, and his goals are naturally placed in these places.
So Gu Yulin called his housekeeper and said he was the housekeeper, but he was actually his deputy.
This person is very capable, and things that Gu Yulin is too busy to do are often handed over to him to arrange.
“Butler, you are watching here. I’m going to talk business with people later. Let these people speed up their actions. It must be done before evening, and then you take them to another wharf.”
“I know, sir.”
The butler quickly nodded in agreement, Gu Yulin didn’t care much, got in the car and drove to the tavern agreed with Qu Dongsheng.
When Gu Yulin came to the tavern, it was already after 2:30 in the afternoon.
At this time, the three of Qu Dongsheng had returned here and continued to wait on the table.
Seeing Gu Yulin’s arrival, the two first shook hands and greeted each other, and then they talked about the main topic: “I haven’t seen Brother Gu for a long time, I must have made a lot of money recently, right?”
Gu Yulin smiled and said, “To each other, Brother Qu’s goods are ready. The cigarettes, foreign fires, clothes, shoes and hats you want, as well as paper and pencils, are now parked in our company.”
“That’s great, Brother Gu, it’s not too late, let’s look at the goods first, and then discuss the price!”
After a few people said, they got up and set off for Gu Yulin’s company.
Along the way, the two chatted about business affairs, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.
Gu Yulin has always recognized Qu Dongsheng very much, because this guy has a wide range of business, such as clothes, shoes and hats, pots and pans, pen, ink, paper, inkstone and other gadgets.
Even large items like radios, tables and chairs, (ajed) he would place an order.
All in all, after two years of cooperation, even Gu Yulin has not figured out what Qu Dongsheng is buying or selling. As long as it is industrial products, this guy basically sells everything.
And every time they cooperate, the transaction volume of the two is in the ten or even dozens of tons, which can be said to be a proper big customer.
While chatting and laughing, the two came to Gu Yulin’s company.
The group did not delay, Qu Dongsheng immediately ordered someone to send a telegram, and asked his own people to come and prepare to take the goods away.
And Gu Yulin also took them to the warehouse where the goods were stacked and began to inspect the goods.
As for the price and the like, the two have never been vague.
Before, Huayin Group regulated the domestic market, not only rectified real estate and the like, but also rectified the industrial product trading market, so the current prices of various industrial products have a rough standard.
The cooperation between the two has always been based on market conditions.
The main reason is that the two have cooperated for a long time, and they both understand the bottom line in each other’s hearts, so it is inevitable to haggle back and forth, but in the end, they can both reach the satisfaction of both parties.
After the inspection, Qu Dongsheng nodded with satisfaction.
“Brother Gu is still happy, the goods I want are still delivered in the same amount.
Two years ago, I had to spend a lot of trouble on these things. The owner and the west family ran down, but they still couldn’t get it together. ”
Gu Yulin waved his hand: “Brother Qu, you don’t need to say this, we have cooperated for so long, when did I let you go through trouble?
Speaking of which, I have to rely on Huayin Group to raise what you want so smoothly. If it weren’t for Huayin Group’s help in domestic economic development, how could Jinling City have such prosperous business activities.
In the morning of three or two years, if you asked me for so many messy things at one time, I would not have time to get them for you! ”
“Ha ha ha ha!”
The two of them couldn’t help laughing.
Gu Yulin was right. The reason why he was able to collect the goods that Qu Dongsheng needed was because Jinling’s business activities were far better than before.
Nowadays, most of the goods traveling between the north and the south are distributed in Jinling, and these merchants who re-sell goods have more ways to get various industrial products.
Otherwise, you have to go family by family.
Next, the two quickly negotiated the price of the goods. After the transaction between Qu Dongsheng and Gu Yulin was completed, the two chatted for a while.
Seeing that it was getting late, Gu Yulin clasped his fists and said, “Brother Qu, I have to go to Xuzhou to do business tomorrow morning, so I have to prepare tonight, so I won’t stay any longer.
When you come to Jinling next time, we will have a good chat. ”
“Since that’s the case, my brother won’t bother you any more.”.
Chapter 832: Outside the City of Xuzhou
Qu Dongsheng clenched his fists in return, and left with the two guys and his subordinates.
He knew that when Gu Yulin went to Xuzhou, it was inevitableIt was to expand the scope of business. Although Xuzhou today is not as good as Jinling, it is also the center of the distribution of goods in the north. People like Gu Yulin naturally go back to make a fortune.
But he didn’t pay much attention to it. At night, he would be busy transporting this batch of goods across the river, and then transport it from Pukou to the north.
Speaking of which, this batch of goods will also pass through Xuzhou when it is transported.
After all, Xuzhou is the intersection of the Jinpu Railway and the Longhai Railway, which communicates the north, the south, the east, and the west. Qu Dongsheng bought this batch of goods to conduct transactions in the entire north.
And if you want to transport goods from Jinling area to the north, the fastest way is to load the truck from Pukou, go to Xuzhou via the Jin-Pu Railway, and then turn to the northern-region of Shaanxi, Beiping and Pingping.
After saying goodbye to Qu Dongsheng, Gu Yulin went back to prepare. In the early morning of the next day, he took some entourage and others to Pukou to take the train and went north to Xuzhou to do business.
It was not the first time that Gu Yulin had come to this place in Xuzhou.
With the economic rise in the past two years, Xuzhou has become a major inland trading city, and it has also attracted countless businessmen to trade here.
The reason why Gu Yulin can stand out from many businessmen and occupy a place in Jinling is because he has traveled all over China in the early years and has rich knowledge.
And in the past few years, Gu Yulin has tried to do some business such as goods trading.
But at that time, the domestic economic development was not sluggish, the trade environment was not comparable to the current one, and Gu Yulin didn’t make any money at all.
The train went all the way north to Xuzhou. After Gu Yulin and the others got off the train and left the station, they were stunned by the sight in front of them.
I saw that towering buildings and buildings have been built on the periphery of Xuzhou City today. From the edge of the railway station, looking into the distance, the wide two-way four-street stretches from the front to the distance.
On these streets, many cars are running from near to far, or from far to the front.
Gu Yulin was stunned by the scene in front of him.
He has been busy in Jinling for the past two years, and apart from keeping in touch with some people in Xuzhou by telegram, he has no time to come and see in person.
Before getting off the train, Gu Yulin noticed that the people who came and went in the station had different clothes. There were ordinary people in simple clothes, and there were high-ranking people in suits and leather shoes and long shirts and hats.
And Gu Yulin noticed that the accents of these people are not the same, and they all have accents from east, west, north and south.
But Gu Yulin didn’t really care.
Xuzhou is known as a thoroughfare of five provinces. With economic development in recent years, domestic roads have become more and more smooth. Xuzhou is a core city connecting north, south, east and west, and it is normal for people from so many different regions to meet here.
But it was only now that Gu Yulin realized that he thought things were too simple!
Looking at the avenue at his feet and the high-rise commercial buildings all around him, Gu Yulin couldn’t help but turn his head and said to a follower next to him, “When you and I came here a few years ago, this place was just a mud-tiled house.
I don’t think that in just three or two years, such a big change has taken place outside Xuzhou. ”
That entourage also came back to his senses, and he was also stunned by the changes here. Now that he heard Gu Yulin say this, he opened his mouth in a daze.
“Yes, sir, at that time, it was the same as the outside of Jinling City, the suburbs were just mud-tiled houses, and many other places were wasteland.
But now there are actually a large number of high-rise buildings and such wide roads.
If we hadn’t just taken the train, I would have thought we were still in Jinling! ”
Gu Yulin nodded, agreeing with what the entourage said.
When he was in contact with a few friends in Xuzhou before, he kept seeing them bragging in telegrams, saying that there are many high-rise buildings everywhere in Xuzhou, which is not much worse than Jinling.
Gu Yulin didn’t believe it at all. ,
Jinling City is the center of the country and the base camp of Huayin Group. In the past two years, trade has prospered and the economy has taken off. Xuzhou is just a mere amount, and it can be compared with Jinling?
But when Gu Yulin saw the situation here with his own eyes, he knew that his friend was right.
Not far from the train station, there are many high-rise buildings, and the surrounding walls of the high-rise buildings are all shrouded in bright special glass, shining in the morning sun.
On both sides of the road extending from the front of the station to the distance, large and small shops spread out along the street, and each shop has a flashing signboard at the door.
Even in broad daylight these signs are striking.
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After watching it on the spot, Gu Yulin sighed softly: “This place is almost the same as Jinling. Although it is not comparable to the Huayin New District today, compared with those years, it has undergone earth-shaking changes.”
The group of people who followed couldn’t help but nodded.
Only those who have been to Xuzhou can truly feel the drastic changes in Xuzhou City.
In the past, outside the city of Xuzhou could not be regarded as a suburb at all, at best it could only be said to be a village at the foot of the city wall.
But now that everyone has not entered the city, an urban atmosphere is blowing.
While feeling emotional, Gu Yulin waved his hand: “Let’s go, let’s advance to the city!
I heard from some of my friends that the trade in goods in Xuzhou is very developed now, and it seems that what they say is true, so let’s see what this Xuzhou city is like!”
As Gu Yulin said that, he brought a group of followers into the city.
After entering the city, Gu Yulin first found a rental car and rented a car to wander around the city.
The situation outside the city just now deeply attracted him, and Gu Yulin wanted to see what kind of huge changes had taken place in this Xuzhou city.
He came here this time to expand his business in Xuzhou, and for a businessman like him who reselling goods, it is absolutely necessary to understand the geographical environment of a place first.
Only after understanding the current situation of Xuzhou, he nextin order to better develop business.
While sitting in the car watching, Gu Yulin kept nodding his head.
As he expected, the situation in the city has not been what it used to be.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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