When he came to Xuzhou a few years ago, most of the city was just a few slightly delicate brick houses, and the so-called prosperous areas were only scattered with some small western-style buildings.
As for the so-called high-rise buildings, there were not many of them at all at that time.
But now Gu Yulin looked around, the streets in the prosperous area were all 40 to 50 meters tall buildings, and these buildings were obviously some large-scale commercial activities.
Gu Yulin noticed that at the entrance of the building, many well-dressed people came in and out.
He is a businessman himself, so he can naturally see at a glance that many of these people entering and leaving the building are businessmen or financiers who come here to work.
Chapter 833: The Land of the Five Provinces
In a trance, Gu Yulin seemed to see Huayin New District again.
If it weren’t for these prosperous areas in Xuzhou City being relatively cluttered and the layout not so neat, Gu Yulin would have even suspected that they were in the Huayin New District.
No way, the situation here was too shocking to him.
Once upon a time, Xuzhou was only a third-rate city in his eyes, but now this third-rate city has developed into a metropolis with a large number of businesses.
Taking his eyes back from the outside, Gu Yulin asked the driver: “I remember coming here only two years ago, Xuzhou City is just an ordinary city, why has it changed so much now?
Did your Xuzhou city also fly up the branches and become a phoenix? ”
The driver is a native of Xuzhou. Hearing Gu Yulin’s question, he was slightly unhappy.
It’s just that Gu Yu’s “Three Five Seven” Lin is his employer, and he has seen the world at first glance, so the driver is not very good to directly refute.
So he had no choice but to say, “Sir, haven’t you been to our Xuzhou for the past two years?
Since the rise of Huayin Group in Jinling, which has promoted the economic development of various places, the transportation of our Xuzhou has become more and more developed, and it has been affected by the great economic development.
Since two or three years ago, many more cars have started running on the roads here, and the goods on them are all going from south to north!
It was also from that time that the number of wealthy businessmen who came to and from our Xuzhou began to increase.
These people are talking and doing business in the train station, in the prosperous areas everywhere, and they come and go. Our place has become a place where goods from south, east, and northwest gather, and the economy has long been incomparable to the previous two years. ”
The driver took the time to point to a building not far away and said, “Just this building, it was just built this year.
To be honest, even Mr. Su of Huayin Group also inspected it here. ”
“Cough cough!”
Gu Yulin coughed twice.
This kind of bragging seems to be a common problem among the general public in the country. The driver is probably in a good mood, and he can’t even talk big.
However, from what he said, it can be seen that Xuzhou has indeed undergone tremendous changes in the past two years.
As for why he brought Su Yun?
This is simple. Today’s Su Yun is a household legend. The driver is a native of Xuzhou. To say that Su Yun has stayed here is to save face for his hometown.
It’s a pity that he didn’t know that Gu Yulin came from Jinling, so he just hit the muzzle of the gun.
After asking some questions again, Gu Yulin said, “Take us to various train stations, or other distribution centers for goods, and the market here.”
“Okay, our business in Xuzhou is booming now. If you come to do business, you will make a fortune!”
Gu Yulin’s mouth twitched slightly and ignored it.
This driver is also a big tongue, and he blows anything casually.
Yes, the reason why he proposed to visit various markets and near the station is to examine the current trade status of Xuzhou so that he can start business in the future.
The driver was obviously aware of this, and casually bragged about it.
Anyway, he doesn’t need to be responsible if something goes wrong. If Gu Yulin and others make money, they can leave a good impression when they meet again next time. Why not do it?
The car turned several wide streets and first came to a large cargo transfer market.
This market was built on the ground by local officials in Xuzhou last year, with the purpose of accommodating goods from various places.
Today, Xuzhou is connected by Jinpu Railway and Longhai Railway from north to south, connecting from east to west. It can be said to be the heart of the entire domestic transaction. From north to south to east to west, there are countless goods transiting here every day.
After reaching the periphery of the market, Gu Yulin and others got off the bus.
I saw that the market area is huge, and looking inside from the entrance, there is no end in sight.
A group of people entered the market and found that the market has been divided into many special areas, such as the east area, the south area, the north area, etc., and each area is used to temporarily store industrial products from various places.
Inside these areas, workers are always busy loading and unloading.
Workers load the goods temporarily stored here into trucks, which are then transported to the nearest freight station. Merchants from all walks of life send people to supervise and record the goods in and out.
In addition, Gu Yulin also saw some “big men” wearing long shirts or tunic suits.
These people are naturally businessmen from all sides 0  …
Their goods are distributed here, and these people come to supervise in person, and some businessmen like Gu Yulin simply trade bulk goods in some areas here.
These people speak with accents from all over the world, and due to the inconvenience of communication, many even seek atranslation in some places.
Gu Yulin looked happy.
“As expected of the five provinces, people from all over the country come here to do business. It seems that I have a lot to do here!”
After being happy for a while, Gu Yulin did not rush to make a decision.
Then he took his entourage on the bus and asked the driver to take them to some train stations and other places.
Some traded goods in the western region will be transported to Xuzhou along the Longhai Railway, and then transferred from Xuzhou to North-South and other places for trading. Many bulk goods from the south and the north will also pass through the Jinpu Railway and use Xuzhou as the transit point. .
Today’s Xuzhou welcomes countless freight trains every day.
After arriving in Xuzhou, many of these goods will be transported to some nearby venues for induction and transfer.
There are also on-site transfers of goods in railway stations around the world.
This is what Gu Yulin wanted to see. He brought a group of people to a cargo distribution center near the train station, and saw many people loading and unloading goods here.
Gu Yulin stepped forward to find a worker leader for a temporary 4.3 conversation.
“Brother, are you a native of Xuzhou, do you know the goods exchange here?”
The worker took the cigarette and said confidently, “You are asking the right person!
Since the prosperity of our Xuzhou cargo trade, I have been leading people to work here. There is nothing I don’t know about the distribution of most of Xuzhou’s goods! ”
Xuzhou has become the center of north-south trade and transactions, and many goods from south to north have to pass through here, which has spawned a team of stevedores who make a living by loading and unloading goods for others.
This worker is clearly one of those people.
Gu Yulin nodded and continued to ask: “Then how many trains carry goods in and out of Xuzhou every day, do you know the specific situation?”
The worker waved his hand: “You seem to be a layman when you ask this question!”.
Chapter 834: Ambition
“how you said that?”
Gu Yulin was a little surprised. He has been selling and selling all kinds of goods for the past two years, and even in Jinling, he is quite famous.
But now, it was a joke by a stevedore chief?
Seeing that Gu Yulin was puzzled, the man explained patiently.
“In the past two years, the volume of goods transactions in Xuzhou has been increasing day by day. If you ask how many cars can pass through a certain station in a day, I can give you an estimate.
But if you want to ask us how much goods are in and out of Xuzhou every day, Wang Laozi didn’t know that day!
I said, brother, goods from this side, from the north, including those from the south, have to pass through us. I don’t know how much goods pass through Xuzhou every day. How do you want me to answer you? ”
Gu Yulin smiled bitterly after hearing this.
He forgot about that.
In terms of prosperity, Xuzhou is indeed not as good as Jinling.
However, Xuzhou, as the national cargo distribution center city, is even several grades higher than Jinling in terms of daily cargo throughput.
His question was indeed a bit awkward.
But it doesn’t really matter.
After walking around for so long, Gu Yulin had a rough estimate of Xuzhou’s current trade situation. 09
According to what he saw at the station and some goods trading markets, Xuzhou did indeed gather goods from all over the world, and there were a large number of merchants buying and selling here.
If he can start a business here, he will definitely make a lot of money!
When he returned to the hotel to rest in the evening, Gu Yulin had even begun to think about how to expand his business scope to Xuzhou.
This is a feng shui treasure!
Jinling City is the center of goods trade in the southeast, and Jinling is a common distribution center for goods from east, west, north and south, receiving trade activities from all over the country.
If he can start a business in Xuzhou and echo Jinling, it won’t take long for him to see the business become stronger and bigger, and even become the top merchant in the country.
In a few days, he will go to Hankou for inspection.
There is also one of the important inland trading cities in the south, and he, Gu Yulin, has to establish a foothold there!
Not only Gu Yulin has this idea, but many businessmen in Central China and Sichuan also hold similar ideas.
The city of Hankou is close to the Yangtze River and is located in the Jianghan Plain. The waterway transportation is well developed. It is also the end point of the Beijing-Hankou Railway. It is an important hub connecting the central and western regions of the south of the Yangtze River to the north.
Moreover, from Hankou to the east, you can also connect to Jinling and other places through the Yangtze River, and directly reach the most prosperous areas in the country.
Because of this, many businessmen from Central China or Sichuan hope to establish a foothold in Hankou.
Li Jingwei was originally an ordinary citizen in Sichuan. He was born into an ordinary family in Chengdu. With the gradual improvement of economic development in the past two years, Chengdu and other places have also been affected by the general trend of economic development. increasing year by year.
Although Li Jingwei didn’t know much, he was a nimble man, and taking advantage of this momentum, he soon embarked on the path of business and trade.
At the beginning, he only sold some industrial products around Chengdu, and operated on a small scale.
However, the industrial products he got were all from factories under Huayin Group. The brand convincing power of Huayin Group gave Liu Jingwei a chance to rise.
At that time, not long after the rise of Huayin Group, the prestige of Huayin Group was spreading from Jinling to all parts of the country.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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