At that time, the traffic in Sichuan was inconvenient and the information was relatively blocked, which made the people in this area accept the industrial products of Huayin Group later.
But it is precisely for this reason that the people of Sichuan are very enthusiastic about it.
During that time, the “Huayin fever” was set off in the whole Sichuan area, and the people of Sichuan, whether it is the upper class of the society or the common people, they all favor the products of Huayin Group.
It was at that time that Liu Jingwei seized the opportunity and became one of the top traffickers in the area.
In essence, Li Jingwei at that time just bought some products of Huayin brand through various channels, and then sold them to some people in Sichuan area.
To put it more harshly, they are just some traffickers.
But as more and more goods were trafficked and the family business became bigger and bigger, Li Jingwei unknowingly acquired the title of “Master”.
However, his method of buying and selling has not changed. He still buys goods through some channels, and then sells them to people in various places and some merchants. He just needs a little respect, and he is no longer sneaky and resold like before.
Today’s Li Jingwei has also left the Chengdu area where he made his fortune before, and turned to do business in Chongqing.
The reason is also very simple. The area of ​​Chongqing is an important gateway to and from Sichuan. If the goods from outside want to enter Sichuan, they must enter from Chongqing.
If the goods in Sichuan area want to go out of Sichuan, they must also be turned over from Chongqing.
Although the Chongqing area is not comparable to Jinling and Xuzhou, it has developed railways and smooth roads as traffic support.
However, it is close to the waters of the Yangtze River. After Huayin Group used countless explosives to clear the underwater reefs of the Yangtze River, it became an important waterway to enter and exit Sichuan.
On this day, Li Jingwei was checking the recent bills in his house when the housekeeper suddenly came in from outside.
“Master Qi, there is someone outside asking to see him, saying that he is from Jinling and wants to discuss a big business with you.”
Li Jingwei was slightly surprised.
Jinling is now the 357 economic center in China. There are many talents there, and there are countless wealthy businessmen, but he has never had any contacts in Jinling. How can a businessman from Jinling suddenly come?
But Li Jingwei was very thoughtful and did not want to miss this opportunity.
So he motioned to the housekeeper and said, “Please come in first.”
The housekeeper stepped back respectfully, and after a while, he walked in with a middle-aged man in a robe.
After the man came in, he smiled and said, “You are Li Jingwei, brother Li, I have long admired the name, and I am fortunate to meet you today.”
Li Jingwei looked up and down at this person and was quite puzzled.
“My dear, we don’t seem to have met. I wonder why you are here today?”
The middle-aged man said with a smile: “Gu Yulin is a businessman in Jinling. I have heard for a long time that Brother Li is doing quite well in Chongqing. I came here today to ask Brother Li to introduce the recent situation in Chongqing to Gu. And I want to work with Brother Li.”
It was Gu Yulin who came.
After leaving Xuzhou, he originally wanted to go to Hankou for inspection, but considering that there is also a major business center in Chongqing in the southwest, and both of them use the Yangtze River as their lifeline for trade, and have many connections, Gu Yulin simply came to Chongqing directly. I plan to start from here and expand the business scope.
After all, there are only four major inland commerce and trade cities in the country, Gu Yulin is very ambitious, and if he wants to do it, he will eat it in one bite! .
Chapter 835: The Throat of Sichuan-District Trade
And he also inquired, Li Jingwei is a representative of the current Chongqing businessmen, so Gu Yulin came to visit Li Jingwei first when he arrived here.
After listening to Gu Yulin’s intentions, Li Jingwei invited him to the living room to discuss in detail.
He has been entrenched in Chongqing for such a long time, and has always wanted to develop outwards, but suffers from the lack of a suitable opportunity. Now Gu Yulin’s arrival has just opened up a way for him to expand his business.
“Brother Gu said that he wanted to know the current situation of Chongqing, but he didn’t know what he wanted to know?”
Gu Yulin did not hide it, and said directly: “Chongqing has grown rapidly in the past two years, and there is a lot of commercial trade. Gu wants to develop here, but he does not know the specific situation.
Today’s harassment is to first ask how the trade in Chongqing has developed. ”
“I see.”
Li Jingwei immediately understood what Gu Yulin meant.
Gu Yulin’s so-called trade development is nothing more than wanting to see how prosperous and progress Chongqing has developed in the past two years, so as to judge whether there is an opportunity to make a fortune here.
But everyone is a shrewd person, he knew that Gu Yulin would definitely not believe it when he said empty words.
Moreover, since the other party intends to find him to cooperate, and he also wants to develop outward, it is better to entertain Gu Yulin and leave a good relationship between the two parties.
Therefore, Li Jingwei immediately shouted to the outside world: “Housekeeper, I just ordered the car to be prepared. I want to visit the city with this brother Gu.”
Immediately, Li Jingwei got up and invited him: “Brother Gu, please, I’ll show you how Chongqing is today.”
“That’s work.”
Gu Yulin got up and the two walked out together.
At this time, he was already impressed by Li Jingwei.
With a few urgent words, this person can take into account his own mind, and he is indeed a person with a broad mind. Could it be possible to rise so quickly in Sichuan and Chongqing.
And Li Jingwei also admired Gu Yulin very much.
Before the other party came, he must have understood himself carefully, otherwise he would not have revealed his purpose so bluntly, and he would not have trusted him so easily.
By this time, the two sides actually already have the psychological basis for cooperation.
Although the two had just met, Li Jingwei and Gu Yulin knew from each other’s words and deeds that the other party was definitely a smart person, and he was very happy to talk and do things.
Working with such a person is relaxing and reassuring.
After starting from Li Jingwei’s mansion, the car drove all the way into the bustling area.
Gu Yulin admired while looking at the buildings on both sides of the road.
“It is said that Chongqing has transformed like a carp leaping over a dragon gate in the past two years. Gu Mou didn’t believe it at first, but after seeing it with his own eyes today, he believes that the rumors from the outside world are true~々.”
Li Jingwei sat next to him, and after lying down, he couldn’t help laughing: “I don’t blame Brother Gu for not believing it., To tell the truth, Chongqing’s development speed in the past two years, even we ourselves can’t believe it. ”
Saying that, Li Jingwei pointed to the commercial buildings on the street.
It was not yet noon, but the sun in the sky was already very dazzling.
Following the direction of Li Jingwei’s finger, Gu Yulin could see that many high-rise buildings on both sides of the street were covered with special glass, and the sunlight was reflected back by the glass, making people a little dizzy.
And these buildings are extremely tall, and they are covered with various billboards and light boards.
Li Jingwei then said: “Two years ago, Chongqing was still a backward place.
At that time, the streets here were just some narrow alleys, and even if there were wide roads, most of them were in disrepair and inconvenient.
Brother Gu, the high-rise buildings you saw were just some low-rise shops two or three years ago, and at most they were just some bungalows.
However, since more than two years ago, the rise of Huayin Group has driven economic development, causing a large-scale influx of goods from the southwest and eastern Jiangnan into Sichuan.
As the gateway to Sichuan and the Yangtze River Water Conservancy, Chongqing has naturally become a major distribution center for Sichuan goods.
Since then, officials here have called for people to re-plan buildings and roads in the city, demolishing all the low-rise buildings and clutter.
Later, all those disrepaired roads and narrow roads were overturned and rebuilt. Following the standard of Huayin Group, all the connections in important areas of the city were expanded into two-way four-lanes for the passage of vehicles.
After the road rectification was over, they used the wealth brought by commercial trade to call on everyone to raise money to build these commercial buildings and other buildings.
Of course, some of them are also built by local businessmen themselves.
For example, the two department stores we passed by belong to my Li family. ”
Li Jingwei pointed to the two buildings that the car had just passed by. Both buildings were more than fifteen stories high. From the first floor to the top floor, various billboards,
It’s only daytime, and the neon lights on the billboards don’t stand out.
If at night, the neon lights flicker endlessly, and the two buildings will be set off like giants standing in costumes, which is a truly spectacular sight.
Gu Yulin kept nodding his head.
The car drove through an entire street just now. From Li Jingwei’s introduction, he could hear how much Chongqing has changed in recent years.
Just like what he saw in Xuzhou before, the two places have developed about the same in the past two years. They both rose from a backward third-rate city to a prosperous metropolis in a very short period of time.
In Gu Yulin’s eyes, Chongqing is actually similar to the Xuzhou he saw a few days ago. It has changed from backward and messy to today’s advanced and prosperous.
After walking around the bustling area, Li Jingwei signaled to the driver: “‘ ‘Change the route and go to the riverside pier to see.”
“Yes, sir.”
Hearing the words, the driver turned around an intersection and drove straight to the riverside.
Since Li Jingwei has always been in the trade of goods, his residence and various industries are actually not far from the riverside area.
This also makes it easier for him to handle some internal and external affairs.
After walking for a while by car, Li Jingwei and Gu Yulin came to a pier by the river.
Li Jingwei got off the car and pointed to the freighters and merchant ships on the river and said, “Brother Gu, this is the most prosperous wharf in Chongqing.
Those freighters and merchant ships came from Jinling, Hankou, and all parts of the south to transport goods into Sichuan.
In addition to the goods entering Sichuan, there are also many ships here that transport various industrial products from Sichuan and other places into Chongqing, and then transport them to the outside from here.
In addition to the docks here, there are more than a dozen large and small docks along the river.
According to the current situation, Chongqing can handle several million tons of goods in one day. ”
“Okay, okay, it is indeed the throat of Sichuan’s trade!”
Gu Yulin sighed softly and couldn’t help looking at the cargo ships on the river.
I saw that on the river near the dock, many large and small freighters were transporting, and some were going out from the dock. At first glance, it was a ship that transported some goods from Sichuan to other places.
Most of them came from the river in the distance, and you don’t have to think about it, you know that they are businessmen who traffic goods to Sichuan from other places.
Chapter 836: Hit it off
Gu Yulin had seen the big scene before. When the wharf by the Jinling River was busy, there were many freighters on the river near the wharf, and it was almost impossible to see the river surface.
Although the wharf here in Chongqing does not have such a grand scene, there are always boats coming and going.
Gu Yulin and Li Jingwei were walking on the edge of the pier and found that there were many businessmen gathering here, listening to their conversations, with different accents, probably from the south to the north.
Han Yu: My sister is Mengzhi
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