
[The battle begins……]

[I was ready just before the effect of [Miracle Magic: Blue King's Order] disappeared, [Middle Dark Magic: Mirror of Bliss]],[Lower Dark Magic: Dark Eclipse]……]


[When I use [Middle Dark Magic: Mirror of Bliss],[Lower Dark Magic: Dark Corrosion] With these two spells, it was very easy to eliminate all the enemies who were only below the strength of lower-level demons, as well as three outsiders with the strength of middle-level demons, of course, with the help of Anna Kushina and Masahiro Yuno.……]

[Kushina Anna's [High Sensing Synchronization] can let me know the enemy's position, number, strength and arrival time in advance, and Yu No Yari creates an illusion for the enemy, thereby dispersing the seemingly numerous enemies little by little, and then defeating them one by one. If it doesn't work, release [Lower Dark Magic: Silent Night Barrier] to set traps. Yes, you can set more traps.……]

[Since Anna Kushina is extremely important to Takashi Mitsuchi, she can be used as a lure or bait when necessary. [Lower Dark Magic: Silent Night Barrier] combined with [Middle Dark Magic: Black Shadow Technique] can also be used to assassinate.……]



Look at the fighting style recorded in the diary.

This is the first time that everyone knows the diary owner's fighting style. Before, whether it was against ghouls, or against Mephisto Ferrus and the magicians of the Gray Magicians Association, it was not considered a battle.

The first battle against ghouls was directly taken away by the diary owner who had just awakened the artifact [Magic Creation Original], using the [Upper Dark Magic: Disaster Black Snake Technique] remaining on it.

And when facing Mephisto Ferrus and the magicians of the Gray Magicians Association, he was just stalling for time.

Now is the real battle of the diary owner.

But, how to say it - let alone the secret existence and the gods, even ordinary people feel a burst of weirdness. Although there are not many descriptions of the battle in the diary, there is one thing, the diary owner will use all kinds of advantages of his side, as long as he can defeat the enemy, no matter what means can be used. It seems to be correct, and it is understandable in a battle of life and death.

But the owner of the diary is too insidious. He sets traps for all kinds of enemies and even uses monitors to lure the enemies into the diary.

Assassination, bait, stabbing in the back...

The owner of the diary plays it to the fullest, just like the perfect magic he created using the [Magic Creation Original], it is extremely insidious!


[Although it was our first time working together, we had a good understanding of each other. However, Anna Kushina was not very good and looked at me in a strange way.……]

[……Finally, they used [Superior Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Array] to eliminate all enemies, even ordinary researchers were not spared. These people had no strength themselves, but they were completely accomplices, and none of them could be spared. Now, as long as they could get rid of Takashi Mitsuchi, they could completely destroy the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center that brought painful memories to Anna Kushina and other outsiders.……]

[When we found Takashi Mitsuchi, his eyes were filled with despair, and he seemed to understand that he was doomed.

He hysterically accused the second king, Dajue Changlu of the Golden Kingdom, of selfishness and injustice, and that he had arbitrarily decided his own fate...

As mentioned before, the second king, Dajue Changlu of the Golden Kingdom, possesses the attribute of"fate" and has the ability to maximize people's talents.

Therefore, his Golden Clan, non-Shiyuan, are all outstanding talents in various industries.

They are leaders of Japan from the top to all walks of life.

Therefore, the King of Gold is the only king who truly dominates Japan and has the priority power to give orders to various national institutions.


[However, I have no intention of stopping talking nonsense to Takashi Mitsuchi... I will directly use [Lower Dark Magic: Dark Corrosion] to bury him. After all, the abilities he has learned from the second king, Changlu Dajue of the Golden Kingdom, are all in his research, and his own strength is better than nothing... It is naturally very simple to deal with him.……]

[However, when I released [Lower Dark Magic: Dark Corrosion], I deliberately slowed down the speed of [Lower Dark Magic: Dark Corrosion], allowing it to devour Takashi Mitsuchi bit by bit. The physical pain of watching myself disappear bit by bit was no less than the ancient torture of lingchi... This was his punishment, and he deserved it.……]


[It was just that Yutsuchi Takashi was dissatisfied with the second king, Changlu Dajue of the Golden Kingdom. He continued to accuse the second king, Changlu Dajue of the Golden Kingdom, of his various actions from the bottom of his heart until his death, among which he mentioned the"Human Agreement"》?!]

[《Human Agreement?! I am very unfamiliar with this. I have never heard of it.……]

[However, from the words of Yutsuchi Takashi before his death, it seems that the second king, Changlu Dajue of the Kingdom of Gold, has joined forces with the first king, Adolf the King of Silver.·K·Wizman and the gods and demons signed a contract. What concerned me was that Takashi Mitsuchi said that it was the beginning of human humiliation.……]

[Humiliation brought by the king's own hands……]

[After saying this, Takashi Mitsuchi died completely under the torture of [Lower Dark Magic: Dark Corrosion]……]



Although the culprit, Takashi Mitsuchi, is dead, and the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, which is like hell to those outside the power, will soon be destroyed by the diary owner himself, the last words of Takashi Mitsuchi recorded in the diary have attracted the attention of many people.

Humiliation?! Humiliation brought by the king himself?!

What does this mean?!

And what is the"Human Agreement"? Not to mention ordinary people, even the heads of chaebol families like Tsukimiya Ryuko are extremely confused in their hearts, because they know nothing about the"Human Agreement".

The only thing we can know now is

《The Human Agreement is led by the second king, Changlu Dajue of the Kingdom of Gold. The origin of all kings, the Sky Supervisor corresponding to the Golden King who rules the earth, and the first king, the Silver King Adolf·K·Wiseman also got involved.

The two sides should be the human beings represented by the royal authority and the race of gods and demons!

But what kind of agreement is in the"Human Agreement" that actually made Takashi Mitsuchi say that it is a humiliation for mankind.

Although some people think that Takashi Mitsuchi is talking nonsense, or based on his dissatisfaction with the second royal authority, Jōro Daijuku of the Golden Kingdom, he deliberately wanted to discredit the Golden King in front of the diary owner and others, but there are also some people who don't think so.

Because, at that time, Takashi Mitsuchi was in the process of being tortured to death by [Lower Dark Magic: Dark Corrosion]. Although it is not appropriate to put"a dying man's words are kind" on Takashi Mitsuchi, in Takashi Mitsuchi's heart he absolutely truly believes that the"Human Agreement", an agreement signed by the second royal authority and the first royal authority with the race of gods and demons, is a humiliation.


Institute of Occult Studies——

"《The Human Agreement is about to be exposed, Rias and the others should be prepared."

Sona frowned and said to Rias beside her.

After the Human Agreement is really exposed, humans will definitely not be able to continue to be so safe and sound, especially for pure-blooded demons like her and Rias who remain in the human world. It will have a great impact, because the reason why the two of them can"wantonly" choose their followers in the human world and thus not be troubled by the king or other exorcist families is all due to the existence of the Human Agreement.

《It would be fine if the Human Agreement was not exposed, and everything would be fine.

But if it were to be exposed now, it would ignite the anger of the entire human race, and even the king would not be able to calm it down.

"In fact, there is nothing to prepare for. The best outcome is that we can continue to study at the private Juwang College, but we can no longer continue to look for a family. The worst outcome is that the two of us will return to the underworld in disgrace.……"

Rias said it very casually, but in fact, one could clearly see the helplessness and unwillingness flashing across her eyes.

The reason why she came to the human world and came to study at the Private Koou Academy was to find a strong enough dependent so that she could play the ranking game and imitate Sona and cancel her engagement.

Unfortunately, the"Human Agreement" that was about to be exposed would obviously interrupt all her plans.

However, she still hoped to continue to stay at the Private Koou Academy to complete her studies.

Because, if she left the human world and returned to the underworld like this, she would be 100% forced to marry by her family, and it would be almost impossible to cancel the engagement at that time.

"Minister, what exactly is the Human Agreement?!"

Kiba Yuto asked curiously.

Not only Kiba Yuto, but also Koneko and the members of the student council became curious. After all, they were as unfamiliar with the Human Agreement as the owner of the diary, and it was the first time they heard of it.

Rias and Sona looked at each other, and finally Rias hesitated for a few breaths and said:"……Regarding"Human Agreement", it is not convenient for me and Sona to talk about it. You should read the diary content to find the answer. However, there is one thing that Mitsuchi Takashi said is right."Human Agreement" is indeed a humiliation from the perspective of individual humans.……"

Kiba Yuto and the student council members looked at each other in bewilderment.

Is this a humiliation for humanity?!

They were all humans before they were reincarnated as demons. Even though they have been reincarnated as demons now, they still have strong feelings for their previous human identities. But when they learned that the Human Agreement was really a humiliation for humanity, they felt uncomfortable.


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