
[I asked Anna Kushina briefly, asking her if she really didn't know about the Human Agreement? But the only answer I got was Anna Kushina shaking her head... It seems that when it comes to the Human Agreement, I can only ask Lavinia who is far away in the Gray Magician Association later. I think she can answer my questions.……]

[Now that Takashi Mitsuchi and his accomplices have been killed, I have cleared the information about Anna Kushina to prevent outsiders from knowing that she has synchronized with the Dresden Stone through her own ability [High Sensing Synchronization]. Otherwise, Anna Kushina will be involved in similar incidents. After all, human greed is infinite, and no one will miss an opportunity to control the kingship... even if the hope is slim.……]

[Driving with a lucky mentality has always been both a strength and a weakness of human beings, right?]


[Under the guidance of Anna Kushina, I used [Lower Dark Magic: Corrosion] to destroy all the important facilities of the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, turning it into an empty shell. As for those outsiders in the ward, I did not untie them nor did I attack them. I will leave these outsiders to the non-time hospital who will arrive soon.……]

[Finally, I set a fire directly at the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center to burn all the files and documents, and at the same time attracted the attention of the non-time hospital.……]

[As for those without power, I did some work in front of the ward and would not let the fire burn into the ward. Otherwise, these without power with restricted abilities would be buried in the sea of fire.……]



Indeed, there are many innocent people among those outside the power.

Just like Anna Kushina and Amano Masahichi who was captured by cepter4 and taken to the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center.


[July 25, 2015, Sunny]

[Today I slept until noon……]

[The main reason was that I was too tired yesterday. When I was at the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, I not only used [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order] to deal with the power of the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, but also used [Middle Dark Magic: Bliss Mirror Abyss]],[Higher Dark Magic: Abyss Shadow Killing Phalanx],[Lower Dark Magic: Dark Eclipse],[Lower-level dark magic: Silent Night Barrier]……Almost overdrawn my magic power and mental strength……]

[If I hadn't recovered my magic power and mental strength in the middle, I might have been drained of my energy by these perfect magics before I could defeat Yutsuchi Takashi.……]


[……I have too little magic power. I need to improve my strength quickly. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the magic is, if I can't release it freely, I can't do anything without the right ingredients. Fortunately, I have the help of Yu No Yari. Otherwise, if my aunt didn't wake me up in the morning, she would definitely find some clues. Then, it would be difficult for me to explain... Especially with Kushina Anna in the room.]

[That's right, Anna Kushina is in my room now. When I came back yesterday, I was too tired, so I just hugged Anna Kushina and fell asleep as if I was hugging an exquisite doll. If Qiong and my aunt really saw Anna Kushina, it would be really hard to explain.]

[Outside, watching Anna Kushina eating egg fried rice with a lot of red ketchup with gusto, one couldn't help but sigh. In Anna Kushina's world, the only color that exists is red, and everything else is gray and white. Perhaps this is the main reason why she will not become the fourth king, the Blue King, in the future, but the third king, the Red King.……]



A world of only red!!

Many people felt a pain in their hearts, and some girls with overflowing maternal love even had tears in their eyes.

A world of a single color, how cruel and painful such a world is for the young Anna Kushina.

They originally thought that after being rescued from the Nanagamado Chemotherapy Research Center by the diary owner, Anna Kushina should live a normal life, and then become the third king, the Red King in the future, but they did not expect that the painful experience and torture at the Nanagamado Chemotherapy Research Center would leave her with such serious sequelae.

Only red can be seen!



[……Anna Kushina saw what I was thinking and directly denied me, which made me feel a little strange... Anna Kushina said that in addition to red, she could also see colorless. Especially when she pointed her little finger at me, she spoke very seriously.……]

["Colorless" again, I don’t understand what it means, and I can’t get an accurate answer from Anna Kushina. According to her,"Colorless" is colorless, and what she sees is"Colorless"."……]


[After taking Anna Kushina to dinner, I couldn't help but have a headache about the arrangements for Anna Kushina. I can't always keep Anna Kushina by my side, that would not be good for her growth... In the future, it should be Suho-sama who brought Houmaira to rescue Anna Kushina, but now because of the unexpected factors of Ayuno Masahiro, I was able to bring Anna Kushina out of the hell-like Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center much earlier. I guess I changed the future in advance.……]

[However, I feel that the bond between Kushina Anna and Houmaira will not be broken because of this, and it is inevitable that she will become the third king, the Red King, in the future.……]

[But I can't send Kushina Anna to Houmaru directly now. At this stage, the previous Red King Kaguto Genshi has just died, and Suho-sama is probably still a student. He has not been chosen by the Dresden Stone to become the third king, the Red King. There is no Red Clan Houmaru... um, it's a bit too early at this point in time.……]

[By the way, the starting point of the meeting between Suho Takashi and Kushina Anna was Kushina Honami, Anna's aunt and also Suho Takashi's high school class teacher.

She took good care of Suho in high school and was one of the few people who could get close to Suho.

After the former future Red Clan Homura rescued Anna from the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, Kushina Honami had her memory wiped out by the"rabbit" and she forgot about Kushina Anna from then on...

Now she can hand Kushina Anna over to Kushina Honami.

After all, she is her only relative now.





"So that's how it is. In the original future timeline, Anna was rescued by Zun, but now she is rescued in advance by the diary owner." Kusanagi Izumo rubbed his chin, then smiled and said,"However, the diary owner is right about one thing. Our bond with Anna has always been"


The other members of the Homura also nodded.

At the same time, they were all grateful to the owner of the diary. If he hadn't taken action in advance to destroy the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center and rescued Anna, Anna would have suffered more pain in the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center, which they absolutely didn't want to see.

And at this time -

Ding Ding Ding...

The door of the bar was suddenly pushed open by an outsider, causing a crisp sound of wind chimes.

"Anna, Anna……"

A beautiful figure dressed in a teacher's uniform rushed in anxiously. Many members of Houmaira were shocked and thought it was an attack by the Jungle of the Green Clan. However, when they saw the real appearance of the beautiful figure, they froze in their places. It was not until they hugged Anna Kushina, who was also stunned, in their arms that they reacted.

"Then... that's the big sister, right?! Hasn't the rabbit wiped out her memory of Anna?!"

"How did you find this place?!!"

Kamamoto Rikio nudged Hatta Misaki, who was also stunned, with his elbow.

The person who came was Anna's aunt mentioned in the diary, Kushina Honami. Because she had a very good relationship with Suho Takashi before, the members of Houmaira who were unaware of the situation at the time misunderstood their relationship and called her the big sister.

"The name"Big Sister" has been passed down without being corrected.

And just as Kamamoto Rikio said, shouldn't Kushina Honami's memory be erased?!

According to the content of the diary and what happened later - after the diary owner handed Kushina Anna to Kushina Honami, although the two lived in peace for a while, the fact that Kushina Anna was an outsider and related to the Nanakamado Chemotherapy Research Center was still discovered by the Institute of Nobuoji.

Afterwards, under the protection of their Red Clan Houmaira, Anna became a member of Houmaira, and in order to prevent Kushina Honami from being involved, he had to agree to let Rabbit erase the other party's memory.

"This... this, I don't know either!"

When asked, Hatta Misaki was also confused, looking at Kushina Honami who was hugging Kushina Anna tightly.

At this moment -

Kushina Honami was very excited and kept saying

"I finally found you, Anna, Anna... I finally found you……"

And, Kushina Anna's eyes were slightly red. This was her only relative in this world, and one of the few people she had to protect after Zun left.

She was not good at talking, so she could only hold Kushina Hono with her little hands.

"Although this kind of case is very rare, there are still people who can remember their memories after being erased by the rabbit. It's just a very rare case, and the lost memory is still extremely important to them."

"Apparently, stimulated by the contents of the diary, Kushina Homi recalled the memory that was previously erased by the rabbit.……"

Izumo Kusanagi explained.

He then waved to the members of Homura next to him. Immediately, everyone understood what he meant and slowly left the bar, leaving the place to Kushina Honoki and Kushina Anna.


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