Perfect Feast

Vol 5 Chapter 44: Never display

Chapter 44

One afternoon, Liu Yang accompanied Tian Manman to go shopping, and then returned Tian Manman to the hospital. In the evening, he went to Zhongshan Villa again. This time, he was greeted by a large empty house.

Meng Sisi is really missing again!

At night, lying on my big bed, sniffing the pulse of fragrance on the pillow, Liu Yang couldn't help feeling ups and downs, tossing and turning in bed, and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

When he woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the morning, and Liu Yang quickly washed and changed his clothes to go out. Today is Tian Manman's mother's day of surgery. If you don't show up, it won't be so different.

After going downstairs, I was surprised to see a girl in her twenties holding a rag and wiping the tables and chairs in the living room.

After the girl saw him, she didn't seem to greet him with a little surprise: "Hello Mr. Liu, are you up? I have breakfast ready, may I have it now?"

"Who are you? Who asked you to come?" Liu Yang asked a little strangely.

The girl said with a smile: "My name is Liu Na, the housekeeper of your villa. Your wife said that you were coming yesterday and gave a few of us a day off, saying that I was afraid of disturbing you. But we all I've seen your photos and met Mr. Liu. "

"Mrs ...." Liu Yang thought for a moment, and knew that the wife Liu Na was talking about must be Meng Sisi. But from Liu Na's mouth, it seems that she is not the only person in charge of the villa. She froze and asked: "How many of you? Who else is there besides you?"

Liu Na still kept a professional smile and replied: "There are four drivers, a gardener, a security guard, and a cleaner, but they don't come back to work until noon. Oh, by the way, my wife asked me to take us. Contact card for you, if you need anything, you can call us at any time. "

After speaking, Liu Na went to the table next to the wine cabinet, opened the drawer, took a card out of it, and handed it to Liu Yang.

"Oh ..." Liu Yang took a look and looked up and asked Liu Na: "That ... did the wife say what she did and when will she come back?"

Liu Na shook her head: "Sir, my wife didn't say this, nor is it something I should know ... Sir, I graduated from the International Housekeeping School in Valkenburg, the Netherlands, and I have all received professional education, please believe My ability……"

Looking at Liu Na's expression, it seemed that Liu Yang was doubting her conduct and ability.

Liu Yangxin said that I was not deliberately trying to test you. I really didn't know where the "wife" in your mouth had gone. Shaking his head, Liu Yang then asked, "Well ... will you drive? Can you take me down the mountain?"

"Sir, don't have breakfast? My wife made a special call last night ..." It turned out that Liu Na came to make breakfast for herself early this morning, and it was also a task Meng Sisi explained to her.

"No more, I'm in a hurry to go to the hospital." Liu Yang said while walking out.

"Okay, I'll drive the car out right away ..." Liu Na agreed, but instead of following Liu Yang, she pushed the door next to the stairs and walked in.

At the beginning, Liu Yang thought it was her room. What did she get when she walked in? But after exiting the hall door, he did not see the red Lamborghini that he opened yesterday.

When Liu Yang was a little strange, a black Rolls Royce stopped silently beside him. Liu Na opened the door and went to Liu Yang's side, and opened the door for Liu Yang: "Sir, please get in."

That dignified and respectful manner made Liu Yang look really like that.

"New car? Haven't used it?" After getting on the car, looking at the luxurious interior, Liu Yang asked casually.

Liu Na nodded: "Of course, this is a limited edition specially ordered by my wife for Mr .. It was shipped three days ago."

"..." Liu Yang was speechless when he heard what Liu Na said. This Meng Sisi did not know what she was doing. This limited edition Rolls Royce is worth more than 10 million yuan, right? Actually I thought I ordered it, and it was shipped over three days ago ...

Three days ago? Isn't that the day when he and Tian Manman left for Jinling? Could it be that she knew as soon as she left from Huling?

However, I can't stay in Jinling for a few days. If Mother Tian Manman's surgery is successful, I will go back this afternoon. It is not a great waste to make such a car here.

Forget it, Meng Sisi is rich. What she is willing to waste or waste is not related to her. At the entrance of the hospital, Liu Yang sent Liu Na back and walked into the internal medicine building of the hospital.


"Liu Shu. Remember, that's what happened. They kept asking us to lower the conditions ..." In the office, Nie Rui, director of the Land and Resources Bureau, looked at Liu Yang with a face.

Representatives from the two steel mills of Huaigang and Laiwu Iron and Steel have been interviewed for three weeks in Huling County and Lincun Mine, respectively. When the two sides were still in the bargaining stage, the construction of the coking plant had not caught on a bit.

This is not because the two companies are not active, mainly because Huling County has set the threshold too high.

Coal coking is an important chemical process in the metallurgical industry. The main processing method of coal is high-temperature coking, extracting useful chemical products, and recovering combustible gases.

The produced product coke can be used as fuel for blast furnace smelting, and can also be used for precious and non-ferrous metal smelting.

The chemical products produced in the coking process can be recovered, treated, and processed to obtain coke oven gas, coal tar, and benzene, toluene, xylene, naphthalene, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, and so on.

These products are important raw materials for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, but they are also major sources of pollution and danger.

The conditions given by Liu Yang are that coking plants can be built, but they must meet environmental protection requirements.

In line with environmental protection requirements, these words are simple to say, but in fact few companies can really do it. Because if you want to meet the requirements in the face of coal storage and transportation, coal preparation and coking dust control, exhaust gas control, sewage discharge, etc., that requires heavy investment to see the effect.

This part of the money, the average company does not want to pay. Even if it is to cope with the Environmental Protection Agency, it's just a face-saving project, and it's fooled as long as nothing happens. After all, maximizing benefits is their goal.

However, as soon as this matter was raised, Liu Yang gave Nie Rui a death order. As long as they did not write this into the contract, the land required by the coking plant could not be approved.

Of course, the people in these two units did not give public relations to Director Nie, but with the tough attitude of Liu Yang, even if they moved Jinshan to the old Nie, Nie Rui did not dare to joke about his future in such matters. After more than half a year of interaction, he knew that Liu Yang was very good at talking about some things, but on matters of principle, it was definitely not allowed to be vague.

Tian Manman's operation was very successful, and Liu Yang returned to Huling that afternoon.

As of this afternoon, Liu Yang has been back from Jinling for two days, but some of the things at hand are still not finished. I have only walked for three days. Who knows why such a lot of things have accumulated?

First, China Merchants Guo Wenhui came back to report the signing of the contract with Adlon Group, and then Wen Hongbin came to talk about the progress of the road construction. It was then that the Minister of Organizations Zhong Wanhua came back to report the inspection results, and then Lin Yufen came to talk about the promotion of circular agriculture under her responsibility.

Gong Lihua came over this morning to report all morning. Just after work this afternoon, Nie Rui ran over again.

Liu Yang considers himself not a stopper. He actually divided the work of the county into divisions of work. But whether it is Lin Yufen or Li Dongdong, he still likes to give him something in return.

Speaking of them, they are respectful leaders, but in fact, who knows if this is too heavy for them and they dare not let go?

Just now Nie Rui talked about negotiating with the iron and steel plant again. Liu Yang looked at the materials he had brought and frowned.

"Secretary, Mr. Chen from Laigang wants to talk to you personally, you see ..." Seeing the expression on Liu Yang's face, Nie Rui stopped talking about the negotiation, but smiled bitterly Said something that made Liu Yang more headache.

Laiwu Iron and Steel made the province's enterprises come to Shanglin Village and Mine this time, but greeted the city through the provincial deputy governor Yu Fengnian.

The words passed by the governor are very simple, with only a few words: "The enterprises in this province still need to give proper care." But in this short sentence, it contains countless information.

To what extent is it taken care of?

Since this face is here, it is not appropriate to see it yourself. Besides, people don't think they are now talking about enterprises, but they are actually level. Speaking of which, the level of Laiwu's boss is regarded as the main hall, which is two levels higher than his own position.

"Let ’s say that to General Manager Chen, I will be waiting for him at the guest house tomorrow morning. Also, since the people from Laiwu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. did not see him, they would like to make comments. They are not Are you a vice president? You also told them, and I'll talk to them tomorrow. "

If you want to see them, see them all, but see what conditions they can develop.

"Yes, I'm calling to inform them ..." Nie Rui said, standing up and leaving. He hadn't left the door yet, and the sound of high heels came very clearly. Immediately after, he heard Zheng Qiuxia's voice. Here comes the message: "Secretary Wang, Liu Shu. Remember the time, I want to report to him on work ..."

Now that Zhang Dongqiang has gone to work in the development zone, Deputy Director Zheng is deputy in charge and is definitely the superior leader of Wang Jiankun. But each time Zheng Qiuxia came to Liu Yang to report to work, she was very kind to Wang Jiankun.

This may be a way of life for Zheng Qiuxia, but only those who rise from the post of secretary like her can know the weight of a good secretary in the minds of leaders.

Therefore, in front of Wang Jiankun, Zheng Qiuxia never put on display.

This article comes from Kanshu Novel

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