Perfect Feast

Vol 5 Chapter 45: Pay attention to new trends

Chapter 45 Watching New Trends

Zheng Qiuxia came over and took a piece of Renzhou Daily just out of her hand.

"Liu Shu. Remember, did you read today's newspaper? There is a manuscript from our county, but the Propaganda Department has spent a lot of effort. The pen for writing this article is very hard ..." said one side Zheng Qiuxia placed the newspaper in front of Liu Yang.

"The Long Wind Breaks the Waves and Sometimes Hangs Clouds and Clouds", the front page headline, large black font. The prominent position and eye-catching title immediately caught Liu Yang's attention.

This is an article that positively promotes the good situation of Huling County. The words and sentences are gorgeous and beautiful. The whole article is flowing and flowing, which truly reflects the great achievements of Huling County and shows a new and vibrant new Huling.

If this article is placed on other newspapers and magazines, there is no problem at all. However, this is an article published in Renzhou Daily. After careful consideration, this article may be a bit off.

No matter what the daily newspaper is, it is basically a weather vane. Ordinary people may not see anything, but in the officialdom, if Liu Yang ca n’t see it, then it is a failure.

In general, such articles should highlight the key points. How did these achievements in Huling County come about? Naturally it is the unity of the team in Huling County, Liu Shu. Ji has a good leadership.

However, throughout the entire report, all the results were listed. During the period when the detailed data was full, it seemed at a glance that all the information was positive, as if everything was said.

However, there is just one real element missing ... Liu Yang's name is not reflected in it at all.

In fact, Liu Yang didn't care about such things, but it is not unusual for such a report to be published in Renzhou Daily.

At the bottom of this article, there is also a bold type framed by a border, which is an editorial of Renzhou Daily.

The editorial of Renzhou Daily pointed out that the remarkable achievements of Huling County are the highlights of Renzhou City and even the entire Jihai Province this year. However, these achievements are inseparable from the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, the attention of the Municipal People's Congress and the CPPCC, and the support of the relevant departments of the municipal government. It is with the cohesion of this kind of heart, coupled with the unremitting hard work of a group of people in Huling County and the great dedication and support of the people in the county, that Huling County can achieve such a pity.

After reading it, Liu Yang put down the newspaper in his hand, looked up at Zheng Qiuxia and asked, "Is it clear, who wrote this manuscript?"

Since Zheng Qiuxia brought the newspaper to her eyes, she must have understood some things.

Sure enough, after hearing Liu Yang asking such questions, Zheng Qiuxia said: "These contents are all excerpted from our county's year-end summary. It is said that it was Zhao Zhao, director of the Propaganda Department of the Propaganda Department, who cast into the newspaper ..."

Chief Zhao? Zhao Huiyun?

I remember when I first took office, it was the person who led Zhenzhen to interview herself. Because of Zhenzhen's affairs, at the time, he asked Zhang Lei to check their details. At that time, Zhang Lei told him half-coveredly that Zhao Huiyun was the head of the Propaganda Department in Wuhan.

Thinking of this, Liu Yang's heart gradually became clear.

The reason why there is such a report, it seems that the root of the matter is from a leader in the city. This is to use the "hold" method to force yourself to make concessions on the Huxi Dike.

After I returned, I let the Water Conservancy Bureau hand in a **** repair plan, which made my attitude clear. It seems that this report is a response to himself.

Every step of your development in Huling County depends on the leadership of the municipal party committee and city government. The city wants to unify the planning now. What are you not convinced of?

This is a signal that someone sends to himself, but it also illustrates another problem. Since Zuo Qingqing served as secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee is a cadre sent by the province.

Maybe, this person is closer to Sun Zhuoqun, right? Otherwise, such reports and editorials will not be published anyway.

After all, Renzhou Daily belongs to the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee.

Liu Yang groaned, thinking slowly in his head. Do you need to do something about it?

The next morning, Liu Yang met with Laigang General Manager Chen Weiguo at the Huling County Guest House. The two met each other, Chen Weiguo, who was nearly fifty years old, held Liu Yang's hand and said haha: "Liu Shu. Ji, I didn't expect you to be so young. This time I came back and saw the dramatic changes in Huling County. I was deeply impressed. I am glad to have such an outstanding cadre in your hometown! "

When Chen Weiguo opened his relationship with himself, Liu Yang was somewhat surprised.

"What? President Chen's hometown is also from Huling County?" Liu Yang asked with a smile.

Chen Weiguo shook his head and said with emotion: "Yeah, Chenjiazhuang in Qingshui Town, not far from Liuzhuang Village, can be regarded as a close neighbor before and after. When I was eight or nine years old in the village, I moved to Rongshan City with my elders. Memory That land is very barren. Looking at the present, it ’s a world of difference. "

Liu Yang immediately understood that for this meeting, Chen Weiguo must have worked hard, and even everyone knew where his hometown was.

After feeling a few sentences, Chen Weiguo smiled and said, "Before I came to Huling County, I went back to my hometown and looked at it. I heard the villagers praised Liu Shu. Ji, and I felt a bit overblown. I only realized this time when I arrived at the county seat. Ordinary people have a reputation in their hearts. Whoever serves them sincerely, ordinary people see very clearly. "

Liu Yang was secretly wary of Chen Weiguo's near-handed approach, smiling humblely, while secretly reminding himself not to be fooled, what to talk about or how to talk about in a while.

Seeing Liu Yang look unmoved, Chen Weiguo smiled somewhat helplessly. He waved to the secretary behind him and took out a document from his bag.

After Chen Weiguo took it, he swayed it on the table, reached out and gently pushed it in front of Liu Yang: "Liu Shu. Ji, this is our plan, you have to look at it ..."

Liu Yang took the file and looked up blankly.

The main content of the document is that Laigang is willing to invest 3.5 billion yuan to live in Huangzhuang Coal and Electricity Industrial Park in Huling County. The first projects to be built were a coking plant and a thermal power plant.

However, Laiwu Iron and Steel also put forward its own conditions, that is, the two plants of the coking plant and power plant, Laiwu Iron and Steel should be completely controlled. This overturned Liu Yang's intention to use land for shares.

In addition, Laiwu Steel also proposed that these two factories should enjoy the treatment of Donghu Economic Development Zone in terms of taxation and land transfer fees. In addition, Laiwu Steel's investment in Huling companies in the future will also follow this standard.

Donghu Economic Development Zone is a provincial-level development zone, and Huangzhuang Coal and Electricity Industrial Park is its own project in Huling County. The policies of these two places are different.

It can be said that this condition is not only not good, but also very harsh. Liu Yang even wondered whether Chen Weiguo really came to talk about investment.

Watching Liu Yangning frown, Chen Weiguo said with a smile: "Our plan was also shown to the governor at the time. In fact, not only the governor, but other leaders in the province also agreed ..."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yang's brow frowned even harder.

While laying down the materials, Liu Yang said lightly: "Your Laiwu Steel is a large enterprise, naturally it is rich in money, and even the leaders in the province look at it differently. However, according to your plan, what can we get in Huling County? After that, the meager land tax? Mr. Chen never thought about it. Just for these two factories, you need to occupy 1,200 acres of high-quality good land. What is the price of one acre? The East Lake Economic Development Zone was originally established. At that time, in order to attract investment, the approved land price was 331,000 acres. Now I want to use this price to get the land, I'm afraid that I can't get one point, even if I dare to agree, the people will not agree. ... "

Playing the sign of Governor Yu himself, watching Liu Yang didn't give in, Chen Weiguo couldn't help but feel a little faint.

Who is now an official, who does not take the will of the great leader above as his own will? This Liu Yang is very interesting, but he dare not take the meaning of the governor into his eyes.

Originally, when talking with the director Nie in Huling County, he thought that the director Nie was low-level, and the county leaders gave him the bottom. He didn't dare to change casually, but now it seems that is not the case.

It stands to reason that even the level of Director Nie, even if the leader in life is nodded, it will not help him much in the career. After all, the level of the governor and his little chief is too different. Even if the province has a relationship to take care of him, it is really impossible to control his level.

However, Liu Yangke is not the same. Now he is already in the process, and the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department sometimes includes some department-level cadres into the key training of provincial management cadres. Not to mention that according to the momentum she is now developing in Huling County, it is estimated that she will soon go further.

After reaching the level of the Deputy Hall, it can be directly under the jurisdiction of the province. There is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee in the back to take care of it.

This guy actually asked such a stupid sentence, I really don't know how the county party committee secretary. What good do you do in Huling County? Is it good for you to be good?

Or do the people refuse? Ordinary people do not agree, does your government still do less? Now that you are rebuilding this old city, I don't believe all the people are satisfied?

I don't believe that you will let those nail-holders do whatever they want. In the end, it ’s not necessary to take coercive measures? Otherwise, your work cannot be carried out at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Weiguo smiled and said, "Liu Shu. Ji, every county is different about the land price. But what you said is indeed a problem. In this way, we will take a step back and follow the 50 thousand How about one acre? I don't know how to get the estimated price of 120,000 acres of land you issued? "

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