Perfect Feast

Vol 5 Chapter 46: Ridicule

Chapter 46

Hearing Chen Weiguo's words, Liu Yang smiled lightly: "This way? Then ... let's not talk about this, right?"

Not to mention this issue, Liu Yang really stopped talking about it. As the two continued to talk, as long as Chen Weiguo talked about investing, Liu Yang laughed. It touched the customs of Huling, and Liu Yang also made a few comments.

This situation continued until lunchtime. Someone came over and told Liu Yang that he was ready to take a seat. Liu Yang stood up and invited Chen Weiguo to attend the dinner.

Only then did Chen Weiguo realize that the young secretary of the county party committee in front of you, don't look at your face with a smile, a tender look, in fact, this young man's bones are very strong.

People are now willing to accompany their teeth, just because of politeness.

Because of this atmosphere, Chen Weiguo's meal was boring. After a few drinks, the banquet ended, and Chen Weiguo stood up and left.

When sending Chen Weiguo to the car, Liu Yang showed a eager look again, holding Chen Weiguo with a smile: "Welcome President Chen often to come back to his hometown to see, Huling County will definitely look like a day ..."

Chen Weiguo smiled and nodded: "Liu Shu. Ji, we will meet soon."

The car came out of the front door of the guest house, and the secretary sitting in the front row snorted dissatisfied. It's really beyond your control to speak ... "

"Ha ha? Really?" Chen Weiguo smiled, leaned back, shook his head, and said, "This Liu Shu. Jizhi has high aspirations, and his thoughts are very accessible. You, my eyes are still too far Short-lived ... "

"Uh ..." The secretary sighed in surprise and stopped talking.

However, Chen Weiguo said firmly afterwards: "After you go back, you modify the plan immediately. The focus is to increase the environmental protection project. In addition to the exhaust gas recovery, add a sewage treatment system ..."

"Mr. Chen, this will exceed the budget. I'm afraid ..." The secretary's words were interrupted before Chen Weiguo said: "If it doesn't work, the thermal power plant project will be cut off, and only the gas-steam combination will be retained. That part of power generation. We must take down this coking plant. "

At noon, Liu Yang took a rest in the hotel, and at work in the afternoon, he met with the negotiator of Huaigang Steel in accordance with the plan.

Fu Xuebing, the deputy general manager of the Huai Iron and Steel Plant, is a 50-year-old lesbian. This man is not tall and has a clean skin, but he is very plump. Holding her hand, Liu Yang felt as if she was holding a small piece of soft bread.

The first impression Fu Xuebing left on Liu Yang was that the woman was shrewd.

Sure enough, after the two sides started talking, Fu Xuebing's impression on Liu Yang was even more profound. But what made Liu Yang feel strange was that the planning documents made by the other party almost all met the requirements put forward by Huling County. However, objections have been raised in terms of land payment and taxes. Naturally I hope that Huling County will give way.

However, the other party also proposed another workaround, that is, Huling County can use land to buy shares. The conditions given by Huaigang are not inferior, and the other party only requires absolute control, which means that the shares of Huaigang cannot be less than 51%.

Seeing that Liu Yang had read the plan proposed by Huaigang, Fu Xuebing smiled and asked, "How about Liu Shu. Remember, this plan we proposed is OK?"

Liu Yang smiled and nodded: "It's more than perfect, it's perfect. After reading it, I have almost nothing to say. However, the total investment you mentioned above is 6.8 billion yuan, and the coking plant will be established in three phases. , Power plants, sewage treatment plants, medical benzene plants, phthalic anhydride plants, high-temperature materials plants, etc., except for coking plants and sewage treatment plants, the remaining four plants can be said to be used The byproducts of the coking plant are used as raw materials for fine reprocessing. In this way, the toxic and harmful waste materials such as waste water and waste gas of the coking plant will become waste. This idea is good. If it is completed, it will become a real success. A cyclic environmental protection industrial system ... "

"Yeah, that's what I planned. Liu Shu. Secretary, is there any problem?" Fu Xuebing didn't expect that a small county party secretary who was engaged in political work actually understood the plan they came over. And I also looked at it very carefully. Not only is the head said, but if I go on, I will be exposed to some content that can be covered up in this plan.

Therefore, she interrupted Liu Yang with a smile, and wanted to interrupt Liu Yang's thinking.

Unfortunately, her purpose was not achieved. In the next sentence, Liu Yang still smiled and asked only the question that worried her: "Of course there is no problem, I just want to know, how do you set the three-step time mentioned above? If I If the assumption is correct, you must first build a coking plant, right? Maybe, this project using coking boiler gas to generate electricity will also be launched at the same time. This may be what you call the first phase project, right? What is the project? When will it start? Do you have any specific time? "

Fu Xuebing smiled, the look on his face remained the same, but he sighed secretly, saying that this young county party committee secretary was really hard to coax. "Liu Shu. Remember, it is not impossible for a company as large as Huaigang to take out more than 6 billion yuan at a time, but we certainly cannot influence other aspects of production ..."

Liu Yang shook his head and smiled: "Oh, Mr. Fu, you are here, you will definitely not come to draw me an infinite sweet cake, right? How about the funding situation of Huaigang and how to operate it, that is not what I should Things to worry about. If Huaigang does not have this ability, then do not take such a big step. Since you come here in person and cooperate with Huling County, I believe you are also sincere. I am concerned about you In the absence of the second and third phases of the project, how are you going to treat the waste water and waste gas from the coking plant? "

A bald man sitting next to Fu Xuebing frowned and said, "Liu Shu. Remember, isn't it clearly written on our plan? Sewage treatment plant, medical benzene plant, phthalic anhydride plant, resistant The high-temperature materials plant is designed to deal with toxic gases ... "

At the time of the introduction, this manager seemed to be the manager of Huaigang's development department.

"Manager Zhang, I can understand your plan very clearly. Let's put it this way, if your factories can be launched at the same time, our land price in Huling County can be lowered, or you can give it away without money. I What I'm asking now is the part of the plan that is not reflected in the plan. When do you plan to go to the rest of these factories? You just need to tell me the timetable. "

Liu Yang's gaze was staring directly at him. The knife-like eyes stabbed Manager Zhang: "In addition, I still have the same sentence. If a sewage treatment plant, a medical benzene plant, a phthalic anhydride plant, a refractory material plant cannot In the near future, after the coking plant is put into production, how to deal with these harmful substances? "

Manager Zhang's expression was a little unnatural: "This ... this thing, always come step by step ..."

"Yes, I understand what Manager Zhang means. No one can eat a big fat. But how long does this step by step take? Three years? Five years? Or ten or eight years? I can never let Huling The ordinary people in the county have held their breath for so long ...

Speaking, Liu Yang smiled again and said: "Once the environment is destroyed, it is not easy to restore it again. Even if the taxes you pay can repair the environment, if the ordinary people's body is broken, it will cost much money. It ’s hard to cure. Mr. Fu, I ’m a guy, and I like to talk about it on the table. Your plan is very appealing to me. It is much better than the conditions proposed by Laigang, but if you do n’t have Corresponding measures, please forgive me ... "

After Liu Yang finished speaking, he stood up with a black face and left.

Fuck, this is all about drawing myself a beautiful blueprint that I didn't plan to realize at all, and ran here blindly. If they hadn't done their homework in advance, maybe acupuncture would be taken care of by them.

Invested 6.8 billion. What a piece of cake? How big is an achievement? If you don't care about the life and death of ordinary people, if you just want to climb up, you will sign this kind of thing. If you do n’t sign it, you are a fool.

But now, even if I am regarded as a fool, I cannot do that.

Not long after returning to the office, Huang Decheng and Cui Kai came in again. Before Liu Yang went to Jinling, the organization department had reported his name to the municipal party committee, but Huang Decheng's approval as secretary of the political and legal committee had not yet come down. However, this news cannot be concealed from such a person as Huang Decheng. Even if he did not deliberately inquire about such a kind thing, it was natural that someone would tell him.

Huang De has been very satisfied with his ability to further improve the deputy county level. But this time directly into the Standing Committee, Huang Decheng's excitement can be imagined. Although it is a little regrettable that he can no longer serve as the director of the Public Security Bureau, Huang Decheng's gratitude to Liu Yang can still be felt from his face.

This time, he and Cui Kai came, mainly to report on the case in the first case.

The Provincial Department sent people to cooperate, and the staff of the Municipal and County Bureaus worked together, but this case was already broken. However, the outcome of the case was a little unexpected.

This case was mainly due to factional struggles within the bank. Guo Yunqi, the director of the credit department, stole some of the information originally belonging to Xu Youna's custody while taking advantage of the gap between Vice President Xu Youna's "ill" vacation. One of them has a seal set aside for bank filing.

Guo Yunqi asked a confidant to secretly destroy these materials, so that he could pour dirty water on Xu Youna, and the young vice president Xu Youna rushed out.

But who knows that her confidant is even harder, but after personally engraving the seal of one middle, she took away the money of one middle and put the fake seal back.

This case not only involved Guo Yunqi and some people in the banking system, but also brought about the corruption and bribery of the principal and vice principal of No. 1 Middle School, which is really ridiculous!

This book is from reading

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