Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 323 - 323. Who Is She?

Mr. Kim was surprised when his best friend mentioned his wife's name. "My wife is fine. She is at home, last night she fainted. But she is not the one who is being treated in this hospital." Kim replied casually. He deliberately did not mention Tiara's name. Mr. Kim wants to know whether his best friend still cares or at least remembers about his daughter who has become the daughter-in-law of the Kim Family. After that dinner, Jerry Jiang never asked how he was about Tiara, not even by phone or text message.

"Not Haesu? Then who? Isn't your daughter still in America? Could it be Yohan? Is she sick?" asked Jerry Jiang who was just pretending not to know that Yohan was healthy and well when he saw him last night. Even still had time to scold Steve's assistant loudly and carried Emelly home with his own hands. Jerry Jiang was increasingly curious who the other family members were.

Mr. Kim just sighed in disappointment. "How could Jerry Jiang this forgets her daughter himself." Mr. Kim muttered in his heart.

"Yohan and Emelly are fine too. Emily is at home with her mother. she had returned yesterday from America. Yohan's also here, but instead, he was sick. "Answered Mr. Kim who was trying to leave a gap and explanations disguised. He hopes Jerry Jiang can understand with whom the family members he meant, it was none other than Tiara, his daughter.

Jerry Jiang has seen thought and was silent. Even though his mouth was busy chewing the apple that Mr. Kim peeled." If all members of the nuclear family in the Kim family residence are fine and healthy. The sick one is likely a servant. But is it possible? a great master like Yuchen would intervene himself to come to the hospital, just to visit a maid? he shouldn't have bothered to do that himself. He can ask his butler to take his place and give him some money as a favor." Jerry Jiang's thoughts were still not moving towards his daughter.

"You've been spinning all the time when you're talking? All members of the Kim family are healthy. Then who is sick, servant? Should you, the big master come personally to visit her?" said Jerry Jiang mocking Mr. Kim slightly.

Hearing his friend's words, Mr. Kim's heart became sick and sad. How can a father forget his own child, and be more reminded of Other people. This isn't right, I can't let it go. Tuan Kim merasa harus membantu memperbaiki hubungan ayah dan anak yang hampir hancur dengan sedikit usaha.

"Jerry... Do you don't care about her anymore? You're so outrageous." asked Mr. Kim with a sad look in his eyes.

"Her?" Director Jerry Jiang frowned at him looking at him. His friend's direction was full of curiosity. He was so surprised why Kim Yuchen, suddenly said that to him.

"What do you mean Yuchen? Who do not I care? "AskedJerry Jiang curious, usually his best friend did not like to give puzzles that are difficult to predict and view Yuchen to Jiang was very different as there are eyes full of disappointments deep into her eyes.

Mr. Kim grunted harshly, it seemed his patience was running out. He wanted to slap, beat, berate jerry jiang who looks stupid and outrageous. "Come on, you know right who is the member of the Kim family I mean? How long are you going to act stupid and don't care about your daughter?" said Mr. Kim angrily. This man couldn't contain his emotions anymore, his disappointment with his best friend had peaked and could not be tolerated by him. For Jerry Jiang, It's been too much this time.

Jerry Jiang looked very surprised when he heard Yuchen's words. So, what his friend who was sick meant was Tiara.

"What do you mean your family who is being treated at the hospital is Tiara? Tell me! Is that true Tiara? What happened to her and where is he now?" Jerry Jiang asked firmly. He grabbed Mr. Kim's shoulders and shook this man's body as hard as he could. So that Mr. Kim answered his questions.

On the face of Tiara's father, there was a deep concern and he can't hide it anymore. Jerry Jiang usually looks indifferent and doesn't care about Tiara. Now he looks very worried about his daughter. This raises suspicion in Mr. Kim's mind.

"Jerry... you are really worried about Tiara or just pretending? I hope the expressions, as well as the worries this time, are the truth. I don't want Tiara to be disappointed again. If after again you deceive her and make her sick, then I will never again give you a chance to meet her. Even though you are his parents and I am only his father-in-law. but I won't let my daughter-in-law be hurt by anyone, including you." Mr. Kim's voice was turbulent when he looked at his best friend Jerry Jiang. Mr. Kim was undecided whether to believe it or not with Jerry Jiang's words.

"Tiara was in critical condition and almost died last night. Maybe you have a last message for your daughter, so come to the room to the right of this room. Alright, I have to go. Hope you get well soon." said Mr. Kim to Jerry Jiang with a very serious expression. This man then walked out of his friend's room and returned to Tiara's room.

After Mr. Kim left the room, director Jerry Jiang was still silent and stunned. His tears didn't seem to have flowed profusely. Human. Cold-hearted like himself, can cry? What and why did he cry like that. Wasn't everything his best friend said true? He never cared about Tiara at all. Then why now he should care? Isn't this what he wanted all along. Tara and Tiara are indeed her daughters but...

"I have to meet Tiara and see how she is. I can't lose her now." Jerry Jiang muttered quietly. No matter how he treated the tiara in the past, he is still a father who can't let his daughter struggle to live now.

Jerry Jiang tried to get out of bed and limped holding on to the edge of the bed. He walked vines looking for a handle towards the exit. His stomach still hurts when he uses it to move. But anyway he must still meet with Tiara. He can endure the pain, for now, all I feel is not a fingernail with the suffering he gave to his daughter. But why did he come to this heart to treat his two daughters, maybe only he and his wife know the obvious reason behind it?


This fell as he was about to reach the door handle. His mouth was wincing in pain.

"Ough... Damn it! My body is uncompromising." He mumbled to himself Jerry Jiang tried to get up again, though he had to crawl up to grab the doorknob and rely on the strength of his hands to pull him back to his feet. After taking a deep breath, opened the door and walked again while holding on to the wall. His body was sweating cold and his face was pale. 

"Hey, you! Please take me to Tiara's room." Jerry Jiang shouted to Yohan's bodyguard who was standing in front of his door.

One of the bodyguards approached Jerry Jiang and temporarily supported the man's body so he wouldn't fall and the other bodyguard went to Tiara's room to ask permission. to the president. 

The bodyguard knocked on the door and then entered the room where Mr. Kim and Mr. Yohan were in. While Tiara herself was fast asleep because she finished eating and also the influence of the drug.

The bodyguard walked over to Yohan and Mr. Kim who was sitting relaxed on the couch. the sofa in the room.

"President... Mr. Jerry Jiang wants to visit Mrs. Tiara, are we allowed to take her in?" asked the bodyguard politely but still firmly and coolly.

Mr. Kim just smiled at the bodyguard's report. "Finally eaten the bait!" Mr. Kim said with satisfaction.

Immediately Yohan, who was sitting cross-legged and seriously looking at his cellphone, turned and looked at his father. 

"What do you mean daddy?" Yohan asked curiously, what was the connection between the arrival of director Jerry Jiang into his and his wife's room and the bait thrown by his father.

" Never mind, you'll find out soon enough. You'd better lie down on the patient bed next to your wife. Shut up and pretend to be asleep no matter what." Mr. Kim said giving directions to Yohan. 

"For what?" asked Yohan curiously. Yohan was curious about the reason his father suddenly told him to pretend to sleep. It's definitely not as simple as saying "just to rest". There must be another reason Behind it all.

"Never mind, don't ask too many questions and just do what you ask. If you want to know the answer." Mr. Kim said briefly.

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