Perfect Husband : The CEO's Sweet Wife

Chapter 324 - 324. A Burning Fire

Mr. Kim just patted Yohan's shoulder firmly with a smile. "If you are curious and want to know the answer. Then do everything I say now." 

Yohan was silent and stood up and walked towards the patient bed as Mr. Kim wanted. He pulled the blanket and also put a respirator on his nose and mouth and put the IV in his hand back, to support and strengthen his acting.

Mr. Kim did the same to the tiara. He just put a respirator in Tiara's nose, which was no longer needed. Judging from the injuries the tiara had sustained, it should have been enough to convince Jerry Jiang.

Not long after, director Jerry Jiang came into the room, supported by Yohan's bodyguard. His steps were limping, like the pain he suffered from Tiara's dad was genuine and not just an act. 

Mr. Kim immediately turned and looked at his best friend. Then helped him sit on the chair that was between Yohan and Tiara's bed.

Director Jerry Jiang's eyes glazed over, seeing the state of Tiara and Yohan. He was curious, what happened to his son-in-law and daughter. Yes, the daughter he often wastes and the son-in-law he has not acknowledged. He was thinking hard and seemed not to believe if Yohan was now lying in such a bad condition behind him. Yohan's head, face, and arms were full of bruises and minor scratches. Likewise Tiara is not much different. It was clear last night that Yohan picked up Emelly from his guest room in good condition, even though he was still able to carry his little sister with his own hands because he didn't want the beautiful girl to sleep leaning on another man's shoulder. So now how can it be like this?.

" Yuchen... What happened to those two?"  Jerry Jiang asked while looking curiously at Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim, who was still standing beside him, wouldn't mind answering Jerry Jiang's questions either, because that was what he had been waiting for all along. His goal was to get his best friend's attention for his daughter.

"The two of them had an accident while outside the Kim family residence. There were some unknown people, attacking them indiscriminately. The chronology of the incident itself I also don't know, because when I got the news and came here last night. It's a good thing they were taken to the hospital in time, otherwise, I can't even imagine it myself."  Mr. Kim put on a sad expression that made Jerry Jiang even more depressed and feeling guilty.

"What? They were attacked by an unknown person? That can't be Yuchen! Who is that idiot who dares to challenge the Kim Family by doing something stupid like that? Everyone in this city knows who Yohan is and how powerful the Kim Family is. I guess only a fool who doesn't care about his life would commit suicide like that."  Said director Jerry Jiang who couldn't believe Mr. Kim's words.

Mr. Kim just sighed. It seems his acting is less than satisfactory this time. He should be more convincing with his words.

"It's all up to you, believe it or not. What is clear now is that you can see the evidence for yourself with your own two eyeballs. How are Yohan and Tiara doing? Do you think they would do such a troublesome thing just to trick you? You're crazy! It's still a dress you think badly of them. If you don't believe me and Yohan, at least believe in Tiara. That innocent girl won't lie."  Mr. Kim said with a little emotion, he did not hesitate to speak in a high tone to others who underestimated the Kim Family.

"You're right, I'm sorry. So now what are you going to do?"  asked Jerry Jiang.

" Of course, I will find out the culprit and will punish them severely and they will not forget for the rest of their life. Please take care of Tiara and Yohan for a while. I have some business."  Mr. Kim said while patting director Jerry Jiang's shoulder.

"Eh, what does Yuchen mean? Does he want me to sit here all day waiting for Tiara and Yohan? Is he crazy! I'm also a patient in this hospital, even now I'm still suffering from terrible pain in my stomach."  Director Jerry Jiang muttered to himself.

"Okay, but don't take too long. I have to go back to my room immediately, to get injections and painkillers"  replied Jerry Jiang.

Mr. Kim just smirked as he walked towards the exit. Before closing the door, he occasionally turned and looked at Tiara and the director Jerry. " Tiara... This is all I can do for you. I hope Jerry Jiang opens the door of her love after this and blesses your marriage. And for you Jerry, this is the opportunity I give you to correct your mistakes because after this there will be no more. the person I allowed to hurt my daughter-in-law. Even if it was you who was the parent."  Mr. Kim muttered to himself, after that he closed the door tightly.

After Mr. Kim came out of the room, Jerry Jiang grabbed Tiara's palm and gently stroked the soft palm with his fingers while the other hand was pressing his stomach to suppress the pain.

"Tiara... I'm sorry dad has been paying less attention to you, so you have this fate. You shouldn't have married Yohan. You are too weak to survive in the very strong Kim family. You are a soft, innocent, and honest girl. Family Kim is very strong and has a lot of enemies, if you stay there then you have to be strong." Jerry Jiang said in a low voice.

Yohan lay behind Jerry Jiang feeling offended by the words of Tiara's dad.

Yohan, who was lying behind Jerry Jiang, was offended by the words of Tiara's dad.

"What does director Jerry mean? Is he thinking that Tiara continues to live with me? Her life will always be in danger, in other words, I am not capable of taking care of my wife as a husband. So what has he been doing all this time to his daughter? Throw her away, sell her to other men just for some stock or money, success and fame. Is that what he means by a good life for Tiara? I want to scream at her, 'Hey, director Jerry, I'll be able to take good care of her and you won't need to worry.' Unfortunately, I can't say all that because of my current condition. If I suddenly wake up and scream, wouldn't I be the same as breaking my disguise? I better continue listening to everything he said. Besides, I also want to know what he thinks about my relationship with Tiara."  Yohan muttered in his heart. He felt very irritated, but couldn't do anything.

"Youweak child, why do you always get hurt easily. You should live like Tara who is not easily oppressed. Your kindness and innocence can be taken advantage of by others. That's one of the reasons you are always number 2 after your sister. Life is cruel, if you are not strong then you will be oppressed. I hope after this, I never see you hurt again. Yohan must be able to take care of you, and guarantee your safety. If he fails to do that, then I will take him back and continue the match with Han. " Jerry Jiang said quietly. 

After that director Jerry Jiang finished speaking, he stood up and limped back out of the room.

After his father-in-law left the room, Yohan immediately removed all the medical equipment from his body. He didn't expect that director Jerry Jiang would still have thoughts of using Tiara again. After all, who is Han? Does he think he can just take my wife as he pleases? Don't expect her to be able to take Tiara, if you want to take my wife then the first person to deal with is me. Yohan's mind was filled with anger and emotion.


Sonya looks very panicked and also worried because her husband has not come home all day yesterday until now. She was afraid that something would happen to Jerry Jiang. This beautiful woman paced back and forth in the dining room as if she couldn't eat in peace before her husband came home or at least let her know where he was.

"Honey, do numbers know where your father is right now? I've been trying to call his cell phone since yesterday, but there's been no answer." Sonya asked Tara who had been enjoying the food and seemed indifferent to her mother's concern for her dad.

" Never mind ma... No need to worry too much about dad. After all, dad is a grown man, has legs, which, strength, high position. He can go wherever he wants... At least dad is having fun out there. Mom is also just nagging and shopping every day. So don't blame dad, if he's looking for fun outside."  Tara replied to her mother who seemed to be giving oil to a burning fire.

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