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Ye Hao's face recovered a cool color.

Beidou followed the seven stars and walked in together.

"Sister Feng, have you approved the document?" Beidou walked to Ye Hao and asked.

"If you have something to say." Ye Hao was full of impatience.

"Sister Feng, you are so hard at work, it is better to relax. You have to go out for so long, you must have learned a lot of new tricks, change one to give us a look, open your eyes, okay?" Beidou excitedly squatted Open the road.

Leaf Emei, change one? Change? Transformed?

"Oh, the magic of Feng Jie is no worse than the magic masters who come to the independent state to collect money." Seven stars also smiled and spoke.

When I heard this, Ye Hao’s heart suddenly stunned.

It turned out to be magic...

How could it be so good that she suddenly made her magic?

Ye Hao is not stupid, and my heart is naturally clear. The Seven Stars came here and they are testing themselves.

"Want to see me become magic, no problem." Ye Hao's eyes flashed over the surrounding area, and soon, picked up the water on the table and drunk the water.

"Look at this cup." Immediately, Ye Hao handed the cup to the seven stars.

Seven stars took the cup and looked for a moment: "It seems that there is no problem."

"Is there something in the cup?" asked Ye Hao.

"No." Seven Star Road.

"There is water..." Beidou rushed to open.

Hearing this statement, Ye Hao took a look at Beidou: "Isn't the water just being drunk by me?"

"Oh... I see there is a little waterdrop inside..." Beidou stared at the waterway in the hands of the Seven Stars.

Ye Wei: "..."

Do you believe that I don’t believe that I will slap you! This Beidou is not a mentally handicapped.

"Please ignore the drops of water." Ye Hao sighed and talked to Beidou, so tired...

"Oh... that's nothing." Beidou nodded.

"Okay." Ye Hao re-taken the cup from the hands of Qixing. In front of the two people, he picked up his sleeves and immediately raised his hands. He said, "Look at my hand, is there something?"

"There is a ring!" Beidou Road.

Ye Wei: "..." What are you special about, isn’t it really a monkey-like comparison? !

In desperation, Ye Hao took off the ring.

"Now it is gone." Beidou Road.

"See clearly." Ye Hao looked serious: "Now, it is the moment to witness the miracle..."

In front of the seven stars and Beidou, Ye Hao raised the water cup high, and the two really did not look away.


The next second, the cup was covered on the table by the leafhopper.

"You said, what's inside." Ye Haodao.

"Sister Feng, you are kidding, can there be anything?" Beidou snorted.

"I think there should be nothing." The seven stars are faint.

"Come on, open it." Ye Hao let the seven stars come forward.

Soon, the seven stars will open the cup.

In the next second, Beidou was full of surprise colors, and the seven-star smashed inside was a bit strange.

Under the water glass... there are even small pearls...

Seeing the look of the seven stars, Ye Hao was relieved.

It seems that Pingtou brother also likes magic, and has certain research and rumors about magic. Otherwise, Qixing will not use magic to test himself.

Fortunately, she has learned a lot from her own life. In the past life, she often watched some magic secrets. Over time, there will be some magic.

Because of the rebirth, Ye Hao even knows more magical means of magic in the next few years, and these magical means, currently, have not been created in this world.

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