Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1304: The brain was beaten by a dog

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In fact, this kind of little magic is really simple. Ye Haofang took the next moment from his own clothes and took a pearl button. Then he took the Beidou and the seven stars and placed the button on the right ear.

When the cup was released from the air, it happened that the pearl button stuck into the cup and the inertia made it.

All the eyes of the Seven Stars and Beidou fell on her hands and cups, not paying attention to her right ear.

"I rely on ... Feng sister, your hand, is kissed by an angel... really powerful!" Beidou raised the right palm of Ye Hao, sighed.

"I will try it!" Immediately, Beidou picked up the cup and patted it on the table.

However, with a bang, the water cup was smashed by the Beidou.

Seeing the eyes of the seven stars and Ye Hao all cast their eyes, Beidou scratched his head and looked awkward: "Feng Jie, your hand was kissed by an angel, although it is powerful...but my hand is even better. ... bitten by the dog..."

"Your hand is no problem, it is the brain bite by the dog." Ye Hao throws the broken cup into the trash can.

Beidou opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he did not say anything.

"Feng Sister, Master Li, you should remember it." Suddenly, the seven stars looked at Ye Hao and said.

Although Ye Hao does not know what Master Li Master Zhang, the process still has to go through it, so he said: "Know, say."

"That... Feng sister can still remember what Master Li is doing." The dawn of the seven stars, staring at Ye Hao.

At this moment, Ye Hao has a hard time in his heart. These seven stars are also very special. I know what Master Li is doing.

"You go and go, say a few words, I will!" Beidou a **** will knock the seven stars away, close to Ye Hao: "Feng Jie, you know, Master Li, is a famous painter in the independent state. Before, his exhibitions and sales of paintings were all carried out without fear of the alliance, and the monthly income was very impressive.

But in the first two years, Master Li suddenly stopped cooperating with our fearless alliance... Feng Jie, the master Li is most afraid of you, just happened, Feng sister came back, called and warned the old things. ”

Hearing this statement, Ye Hao secretly gave a thumbs up to the Beidou, the young man, is not the existence of the brain bitten by the dog, there is a future!

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Ye Hao looked angry and sneered: "It seems that she is old and confused."

"Hey, that old thing, if you know that Feng sister is back, he will be scared to death." Beidou Road.

"In this case, then Feng Sister is now dealing with it." Without giving the opportunity to Ye Hao, the Seven Stars used their own mobile phones to dial the phone number of Master Li.

Upon seeing it, Ye took a look at the seven stars: "Seven stars, you are teaching me, how to do things."

"The seven stars don't dare, but this matter is more urgent, or it is better to act immediately." Seven Star Road.

Anxious? Master Li has been severing cooperation with you for a few years. Now I am talking about urgency. What have you done in the morning?

Isn't this just a temptation to test yourself?

But even so, Ye Hao can only cope with it.

"Seven stars, I told you earlier, my paintings, you don't have to worry about the covenant!" The voice of an old man came from the phone.

Ye Hao took the phone, smiled coldly, and said quietly: "Master Li, it seems that the fire is a bit big, otherwise, I will send someone to send you some herbal tea."

"Who are you?" The old man heard the voice, some strange.

[7.8 End of the update? 中~ The winner of the prize is “May”, please win the prize group and receive a pen. There is a pen in this chapter. ~]

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