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"What are you still standing here? Don't go see if your Li Gongzi has died." Beidou is heading for a few strong people.

Hearing the words of Beidou, the people brought by Li Mochen rushed out.

"Disappearing." Qiu Shui snorted: "This bastard, dare to splash my red wine, today he is not dead, I will kill him sooner or later."

"Oh, Feng sister is not for venting, then Li Mochen is a waste, has long been hollowed out by the color of the wine, physical fitness is too bad, so high, not falling is almost the same." Beidou laughed.

"It's still a small maple maple..."

Immediately, Qiu Shui hugged Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is now used to the enthusiasm of Qiu Shui, but it is calm.

In fact, she only shot, although it was to disguise the flat-headed brother, but at that time, I saw that Li Mochen’s anger at Qiu Shui was not inferior, and the anger and the short-sighted feeling that suddenly surged in my heart were true.

"Feng Jie, the three elders are not so good, you are still careful." Seven stars look at Ye Hao, indifferent to open.

Hearing, Ye Hao’s face was sneer, and it seemed that he did not put any three elders in his heart.

"Forget it, don't eat it, disappoint! Feng sister, let's go to the casino to play a few!" Beidou excitedly suggested.

Ye Wei: "..."

Can she not go?

She hasn't gotten out of the shadow of "Flying Dragon", she can't let her slow down for a while...


Soon, several people went downstairs and left the Tiange House.

"I still have something, you play." Seven stars said, turned and left alone.

"You have a lot of fart." Beidou glanced at the seven stars and did not pay attention to him.

Ye Hao saw the toughest seven stars left, and this was a little relieved.

This feeling is just like leaving the classroom with the class teacher...

After the Seven Stars, Beidou drove the car. After half an hour, the three went to a large luxury casino.

In places like independent states, the gambling industry is everywhere, and it’s not uncommon to see such a large luxury casino.

On the outskirts of the casino are some electronic gambling machines, while inside, they are the ones that can gamble on their lives.

"Autumn Sister, Seven Lords... Rare!"

As Ye Hao and others stepped into the casino, a middle-aged man in a suit with a smile on his face quickly greeted him.

"Why, didn't you see our lord?" The iconic red hair of the Beidou, the cold light, the ruthlessness of the beautiful peach eyes.

Don't look at this guy in front of Ye Hao seems to be like a silly white sweet, when it is outside, it is quite sultry.

Hearing this statement, the middle-aged man trembled and immediately looked at Ye Hao, and the next second changed suddenly.

Fearless allies? !

The fearless allies have been missing for many years... but they are back...

But even if Beidou is said to be a fearless ally, it must be that Pingtou brother will not be wrong...

"The lord... I haven't seen it for years... I can't recognize it, but it's not right for me... So, we give a flat-headed brother a million chips, just play it..." The suit man stared at Ye Hao, while wiping the cold sweat , smiling at the side.

Ye Wei: "..."

When you meet, you will get a million chips... Is there such a face...

Ye Xie was shocked, but on the surface it was full of disdain, cold: "Is you one million chips?"

Hearing, the suit man suddenly looked at him and quickly shook his head: "No, no, you will naturally not lose this money. It is a small mistake."

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