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The man in the suit said, his right arm was raised, and his mouth was slap in the face.

Ye Hao was a little speechless at the time. This Pingtou brother is really a monk in the independent state...

"Do not talk nonsense, still do not lead our lords to enter." Qiu Shui is a little impatient.

"Right right, come and play, a few guests please come in..."

The suit man nodded immediately, with Ye Hao and Beidou three, walking towards the inside of the casino.

Soon, Ye Hao stopped at a table.

There are five men sitting on the table, and the dealer is signing.

For gambling, Ye Hao knows nothing about it. If it is a lost dice, it may still play two, but the card gambling has almost no contact and no interest.

However, it is said that Pingtou's gambling is very good. Almost every week, he will go to the major casinos to play two games, losing less and winning more. Unfortunately, Ye Hao will not gamble and can only act as a gift boy.

At this moment, the helpless Ye Hao, can only sit down.

"You, you lost again."

Ye Haogang sat down, a man dressed in sportswear, dyed long hair to the waist, looks beautiful, faintly open, and will take all the chips to his side.

Immediately, the four men sigh at the same time, turning their hands on the table and turning away.

"I Nima..."

After seeing the beautiful man, the whole person of Beidou was stunned, and then he changed his face and subconsciously wanted to leave.

As for the response of Ye Hao, it is a brow that is slightly picky. I thought, the average value of independence is so high?

If you come to a casino, you can meet such a good-looking person.

However, Ye Hao is only a purely visual angle judgment, just like seeing a beautiful flower, can't help but see more.

After all, she is a person who has seen the big world. She used to live with such a man, and then look at what kind of color, just like a glimpse.

Thinking of this, Ye Hao’s heart is inevitably bitter.

For the whole life and the past two lives, she did not even see the person.

Secretary night cold... Anyway, she must find him!

It is dangerous to be trapped in the fearless alliance, but as long as the people who fear the alliance can completely believe that they are Pingtou, they will have the opportunity to use the ability of the fearless alliance to find the night!

Otherwise, relying on her own ability, trying to find a person in the fearless alliance is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the Beidou look is not right, the autumn brows slightly picked up.

"No...nothing..." Beidou turned his head and stopped talking.

Soon, the long-haired man’s gaze fell slowly on Ye Hao and asked: “How to play.”

Ye Hao heard the words come back, where she knows how to play, just said: "You are free."

"Player." The long-haired man also did not talk nonsense, hooked his fingers toward the dealer.

At this moment, Ye Hao stared at the chips on the man's desktop, and it was only these chips. I was afraid... I would have to say tens of millions of it... I really gamble.

Fortunately, Pingtou brother is not short of money, and there is no shortage of money in the fearless alliance. Even if it is lost, it is not losing its own money...

At present, only the Ye Hao and the long-haired men are on the table, and they are in a state of gambling.


The long-haired man who got the card, throwing a million chips.

Ye Hao stared at the cards in his hand, his face was calm, but his heart was excited.

What's special, I don't know what these cards mean...

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