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Dogs are chopped, no one knows their origins, but they don't know their names, but they only know that the strength of this person can be done in an independent state. It is said that there is no rival.

Few people know the appearance of the dog's chop, but it is a fearless alliance. Because the leader of the league always wants to retaliate against the dog's choppy relationship, this makes the fearless alliance no stranger to the dog chop.

As the old man was beaten by a dog, the old man brought a slap in the face, as if the breathing gradually became slower.

Who can think that the fearless allies will be mixed with dogs...

These two people obviously do not deal with each other...

"Go... walk away..."

One of the men, looking at the dog chop standing beside Ye Xie, the whole body has been soaked in cold sweat, the matter of the co-owner and the dog are mixed together, and it is sure to go back to the elders soon.

"I, let you go."

The long-haired man's icy dawn, sweeping across the crowd.

Hearing this statement, no one in the scene dared to move.

"Dog...God...this is a misunderstanding!" The head man looked at the dog chop, and his forehead was cold and sweaty.

"What are you calling me?" The dog whispered.

"No, no... Grandpa, you are my grandfather..." The man wants to cry without tears. Where does he know the name of the dog, and the independent state does not call him a dog?

"You are fearless." Long hair man said.

"This..." The head of the man subconsciously looked at Ye Hao. They are indeed people who are fearless, but... today they come to kill the lord, and the identity cannot be leaked out...

However, in the face of dog chop, they dare not have the slightest lie, otherwise, it is very likely that they will not be able to leave the casino alive tonight.

"Yes...Yes..." Under the impetuous deterrence of dogs, men can only admit their teeth.

As the voice fell, the long-haired man intentionally or unintentionally looked at Ye Hao next to himself.

"Go it." The long-haired man faintly opened.

Hearing this statement, the fearless squad was like a big man, and instantly rushed out of the casino.

After a while, the long-haired man’s eyes fell on the side of Ye Hao.

Watched by the dog's chopped eyes, Ye Hao's heart trembled, Pingtou brother... I have a hatred in your previous life, what the **** you have offended...

"They are people who are fearless." The long-haired man looked at Ye Hao and said.

"Oh... it seems to be..." Ye Hao smiled.

"If I remember correctly, they just called you the lord." Long-haired man thoughtfully.

"Ah...the doorkeeper..." Ye Hao quickly explained: "You must not misunderstand... I am selling the door, the business is not bad... so there is a nickname called the doorkeeper..."

"Sell the door?" The long-haired man gave a slight glimpse.

"Right right, that is, selling doors, iron doors, wooden doors... glass doors, what doors are sold..." Ye Hao nodded quickly.

"Dog, can I leave?" Ye Hao looked like a smile.

What is special, the man in front of him is really the most terrible BOSS in the independent state, and he is a flat-headed brother in the heyday of the heyday, and only one person almost destroyed a hidden ancient family...

At that time, Pingtou brother was so arrogant to what extent, even this terrible BOSS dare to provoke...

It is said that Pingtou brother was about to compete with the dog in the same year, but in the dark, he ambushed a lot of fearless alliance strongmen... After being smashed by the dog, the order was made, and the fearless allies were all appearing, besieging the dog...

However, those who are fearless and strong, in the end are all hamstered by dogs, and suffered heavy casualties.

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