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At this moment, Ye Hao can't wait to get away from this good-looking long-haired man as far as possible.

"You are not a fearless ally." The dog was staring at Ye Hao.

Ye Wei: "..." Heroes, can you change a topic...

"I am really just selling a door... Heroes, you think about it, if I am a cowardly ally, those who are fearless, why should they come to kill me?" Ye Hao explained.

I heard the words of Ye Hao, the long-haired man slightly decapitated, this sentence is somewhat reasonable, the fearless allies have always been loyal to the fearless lord.

"What is your name?" Long hair man said.

"I... my name is Ye Hao." Ye Hao answered truthfully.

"Easy water is cold." After all, the long-haired man turned and left.

"Hot heroes go well... Change the Japanese home to miss me to come to me..." After the easy water and cold, Ye Hao was relieved.

It turned out that the dog is called easy water and cold... This name is quite poetic.

Soon, Ye Hao also left the casino and returned to the villa alone.

Tonight, I poured a cold water on Ye Hao, and let Ye Hao begin to understand the true situation of the fearless alliance.

The elders of the three elders provoked themselves and were thrown down from the fourth floor by Beidou. Then they were chased by the fearless coalition forces.

I think with my toes, and I know that killing this matter should be related to the three elders.

In the fearless alliance, it is not such a good response that she imagined. The Seven Stars are just a primary level. What really makes Ye Hao’s headaches is the old things that have the power and strength of the fearless alliance.

If you can't really sit down on the position of the Allied Lord, I am afraid that the death will be very fierce.

Today, Ye Hao has no second way to go.

It is not realistic to want to find someone in an independent state. If you borrow the power of the fearless alliance to find the night of the division, it should not be too difficult.

However, for the time being, she is simply unable to mobilize the core forces of the Fearless Alliance. Therefore, the remaining road of Ye Hao is just the position of the fearless lord. Otherwise, everything is empty talk.

"Sie night cold..." Ye Hao mouth muttered.


At the beginning of the next day, Ye Hao came to the headquarters of the Fearless Alliance early.

"Feng Jie, last night..."

Beidou walked into Ye's office and looked dignified.

He is not going to fight the landlord, just... the dog’s miscellaneous money, I really can’t win...

What Beidou originally wanted to explain, and waiting for him to talk, Ye Hao was cold with a face: "Go and call me the elders."

"Ah..." Hearing Ye Yan’s words, Beidou’s slight glimpse, those old things... Where did he move?

"I said that I have something to look for." Do not give the opportunity to open the Beidou, Ye Haodao.

"That... well, let me try." Beidou nodded and turned away.

However, Beidou had just left the house, but he came in again: "Maple sister... It seems that I don't have to go to ask... they came by themselves..."

As Beidou’s voice fell, a dozen old people walked slowly into Ye’s office.

Looking at the old people in front of me, Ye Hao brows slightly, she does not know one... Which one is the three elders.

Immediately, Ye Hao pretended to pick up a document on the table, staring at the documents in his hand, and the head was not lifted. The mouth sneered: "Three elders, can you be safe recently?"

As Ye Hao’s voice fell, an old man with a black suit and white hair suddenly stepped forward and looked at Ye Hao. He whispered softly: “There is a care of the tyrants, and it’s still a while in the near future.”

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