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Immediately, Ye Hao looked up and looked at the old man. This person is the three elders who are fearless, but they are like a kind-hearted person.

"I don't know who you are here to take the initiative to find me today, what is it." Ye Hao sneered, and immediately began.

"A few days ago, we knew that the lord had returned. However, there were some urgent incidents in the genre that needed to be dealt with. Therefore, I was unable to come to visit the lord. Today, I vacated the time and made a special trip to sue." Another older The old man, the voice is slightly indifferent.

On the surface, it seems to be calm and calm, but Ye Xie is aware. Today... I can’t give up half a step on my own momentum. Otherwise, I don’t say that I am a false ally. Even if it’s a true lord, it’s not in the future. It will be better, maybe, she will not know how to die.

"Oh, is it?" Ye Hao's mouth slightly raised, sketching a trace of inexplicable evil charm.

Beidou and others have been standing not far away and have not spoken.

The Seven Stars are constantly observing Ye Hao’s words and deeds, and seem to want to find a flaw from it.

"Lord, I want to ask, where have you been for so many years?" Suddenly, the three elders looked at Ye Hao and sneered.

"Oh, the three elders really care about me." Ye Hao smiled.

"That is nature, you are a fearless ally..." the three elders began.

However, the words of the three elders have not yet been finished, but the face of Ye Hao has suddenly changed.

I saw that Ye Hao stood up and picked up a stack of documents from his desk and squatted on the faces of the three elders.

"Old things, you are impatient!" Ye Hao snorted.

The sudden change of Ye Hao really made it difficult for everyone present. Qiu Shui and Beidou and others, after seeing Ye Hao’s move, could not help but stay in the same place, but the inside of Beidou was flashing a glimpse...

Nowadays, most of the power of the fearless alliance is in the hands of these old things. Ye Hao does this... It’s hard to be true. I really want to tear this face with this old thing...

"Lord, what do you mean by this!" The three elders looked at Ye Hao, and the cold light flashed.

Looking at the looming killings in the three elders, it is to make Ye Xie feel a little guilty, but the look on his face is getting colder and colder.

"I am not in these years, your courage, it seems to be getting bigger and bigger..." Ye Hao smiled coldly.

"Hey, the lord, what do you mean by this!" The three elders whispered.

"Last night, what did your illegitimate child do, isn't it clear to you?" Ye Hao looked at the three elders and said.

Hearing this statement, the three elders waved their hands: "The lord, things can be eaten indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. I don't have any illegitimate children."

"Yes?" Ye Hao nodded. "Beidou, bring people over."

"Good..." Beidou turned and left the office.

Last night, Beidou received a phone call from Ye Hao. He specifically smuggled Li Mochen out of the hospital. Although he did not know the meaning of Ye Hao, Beidou did not do it right.

Soon, the two members of the fearless alliance carried a stretcher and followed the Beidou, striding into the office.

On the stretcher, it was the illegitimate son of the three elders, Li Mochen.

When the three elders saw Li Mochen, who was covered in bandages, the dawn suddenly changed.

"Li Si, since you don't have an illegitimate child, you can know this person." Ye Hao sneered.

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