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"Oh... it’s a tiger, it’s a real tiger. My five mercenaries said that it’s a pet without worry in China.” Duan Fei nodded.

Ji Xiu dye did not say much, just hooked his finger toward Si Mingli.

Upon seeing it, Si Mingli shook his body and walked slowly toward the top of the hall.

At the moment, Si Mingli did not know what happened, and he did not understand why the famous King of the Emperor would tie him here...

"I heard that you used to send people and chase after killing." After Si Mingli approached, Ji Xiuzhen chuckled softly.

"Ah... no worries?" Hearing the words of the emperor, Shi Mingli gave a slight glimpse of his face: "Nothing... Who is it? I don't know, I don't know when, I send people to kill." Over..."

Si Ming Li is not lying, he really does not know who is in the repair of the mouth.

"I don't know." Ji Xiu dyed a chuckle: "She still has a name, called Ye Hao."

"Ye... Ye Hao?!" Wensheng, Si Mingli's face full of horror, that Ye Hao, and the independent state of the emperor have nothing to do, two people can not beat the eight!

"Ji... Ji Huang, are you and that Ye Hao?" Si Mingli asked cautiously.

"She is my sister." The smile in Ji Huangfu suddenly turned into a cold, not waiting for Shi Mingli to respond, and grabbed the throat of Si Mingli.

In an instant, the sound of the broken bones, the neck of Si Mingli, was instantly crushed by the emperor.


I saw that Ji Huang’s right arm was slightly raised, and the body of Si Mingli was randomly thrown aside, whispering: “Duan Fei, bring them all up.”

"Yes." Duan Fei nodded and turned away.

But for a moment, the mercenary five and another young man were taken to the main hall.

If Ye Hao is here, he will be able to recognize that the young man is the shadow guard of the former division of the division.

"who are you."

The streamer was full of calmness, sweeping through the crowd and screaming coldly.

"You don't need to know so much, ask you anything, answer it truthfully." A middle-aged man under the Emperor of the Kings looked at the stream and snorted.

"court death!"

When I heard the sound, the stream suddenly became angry, the right arm rose, and the fist became a palm, and immediately caught the middle-aged man who was open.

Upon seeing it, the middle-aged man sneered and slammed his elbow. He didn’t wait for the flow to close, and one elbow was hitting the belly of the stream.

In the meantime, the shadows fell to the ground.

"What is Ye Hao and your predecessor, the owner of the family!" The middle-aged man stared at the stream and snorted.

"I don't know!"

"I don't know? You are a former defender of the Chinese National Family, how can you not know!" The middle-aged man was flashing in the cold.

"Hey, talk nonsense, I don't know anything."

"Oh... you have a bone, you don't say, naturally someone will say." The middle-aged man's nephew slowly fell on the body of the five-person group, and immediately regained his gaze.

"Ji Huang, this person is useless, kill it." Soon, the middle-aged man looked to the emperor.

However, Ji Huang smiled and said: "No."

Ji Huang has decided that middle-aged men will naturally not say anything more, but look at the mercenary five-person group.

Little Loli was watched like this, her body trembled slightly.

Ji Huang...the ruler of the European underground dynasty, a veritable overlord...

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