Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1322: Giving a green hat to Ji Huang [seeking a monthly ticket]

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Although Xiao Lili has never seen Ji Huang, but the name of Ji Huang, where can not be clear.

"Hello, you are..."

Not waiting for the opening of the emperor, Xiao Loli took the initiative to laugh.

Speaking, Xiao Loli nodded. "Who is your master?"

"Our master..." Xiao Loli sneaked a few glances at the emperor, thinking for a moment, only to be honest: "Our master is the death rose..."

Hearing the words of Little Loli, the people in the hall were smiling, and there was a death rose.

"Death Rose... Is it?" Ji Huang’s mouth swelled slightly, drawing a smile like a spring breeze.

It seems that after the disappearance of worry-free, life is also colorful, even in China, even posing as a death rose.

"Dare to ask the Emperor... What is your relationship with my owner...?" Lolly looked slightly at the Emperor.

Before Ye Hao was still in China, he also informed Xiao Loli and others that she would go to the independent state. Therefore, the five-member mercenary knew that Ye Hao is currently in an independent state.

"Your owner is the unmarried wife of Ji Huang." Suddenly, Duan Fei suddenly said.



"I am going to... there is such a thing... it is my master..."

Even Li Huang can get a hand, and they all have a marriage contract!

Immediately, the little Loli Heidi and others changed slightly.

The bearded man is full of surprise: "This... is not right, our master is in China, not the owner of the family..."

However, the bearded man’s words had just been said to be half, but he was glanced at by Little Loli.

At first glance, the bearded man immediately responded and quickly closed his mouth.

Her master actually found a wild man in China and wore a green hat to Ji Huang...

Nima, if this is to let the Emperor know, it’s still...

"How did your master live in China?"

"Good, very good, very good! Free and happy, happy!" Heidi quickly said.

"Well..." Ji Huang decapitated and swept the mercenary five-person group: "In this way, since you have come, you can stay in the independent state... At present, your master, in the independent state, is not afraid to go to her. Let's go."

"Ah... no fear of alliance?!"

Referring to the fearless alliance, the face of the mercenary five is suddenly changed.

What international jokes, how fearless the alliance is, and let them go to the fearless alliance to find the master...

However, since Ji Huang has said this, I am afraid that Ye Hao must be fearless.

They are almost tied up, and now they want to go back, it is difficult to go to the sky, and they can only go to try their luck and find the owner.

"That... Ji Huang, let's go first?" Xiao Loli carefully.

"Take him away too." Ji Huang pointed to the flow in the hall.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Immediately, Heidi grabbed the arm of the stream and took him out of the hall.

After the mercenary five-person group and the streamer left, Duan Fei stepped forward and whispered: "Jihuang... What do you think of it? Now, Miss Wushao lost her memory and stayed in the fearless alliance. It should be very dangerous. Why? Do not inform Nie?"

Hearing this statement, Ji Huang smiled slightly, and did not have a deep meaning: "It is even more dangerous to return to Nie."

"She must grow up, whether or not she can restore her memory... Staying in the fearless alliance, although dangerous, may help her to restore her memory, and the identity of the carefree and fearless lord Bai Feng, in this world, I know only one person.

I promised her, did not tell anyone, now to inform Nie, is not against my vows of worry-free ... Moreover, the fearless alliance, originally belonged to her. "The emperor is again."

Duan Fei thoughtfully: "Also, nowadays, the relationship between the four great families is awkward. You represent the family of Jihuang. It is best not to intervene in the Nie family... Also, Ji Huang, let the five people leave, should I am going to let them help Miss Worry."

"Not bad." Ji Huang decapitated, said: "There are a lot of people who look at it, and she always has some people around her."

"To the Emperor... I have checked clearly. In these years, Miss Wuxi and the head of a division of Huaguo, it seems to be a relationship, but the owner of the family has disappeared... Miss Wuyou came to the independent state this time. It should be looking for him."

Hearing this statement, Ji Xiu dyed the inside of the cold light flashed: "Name."

"The division is cold." Duan Feidao.

[July 12, the end of the update? 哒~ The third day of the countdown to the support activities, the baby remembers to brush the task~ In addition to the official rewards, I personally prepared some small prizes for everyone~ Five full set of surrounding and all signature books, 6~10 pillows + notebooks, after the event, select 30 people, each person 20 yuan cash red envelope, save your aid value screenshot page (more than 100 to participate) )~Thank you for your hard work during this time, CALL~]

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