Remember [] for one second, update fast, no pop-up window, free to read!

There are only three days left before the end of the aid activities. The hard-working babies finally sprint a wave, remember to brush a wave of daily tasks~

Send a comment to Nie Hang Hang~

Punch card to send dog ~

Vote for the emperor~

Rewarding and sending... I don’t dare to send it...

Send Gong Xu + Beidou bar ( ̄ ▽ ̄ ") ╭ (inexplicable feeling will be rejected ...)


● PS: Activity rewards -

Top10 writer's fans, as long as the value of the aid is greater than 100, you can divide the book into 10 million coins. Everyone can cheer for it. After the game is over, you can go to the event page to receive the book currency reward.

In addition to the official awards, I also prepared some small prizes for everyone. They should be worth the top five complete sets and all signature books, 6~10 pillows and notebooks.

After the event, 30 people will be selected, and each person will receive a cash red envelope of 20 yuan. Save the screenshot of your aid value. If the value of the aid is greater than 100, you can go to the lottery post in the comment area. If you can't find it, you can get it from me. The author page goes to find the post I sent.

Thank you for your big **** blood. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your support.


● PPS: You should know the way to participate in the event...

QQ read the client, find, receive benefits, click on the "sponsor writers" banner, you can enter the event page.

[This section does not charge]

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