Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1373: Is this a man who is not so fucked?

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It’s hard to describe the feeling of building your own power with the money of the fearless alliance.

The sound of the sound, the old **** Yin smiled: "Master, this I am doing, as long as there is money, nothing is a problem ... but, in what name do we use to recruit soldiers, fearless alliance?"

Ye Hao could not help but fall into meditation. Naturally, it is impossible to recruit and buy in the name of the fearless alliance. If in the name of the fearless alliance, what is the relationship with her, she wants the forces that belong to her own, and has nothing to do with the fearless alliance!

After a while, Ye Shuguang flashed and said: "In the name of the death rose..."


After discussing the details with Lao Jiang and Liu Ying, they took a few people to the Finance Department to take all the money from the martial arts union.

After this, Ye Hao returned to his office.

In the office, Beidou is a overalls with an orange sunhat on his head, sitting on the office chair of Ye Hao, leaning his legs, and picking up the apples in the office while holding the leaves, holding the leaves in his mouth.旋 I don’t understand the melody completely.

"My office chair, sit comfortably." After Ye Hao entered the office, he looked at the Beidou and opened his way.

Seeing Ye Hao appear, Beidou immediately stood up from the office chair and smiled.

"Do you have the door installed?" Ye Hao asked Beidou.

Weng, Beidou nodded again and again: "Installed... Feng sister... What the **** is going on here, I am going to install this door this morning... The dog chop actually appeared."

Ye Xie is speechless, that is, the home is easy to water, he does not appear to have ghosts.

"His mother, when I went, the dog chopping actually went to sleep on the sofa. I didn't pay attention to it and woke him up... That shit, I can't get up, I will kill me, I still have to wear work clothes, 扛At the door, he knew that I was coming to install the door. This was a bit more tempered, otherwise I would really be killed by him." Beidou slightly complained that this work is too dangerous.

"Key." Ye Haodao.

Immediately, Beidou took a key from his pocket and handed it to Ye Hao.

"Maple sister... What do you want the key to the dog's house?" Beidou looked confused: "It won't... you and the dog are so chopped... Have a leg?!"

After Ye Hao collected the keys, he gave Beidou a white eye, and his imagination was rich.

"Feng Sister...I don't mean you, don't you want to see a girl who looks good, but it's a little life!"

"Can you talk?" Ye Hao white gave him a look, she is such a man who is not so fucked?

Beidou saw Ye Hao's look unpleasant, his face screamed: "Cough, make a joke... Yes, the martial arts union guild said that the money and the pass are given to you, let Feng sister you act quickly."

Hearing the words of Beidou, Ye Hao was a sneer. The martial arts league guild regarded himself as a weapon and wanted to marry Ashura. How easy it is.

Even if Ashura has just revived, it will not last long, but it must maintain its elite strength. Which one is so good to deal with, one is not careful, and it is impossible to say that his life will be played.

"Go to the martial arts union guild, when to start, I am determined by the fearless alliance." Ye Haodao.

Beidou thoughtfully: "Feng sister... the authority of the martial arts union guild, we still don't challenge as well... they may have to spend some setbacks in the heyday of the martial arts, but it is not difficult to destroy us. ......"

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