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Hearing the words of Beidou, Ye Hao was thoughtful.

Since ancient times, the martial arts union has been the strongest force in the independent state, and it belongs to the official existence of maintaining the balance of the independent state. If necessary, including the four major families will help the martial arts union.

The reason why the martial arts union association wants to suppress Ashura, Ye Hao thinks, it should be that Ashura’s forces are not compliant with the supervision, and the time has challenged the authority of the martial arts union guild, while Ashura has not violated the rules of the independent state.

Therefore, on the bright side, the martial arts union guild does not move, but in private, it is the power to gather them to die with Ashura.


Not waiting for the opening of Ye Hao, Beidou said: "Before the martial arts union sent a group of people, there are dozens of them, saying that it is to assist you with Feng Sister."

"Dozens?" Ye Hao sneered: "The martial arts union guild is generous, and sent me dozens of people... this is also manpower."

"The strength is not bad, I was arranged in the hotel next to the fearless alliance." Beidou Road.

Ye Hao pondered for a moment, the eyeballs turned slightly, and the corner of the mouth outlined a smile.

Immediately, Ye Hao called the stream and the **** and others to the hotel called Beidou.


At the moment of pushing the door open, Ye Hao was a bit forced. In a large suite, there were twenty or thirty people who ate instant noodles and drank mineral water.


One of the middle-aged men, with a cold eyes, fell on Ye Hao.

"Let's relax, fearless lord Bai Feng!"

"Flat head brother?!"

Hearing this statement, the twenty or thirty people in this room looked a glimpse, and their eyes fell on Ye Hao.

"You were sent by the martial arts union?" Ye Hao casually sat on the sofa and looked at everyone.

"Maple sister... Yes, the martial arts alliance public let us help you to challenge Ashura." A black man looks at Ye Hao, looks respectful.

"You are a member of the martial arts union guild?" asked Ye Hao.

"Not..." The old man in black shook his head.

This is also expected in Ye Hao, the martial arts league will do is to kill people by knife, and how to make alliance members appear.

Through some conversation, Ye Hao smiled more.

Most of these people are death row prisoners who have violated the rules of independent states and are imprisoned by the fearless alliance. There are also a few outsiders who think that they are strong and want to come to the independent state where the legendary martial arts is flourishing. As a result, there is no pass. The martial arts unions seized that the first level was a few years.

This time, the martial arts alliance released them and promised that they were not guilty, but they must assist the fearless lord to attack Ashura.

"Bai Mengzhu... When do you start, you can say a word, as long as we can get freedom, do anything!" A young man in his twenties said.

Hearing, Ye Hao smiled lightly and gave a look to the ginger.

Ginger will know what to look at, and he will laugh across the crowd. "You, my ginger, I admire the strongest... So, I want to ask you, have you thought about a good day, want to be famous in the independent state... want to call for the rain ?"

Hearing the words of the old ginger, everyone is a glimpse.

Ye Hao heard the nose on the side, how is this word like MLM organization...

"Who doesn't want to... but it's too impractical, we just want to get the job done quickly, not so much luxury." A middle-aged man sighed.

[July 25 update is over?]

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