Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1375: Did not say not to do Ashura

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The martial arts union will give them the conditions for freedom, and it is very likely to take life as a price...

The reputation of the Fearless League is big in the independent state, but Ashura... is even more terrible!

According to legend, the president of the previous martial arts union association wanted to annihilate Ashura in one fell swoop, and nowadays, the president of the last martial arts union has passed away, and the current squad, Ashura still exists. It can be seen that Ashura actually How terrible it is.

"Oh, you are more worried." Ye Hao looked at everyone in the room, his mouth slightly raised: "From this moment on, everyone is free."

Hearing the words of Ye Hao, everyone in the room is a glimpse.

No one will refute Ye Xie’s words, no one is afraid of the Pingtou brother, everyone knows well, in the independent state, the world is not afraid of fear, no she dare not provoke, but the fearless lord is also offended for them. Budo Alliance?

"Ginger, with these brothers, talk about our plans." Ye Hao laughed.

Immediately, Ginger nodded.

However, the streamer pulled Ye Hao to the side and whispered: "Miss Yan... you are not afraid. In this group of people, is there a spy of the martial arts union?"

Hearing the flow of this statement, Ye Hao shook his head and whispered softly: "First of all, the martial arts league guild thinks that I have eaten me, there is no need to put in the traits."

Ashura did not violate the rules of the independent state. If it is known, the people of the corps of the martial arts union in the advance troops are a heavy blow to the martial arts union.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if there are spies, then how, these manpower, already belong to me, and, I did not say not to do Ashura, just a matter of time, what is the martial arts alliance. ”

"This..." The stream of thoughts for a moment, but could not find any rebuttal words, and finally nodded: "Gao Ming..."

Do you have any spies, even if you meet these people in front of the president of your martial arts union, what can you do?

Ashura, they will go to fight, but at least they need a detailed plan, but this plan is not fixed for a while, and the martial arts alliance has nothing to say.

"Old **** brother... Then we are into a fearless alliance?!" A black old man, there is a hint of doubt in his heart.

"Fearless League?" Xiao Loli sneered, and looked proudly: "It's really hard to hear... you are not into a fearless alliance."

"That is..." The old man in black is screaming.

"Death Rose!" The long-haired man snorted and smiled.

"What... Death Rose?!"

Hearing this statement, everyone in the room is a glimpse, unbelievable: "Don't there be a death rose in this world... But before anyone said that everything was fabricated?"

"Nonsense, we are the people who died of roses, you said that we are all fabricated?!" The bearded man glanced at the old man with disappointment.

"No, no, the old man doesn't mean this..." The old man in black continued to shake his head. He couldn't help but sigh: "It turned out that there is a tissue of death roses... What I didn't even think was that the famous white maple white lord, It is actually the leader of the death rose, the black widow..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let me try your strength." Suddenly, Xiao Loli snorted coldly and took a shot to the black man with no warning.

However, the old man in black did not even dodge, and he ate a small loli.

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