Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1382: For the beauty of your brother, you are fascinated by

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"Go down." The night is cold and the tone is unquestionable.


Soon, the people in the hall immediately retired, leaving only the two nights and the forest.

"Nine brothers, the fearless alliance is so arrogant, when the attack on us was the most active, why not remove them?" Lin lacked to look at the night, full of confusion.

The sound of the sound, the night of the cold face, seems to be caught in what memories.

After a long time, the Secretary of the Night Cold used the sound of ice-cold machinery to open: "Because."

"Ha? Ye... Ye Hao?!" Lin lacked a face full of surprise: "No... Nine brothers, Ye Hao and the fearless alliance have anything to do?!"

"She is a person who is not afraid of the league." Si night cold face expressionlessly.

"Ha?! Ye Hao is a fearless ally?!" Lin lacked a face full of horror, this kind of thing, he was the first time to listen to the Secretary of the night.

Nima, when he knew that Ye Hao’s weak chicken was the sweetheart of the legendary nine brothers, he was already surprised enough. I didn’t expect her to be related to the organization without fear.

After Si Yehan decided to return to the independent state, this told him that Ye Hao was an independent state, the girl he had liked before, and then suffered a huge change. I went to China.

"Nine brothers, you haven't told me too many things. I have been looking at it all the time. What is the situation?" Lin asked quickly.

The division of the night meditation for a period of time, between the eyebrows, there is a sigh of relief, after a long time, this is quietly explained.

At that time, Si Yehan was inspected in the Asura branch, and Ye Hao suddenly sneaked into the branch, trying to destroy the division of Ashura.

After that, Ye Hao met the division night in the branch.

Ye Xie sees that the night is good, thinking that the night is the small leader of the branch, it will start the heart of love, bitterness and persuasion, the Secretary of the night to leave Asura, to rely on the fearless alliance...

Lin lacked to hear it, and sneaked at the face of his nine brothers, his expression was very subtle.

Hey, the heart of love?

Are you sure...not the heart of beauty?

Later, for two consecutive months, almost every day, Ye Hao will sneak into the Ashura branch to find the division of the night, trying to dig the wall and trying to dig the night cold to fearless alliance.

Speaking of this, the Secretary of the night is slightly meditation, it seems that everything in the past is in front of you, and it is lingering.

"So... Is Ye Hao a member of the Fearless League?" Lin asked.


"I rely on it, that girl is simply, and who is not well mixed with it, must be with the person like Bai Feng! However, that girl is enough, what eyes, you actually think of you as the head of the Ashura branch...

Hey, if Ye Hao knows that the little leader she wanted to dig away is the master of Shura, the supreme master of Ashura, and the biggest BOSS, I don’t know what to think.

However, Ye Hao is so obsessed to dig you to the fearless alliance, but also can see that she should be very loyal to the fearless alliance! Lin lacks speculation.

It is no wonder that Jiu Ge is so laissez-faire in his attitude towards the fearless alliance.

After listening to the last sentence, the Secretary of the Night, a faint look at the forest, looked a little cold.

Lin lacked the man's dissatisfaction and suddenly changed his mouth. "Cough, cough, and fearless alliance are all clouds. The girl must be purely broken for the beauty of your brother."

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