Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1383: Vest running all over the place

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After missing Lin, he curiously asked, "Nine brothers, since Ye Hao is an independent state, where is her home, where is her parents, and what is her name?"

He has heard many rumors of the sweetheart of Jiu Ge, but he never knows who her true identity is.

Now, well, there is another title for a member who is fearless.

This woman's little vest is too much, right?

She is not too tired to panic...

“Is this important?” The cold face of the night was cold.

I never told myself that her real name, life experience, he did not care.

"Oh, okay, okay, don't even say it, then what?" Lin lacked a pair of bright eyes, and he still cares about his family.

It’s rare that Jiu Ge would like to tell him this! A perfect opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime!

However, the Secretary of the Night Cold did not continue to speak, but the look was more and more cold.

When the girl who happened unexpectedly had completely occupied all his life, even when she broke through the boundary with him...

Ye Hao suddenly disappeared for more than ten months, and there was no news, just like human evaporation...

During this time, he was always looking for her, but after finding Ye Hao, it was also the beginning of the disaster...

In the mind of the night, the situation of that day reappeared.

Ye Xie is covered in scarlet blood, as if he had climbed out of purgatory.

If it wasn't for his chance to find her, I was afraid... she couldn't support it...

Every time he thinks about it, he is very scared.

And this injury to him... is also because of the disaster.

After Ye Hao’s serious injury, he wouldn’t say anything, just pray for the night, let him take his own independent state, never come back...

So he disbanded Ashura and took her back to China.

However, after arriving in China...

I don't know what happened to her body. Ye Hao's daily pain is not as good as death. She is self-punishing like a madman, tears her face, and even has a tendency to self-mutilation.

In the end, Ye Hao prayed for the night to clear all his memories.

At the beginning, the division of the night did not agree with such absurd things. However, as her situation became worse and worse, he could not continue to see her painful life.

The Secretary of the Night Cold finally made up his mind to clear all the memories of Ye Hao in the independent state in the way of memory coverage.

It is to end her suffering and to protect her safety.

This time, the reason why he returned to the independent state is because of the mother of the night.

The mother of the night is threatening him. If he does not return, he will announce the whereabouts of Ye Hao in the entire independent state.

By the time he has been working hard for so long, he will fall short.

With the power of the Chinese family, I want to keep Ye Hao, and it’s a fantasy.

In the end, the division can only compromise and return to the independent state.

Putting down the sword, you can't protect your love.

Holding the sword, you can't embrace your love.

The night of the cold, the dark scorpion, slowly looked out of the hall, and although Shura had returned, he let the world dance in his palm...

Lin lacked to look at the division of the night, the look of uncertainty, what kind of terrible disasters and forces, even the company can not stop the night cold...

But no matter what, the former king... is back.


In the fearless alliance.

The Ashura messenger had just left and sent a message.

The Shura Lord held a meeting. At that time, the surrounding big forces will go to participate, and this time also invited the fearless allied main Bai Feng.

The meeting, which was opened by Shura, will be held three days later.

[Why is it over?]

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