Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1714: Movies that are not suitable for children

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The more people there are, the faster they will be honored by the mercenary points, and they will get the honor mercenary points in the shortest time, so that the dean of Akasaka can help me recover the memory!

Almost one afternoon, Ye Hao was busy before he was busy.

Because Ye Hao is the old love of the Akasaka Academy, most of the mercenaries are also more confident in Ye Hao, and they have not asked for a deposit.

In the afternoon, the former A-level mercenary brought three people, and the SS-level mercenary brought three people. A total of six people took over a lot of tasks for themselves, and almost swept the A-level and S-level tasks on the task list.

Ye Hao went to the old residence of the palace and prepared to bid farewell to the old man.

"Are you taking over the mission of the Chinese defector mercenary?"

In the lobby, the old brow of the palace was deeply locked, staring at the opening of Ye Hao.

I heard the sound, and Ye Hao told the truth.

"This task, although you are picking up, but it is best not to touch, not as simple as the surface." Palace old face full of serious, toward the leaves of the road.

"Master, I will be careful, I can't do it, I will give up." Ye Hao first promised.

I will not do stupid things that I can't do because of the mercenary honor points.

After bidding farewell to the old man, Ye Hao was reported with the Akasaka Academy, and immediately left the Chiyan College on the same day, returned to the fearless alliance, ready to travel to China.


Fearless headquarters

Ye Hao came to the office of Beidou and did not knock on the door. He went straight in.

At the moment, Beidou is looking at the laptop with a relish, and has not noticed Ye Hao.

At the moment, Ye Hao walked behind the Beidou and whispered softly: "Good-looking."

"Sister Feng, it's you! I am going! Scared me!"

Hearing the sound behind him, Beidou scared him almost off the chair and quickly stuffed the unknowing stuff into the quilt.

Ye Hao raised an eyebrow. "What? What? Sneaky!"

Beidou laughed, "No... nothing..."

Ye Hao hooked his finger and "take it out..."

Beidou was crying and sullen, "Feng Jie, nothing"

"You are not watching movies that are not suitable for children." Ye Hao stared at Beidou, thoughtfully.

"How is it possible? I... I will show you, you must keep it secret, or you will be found to be miserable..."

Ye Hao heard the words, what is it, so nervous?

Beidou said, he had to carefully take out something from the bed.

"this is……"

Ye Hao walked up and saw that Beidou was hiding in the bed. It was a laptop.

The computer is nothing unusual.

Rarely, the page connected to this computer in Beidou is the relevant website of Huaguo.

The phenomenon of exclusion from the independent state is extremely serious. This point will come from the time when Ye Haogang came to Tibet because there is no pass.

In the independent state, outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter. People in independent states are also not allowed to marry outsiders and marry outsiders. It is a great shame for the residents of independent states, especially the high-ranking powers. It is a taint of the blood. Will be severely punished, and even the entire family will be implicated.

Therefore, under this high-pressure system, it is understandable that independent states cannot connect to the external network.

Want to browse foreign web pages, only through special technical means, commonly known as "over the wall."

And "over the wall" is absolutely forbidden in the independent state.

"Hey... Feng sister, I don't think we have to go to the independent state in a while, so I just want to go online and learn about the customs of China, which will help me better assist you in completing the task. Well……"

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