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Beidou is very grandiose. If it is not the photo of a female star on the page he is currently opening, she estimates that she really believes.

"Oh... understand the customs and customs... Do you understand the customs of the people?" Ye Hao took the photo of the actress on the page.

Beidou: "Wind, earth, people, love, I understand people, no problem!"

Beidou said that he was bribing Ye Hao with a flattering gesture. "Feng Jie, I spent a lot of money, and I finally connected to the Internet. You use it!"

Just as Ye Hao also wanted to know about the situation in China, he sat down at the computer desk.

It was only far away that I couldn’t see who the female star was. After I got close, Ye Hao accidentally discovered that it was an acquaintance and could not help but click on the mouse.

"Feng sister, this is my goddess! Beautiful!" Beidou excitedly opened the door.

What surprised Ye Hao was that this female star turned out to be... Jiang Yanran.

I saw a set of photo photos taken by Jiang Yanran on the website. In the photos, Jiang Yanran is **** and bold. Although the scale is within a reasonable range, it is normal for the actress to shoot **** photos, because **** photos can also be shot. Very advanced and very artistic.

However, Ye Hao saw that the level of this group is not very good, it seems to be somewhat good...

No wonder she just didn't recognize it. This photo is not the style of Jiang Ruran.

It seems that after she left, the team is ready to be transformed by Jiang Yanran?

Beidou looked proudly and showed off, "My goddess is the first time to take the **** route, it is a male powder welfare!"

For fans like Beidou, the promotion effect of these photos is not bad, they naturally do not see what Ye Hao sees.

Beidou is enjoying the photos of the goddess on the webpage. When the picture on the computer turns, Ye Hao suddenly searches for other pages.

"My goddess..." Beidou grievances screamed.

The Beidou has done a good job on the wall. The webpage is very fast. After Ye Hao wrote the word "Miyazuki", he quickly found out a lot of related news and gossip.

Looking at the news gossip, Ye Hao’s face suddenly turned black.

The style evaluation of Gong Xu, who had already won the movie, has begun to completely reverse, and even became a typical example of inspiration. As a result, it took only a long time to start solid-state.

Lace news is flying all over the sky, and the rumored girlfriend has changed one after another, and even the continuous film is unbearable...

Recently, I have to pick up a very eye-catching theme. The producers are still using the large-scale bed in the drama to make a crazy draft, attracting the audience...

Ye Hao shook his head helplessly, and he hated iron and did not become the color of steel. This Gong Xu, once unconstrained, is like this.

Beidou looked at the male star on the news page and spoke of it. "I don't want Maple! You really like this type? It looks like a little white face!"

Ye Hao did not take care of Beidou, and successively searched for "Luochen" and "Han Yuyu"...

The development of Han Yuyu has always been quite stable. The most unexpected thing for Ye Hao is Luo Chen. This child is actually in love, and the object is a newcomer in the circle.

On the side of Beidou, seeing his own sister Feng has been searching for news about small meat, an unexpected expression, and pointing from time to time.

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