Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1731: There are dogs outside.

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Listening to the murmur of Gong Xu, the house was caught in a stagnation of silence.


How can I not...

The girl who is as bright as a sun.

It seems that there is nothing she can't do, as if she can create a miracle whenever she is, as long as she is there, she will be able to dispel all darkness.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of all, she is the soul of the gods.

Fei Yang recalled the bright and colorful girl in her mind and sighed. "I am afraid this time... The troubles of Ye Jiaxiong are not small... I have been careless..."

Luo Chen: "Is Ye Ye recently contacted you?"

Several people in the house shook their heads.

Jiang Haoran looked very dignified. "I hope that nothing will happen."

Even if it is more powerful, it is only a girl. My father and my brother are all in prison. The second room is still related to the forces on the road. It is not easy for her to protect herself. No news, but the best. Message.

Ye Hao has been missing for several months, and the whole person is like disappearing out of thin air. There is no news, no matter how they contact, they can't be contacted.

Some people say that she fled abroad with her money, and some even said that she was dead...

Gong Xu pressed the bottom of the panic and worry, and angered the opening. "That is the little man I saw, it is not so easy to accident, one day my leaf brother will drive me back with colorful clouds. !!!"


At this time, the doorbell outside the gate suddenly rang.

"I am going to open the door!" Xiaoqing quickly put down her clothes and got up and ran towards the gate.

"Who?" Xiaoqing opened the door and unconsciously looked up. Then, at the moment of seeing the doorman, the whole person stayed there. "Leaf...leaf...ah-"

Xiao Qing’s screams successfully attracted the attention of several people in the house.

Han Yuyu and Luo Chen and others rushed to walk toward the door, thinking that those people came to trouble again.

"Xiaoqing! What happened?" Han Yuyu looked at the micro-linger.

"Ye Ge! Ye brother! Ye brother!" Xiaoqing’s screaming scream almost broke the roof.

At the same time, several people have already reached the door, everyone only saw that at the door, the girl was wearing a black casual outfit, standing there in the dust.

"Cough, baby, I am very glad that you have seen me so passionately~" The girl looked at Xiaoqing, who was so excited that she would faint, and smiled softly.

Immediately, she lifted her throat and turned to the back of her face. Several people standing there stood open: "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

It’s still the face of Zhang Mingyan’s moving face, but it seems to have changed. It seems strange, but the girl smiles at the moment, the familiar feeling comes back in an instant, familiar... let people cry...

"Ye Ge!"


"Hey - Ye brother! Xiaoye, my mouth is simply open! You really came back to pick me up with colorful clouds!" Gong Xu pushed open Jiang Ruran and Luo Chen, dislocated The Huskies flew past Ye Hao.

However, just in the moment when Gong Xu flew into Ye Huai’s arms, behind a Ye Hao, a cold-faced boy quickly stepped forward and stopped Gong Xu’s approach as the door god.

Gong Xu looked at the cold-faced young boy who suddenly stopped him. He stayed for a while, then his face was shocked like a thunder, and the expression of a little wife like a husband who was out of the track was so sad that he was going to faint. "Ye Ge! You! You actually carry me outside with a dog!!!"

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