Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1732: What is the brain?

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"You actually carry me outside with a dog -"

The huge sound of the waves rushed in, and the leaves and eardrums were almost smashed.

Just when Gong Xu fell into a collapse, Ye Hao’s shoulder suddenly came out with a head, and Beidou blinked his eyes. “Hey? Dog? Where?”

Gong Xu stared at the face of Beidou for a second and exploded directly in the field: "You still have two!"

Ye Wei: "..."

It’s enough...

Seven Stars is because they are afraid that those people in China are not good for her. I don't trust her to travel alone, so she came with her. Beidou heard that she could see the goddess.

I knew that the chicken and the dog jumped... She came alone.

Don't say that Gong Xu misunderstood, that is, behind Luo Chen, they saw the two strange teenagers who were close to Ye Hao and they were a little surprised.

"Ye Ge, these two are..." Luo Chen hesitated.

Is it Ye Ke’s new artist?

The first reaction of several people is this.

After returning to China, even the elders and the three elders were swayed by Ye Hao, not to mention the two good seedlings of Beidou and Qixing.

Because of her occupational disease, Ye Hao gave the two people a lot of heads. At this moment, standing beside her, the image is completely no less than the artist. There is also a very unique and recognizable temperament on the body, which is inevitably misunderstood.

Fei Yang looked at the two people with bright eyes: "Lead Director, are you new artists outside?"

Gong Xu is still a girl who has been derailed and betrayed. "Ye Ge, you said that except me and the nerd will not accept more people! The result is brought back two!"

Ye Hao said silently, "What is the brain? What are these two friends are my friends, not the artists I receive."

"Friends..." Gong Xu heard the words, look at Beidou and look at the seven stars, staring at the faces of the two for a long time, and then disconnected the mouth, "their faces are not convincing!"

Ye Hao’s black face was smashed over Gong Xu’s hen’s head. “I haven’t seen it for so long, how has your age not increased at all?”

Still so... childish...

When Gong Xu heard this, he didn't know where the point of get went. He was angry and suddenly became happy. "That is of course, my little boy is well maintained!"

Ye Wei: "..."

After some noisy, Ye Hao entered the house with Beidou and Qixing.

"Hey..." Jiang Yanran with red eyes and Ye Hao hugged together. "Great! You are fine! Just fine! You have been missing for so long, we are all worried about death!"

"Sorry, I met some things at the time and couldn't contact you."

"It's okay, you'll be back."

"Right, introduce, these two are friends I know in foreign countries, Beidou and Qixing." Ye Hao gave a brief introduction to a few people.

"Good special name... Hello!" Jiang Yanran and others all greeted each other and introduced themselves. Only Gong Xu squinted and looked alert.

Beidou was excited to watch Jiang Yanran: "The goddess is good! I actually saw the real person! Goddess, I am your brain powder! You are really maple... Are you really an artist under Ye Jie?"

The Seven Stars only slightly bowed their heads. Seeing that Ye Hao’s attitude was familiar with these people, he relaxed his vigilance. Beidou was especially familiar with himself, and he was familiar with it in a while.

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