Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1733: Quickly succumb to the ball

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"No! I am jealous! Ye Ge, the first person you found after returning to China is actually Yu Yuge!" Gong Xu complained with sorrow.

Ye Hao’s brows are slightly picky, a natural tone of the word, “Is this not a matter of course?”

"Ye Ge, you are too much!" Gong Xu was so angry that he wanted to scratch people, but he couldn't refute it. When he came first, who made Ye Ge really know the earliest and the best relationship.

Ye Hao took back the joke. "I left this time, are you okay?"

In fact, looking for Han Yuyu is because, if you want to know the company's situation as soon as possible, it is most appropriate to find Han Yuyu. I didn't expect everyone to be there, but it was just right.

When Ye Yiyi asked this sentence, all the grievances of Gong Xu suddenly broke out, and suddenly there was a lot of bitterness.

However, I haven't waited for Gong Xu's opening, but suddenly the waist was smashed by Luo Chen. The pain of "嗷" was heard.

by! fool! What are you doing with me?

Gong Xu’s anger screamed over the past.

Luo Chen did not look at Gong Xu, as if he had just slammed him, he was not himself. He looked at Ye Hao without any strangeness. "Ye Ge, you can rest assured, we are all very good."

Gong Xu: By! What is good! Where is it! He is almost guilty of becoming a ball!

When the times of the gods were not acquired, the company would dare to give him a grievance, he is the king of the mountain, is a group pet, is the treasure of the town house!

But now, they are all happy grandchildren!

Gong Xugang was ready to speak, and he was taken over by Luo Chen.

Ye Hao recalled the news he had seen in the independent state before. "Is the gods era acquired by Emperor Entertainment?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Luo Chen and other people’s expressions were a bit sloppy. Soon, Han Yuyu said, “Ye Bai, I am sorry, I didn’t hold the company, but in that case, this is already the best choice. .

Because Ye was suspected of murder, the company was greatly affected, the capital chain was broken, and it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Although Huang Tian’s acquisition was looting, he at least kept the company. At present, Yao Jiawen has taken over the position of Ye Zong, and the company’s operation is fairly stable. ”

Han Yuyu said that the expression was already very indifferent. The nephew had a natural and soothing power, as if the dust had settled and nothing happened.

It seems that this matter is a peaceful solution, and they have not received any powerless and unfair treatment.

Ye Hao’s eyes looked at Han Yuyu and others intricately. “Is there any trouble for you?”

Jiang Yan was busy saying: "Although it was acquired, but our coffee is here, they dare not treat us."

Judging from the words of Han Yuyu and Jiang Yanran, it was the most appropriate decision for Huang Tian to acquire the company.

However... the actual situation is totally different.

How could you give up the company you created by yourself?

At that time, all of them were desperate to resist, and they used all their strength to keep the company. It was not necessarily impossible to get through this difficulty. After Ye Hao left, the company’s good foundation had already been laid, and it was in the entertainment circle. Also has been good.

Seeing the company a little better, until... the forces behind Huangtian Entertainment are involved!

Hongxing Club is the largest oldest gang organization in Hong Kong. The branch is located throughout Asia. The background is unfathomable. In recent years, it has been involved in the entertainment industry and used the entertainment industry to make money.

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