Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1782: Give face like this

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Han Yuyu naturally perceives the sight of malicious ridicule around him, subconsciously blocking the lines of sight with his body and protecting Ye Hao. "Go there and eat something."

Ye Hao nodded, "Okay."

Han Yuyu didn't want to do much, but she didn't think so.

Shao Heng’s little assistant came over with a few artists and sneered and said: “Ye Da broker, really a rare guest! I didn’t expect you to come to Shaoheng’s birthday party! Thank you so much, give face... ”

Obviously, this little assistant just heard the words of Gong Xu.

Everyone saw it, all of them were optimistic about the play.

This leaf white, I am afraid that it will be unlucky!

On the side of Han Yuyu and others, they were a little anxious. Fei Yang was preparing to play the round field. Ye Hao saw Shao Heng’s assistant, and said with a blank expression: “You’re welcome.”

Audience: "..."

Shao Heng: "..."

This woman, I dare to say it!

It seems that Yao Jiawen’s words are correct. This woman is really afraid of being stimulated and crazy.

The little assistant smiled and smiled. "I heard that in the past few days, Jiawen sister, have you taken care of it?"

The "care" two-character assistant said it was very gloomy.

The company that Shaoheng signed was Huangtian Entertainment. The agent who is currently carrying him is Yao Jiawen.

Before Yao Jiawen wanted to sign Luo Chen, Gong Xu and Jiang Yiran all in their own names, the helpless three did not agree in any case. Later, after Shao Heng was signed, Yao Jiawen was loyal to Ye Yiyi’s various forms and gave Shao Heng I have come over.

This little assistant is also her confidant.

Ye Hao Shen Shen, it looks like, Yao Jiawen is watching the Hongxing Club there is no movement, and went to Shaoheng to complain.

The concealment of the little assistant said that everyone did not understand it. Only when the assistant said that Yao Jiawen was an assistant to Ye Hao.

When I think of it, everyone can’t help but be more embarrassed.

"Hey, I thought that Yao Jiawen was just an assistant to Ye Bai, but now he has become the general manager of the era of the gods. He also brought Shao Heng such awesome artist!"

"Isn't it, thirty years of Hedong in the 30 years of Hedong!"


The little assistant smiled and said, "I thought that Ye Da’s agent would not come back in this life? How, money is spent, come back and get money? Oh, yes, although the broker is impossible, Your face is worth a few dollars!"

Today, Ye Hao’s father and brother are seized, the company is gone, there is no background, such a person, in the entertainment circle, anyone can step on one foot, not to mention this person is Shao Heng’s assistant.

The assistant can be said to be very ugly, but there is Shaoheng support, she is completely fearless, and no one in the scene dares to say no.

Sure enough, the scene was silent, all of them were optimistic about the play.

Luo Chen: "Feng Wei! Put your mouth clean!"

The quiet voice of the youth sounded in the silent air.

This time, unexpectedly, the person who spoke was not Gong Xu, but Luo Chen.

Gong Xu was preparing to speak. I didn't expect Luo Chen to speak first, and suddenly I was surprised to see Luo Chen.

"I rely on... the little sheep, you finally broke up..." Gong Xu muttered in surprise.

The female assistant smiled, "I'm angry and angry? Why, am I wrong?"

Luo Chen’s hands clenched into fists and wanted to speak. But he was always incompetent, and he was afraid of today’s occasion. He couldn’t speak for a long time. “You...”

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