Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1783: I am afraid I can’t afford it.

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The female assistant saw that Luo Chen couldn't speak, and was more proud. The yin and yang screaming, "Your home leaf agent ran here today, isn't it for Bajie Shaoge? What is the high?"

Hey, wasn’t it still a game of entertainment in the world? Why, now you are stunned? ”

The female assistant deliberately opened the voice that everyone around me could hear. "What do you know? This is called someone outside, there is heaven outside! Some people, don't measure their weight!"

Just holding the roots of rotten wood, I thought I was holding something golden thigh! It’s really a laugh! ”

Shao Heng stood with a glass of wine standing on his side, looking indifferently at this scene.

For him, these few people are just a few dogs that still have value.

He is jealous of their heat, and that is their privilege.

"Feng Wei! What kind of **** do you put! You are so special to hold the wood! The entertainment circle is what my Ye Ge's world is!"

As soon as he encountered something related to Ye Hao, Gong Xu was more likely to explode, and there was almost no choice at all.

Sure enough, the last sentence was just finished, it caused a curse.

The words of Gong Xu are equal to the fact that Shao Shaoheng is “rotten wood”.

"Hey, what did Gong Xu say just now, is the entertainment circle his world?"

"Speaking in front of the people in the entertainment of the stars, it is really ignorant to fear the most!"


The little assistant laughed directly. "Ha ha ha, is the entertainment circle your world? It’s a big tone! Isn’t the star to listen to your big leaf agent?"

The little assistant teased the same tone and suddenly provoked a burst of laughter.

"Ha ha ha, that's right, it's so ugly, the stars naturally want to listen to him!"

"I really laughed at me, who gave him the courage?"


Shao Heng's elegant gesture of sipping a sip of wine, snoring, disdain.

Until then, Shao Heng slowly came over, noble and elegant said: "Miss Ye, although I have nothing to do, but I am reading the old feelings. Miss Ye took care of my agent before, now it is difficult, I also I can't stand by. It's better than this, just because I still lack an assistant, don't you know Miss Ye is interested?"

Ye Hao raised his eyebrow slightly, "Assistant?"

The little assistant on the side suddenly had a face full of admiration. "Shao Ge, you are too good, and you still have a sentiment for this kind of person!"

The director of the former artist's economic department, the gold medal agent, was actually invited by Shao Heng to be his own assistant...

This is undoubtedly a public face.

Ling Shaozhe was full of pleasure, "I still don't thank Shaoge, I really took the dog and transported you!"

The little assistant suddenly screamed and said, "Oh, Shao Ge, your assistant is full, what should I do?"

Shao Heng did not know, "full?"

The little assistant smiled and said, "It's me, I still have a errand. Is it better to let Miss Ye be my assistant?"

After the small assistant finished, he smiled and looked at Ye Weidao. "Ye Da broker, you will not be in a position low, but unfortunately, our Shao Ge’s request for the assistant is very high. You are here, afraid of I am only qualified to run for me."

"I love you..."

Gong Xu’s snoring has not come out yet, Ye Hao reached out and stopped in front of Gong Xu’s body. Immediately, he opened his mouth without hesitation. “Oh, Shao Gongzi wants me to be an assistant? I’m afraid... please Can't afford it."

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