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A few days ago, the news from the Hongxing Club was that the people who hijacked Huang Mingkun and Liang Meizhen had been disposed of, including the recording has also been destroyed...

Could it be said that Hongxing would lie to her? !

Seeing Ye Yiyi’s look, Ye Hao’s face is indifferent.

This Ye Yiyi certainly can't think of it. He let Hongxing put fake news on them. Liao Jiayu is in his own hands. Hongxing will basically listen to her.

Ye Hongwei looked at the big screen incredulously and listened to the passage.

Ye Shao'an...not Ye Shaoting and Ye Mufan killed... His second son actually died in the hands of Liang Meizhen and Huang Guanjia!

Even, the crime of murder was blamed on Ye Shaoting and Ye Mufan! !

"Ye Ye, you love Ye Yiyi, but you are not your granddaughter. She is the daughter of your family, Huang Mingkun and Liang Meiqi. The father of Ye is really broad-minded and gives his lifelong heart to outsiders." I looked at Ye Hongwei and smiled.

"You...what do you say!" Ye Hongwei was full of shocking colors, and looked at Ye Yiyi, who was incredulously looking around.

"Ye, don't make a fool here!" Ye Yiyi shouted loudly.

"Yu 谣诽谤?" Ye Hao smiled slightly: "Your mother and the yellow housekeeper sneaked into this matter, afraid that it is not fake, I have asked private detectives, with evidence from your mother and Huang Mingkun."

I heard the sound, Ye Yiyi brows deeply... He really looked down on this woman...

On the big screen, Huang Mingkun and Liang Meiqi were sitting in the auditorium as the victim's family. With the tape set out, Huang Mingkun and Liang Meiqi changed their minds. Yiyi did not say that Hongxing had disposed of the kidnapping of them. People, and destroyed the tape? !

"No... not like this... Yes, someone kidnapped us and forced us to say this paragraph!!" Immediately, Liang Meizhen stood up and shouted.

"Oh? You said that you were the one who was kidnapped and said this? It’s ridiculous, what does this mean? You don’t know." Zhang Guo, the top lawyer in China, smiled coldly.

"I know, but if we don't cooperate with them, we will die!" Liang Meizhen immediately explained.

"Jokes!" Lawyer Zhang He said: "If this is what you said, why don't you have an alarm record? Have you kidnapped and said this, but don't go to the police? And before the trial, until now, you have never shown Anything is wrong, do you forget that you were kidnapped and said this?"

"I..." Liang Meilu oozes a cold sweat from his forehead.

When they went home to find Ye Yiyi, they had plans to report to the police. However, the Hongxing Club has already guaranteed that the tape has been destroyed. If you go to the police again, I am afraid that there will be more troubles and involve her relationship with Huang Mingkun. If you don't say it, you might even find out about them and the Hongxing Society...

"Which recording is provided, who provided it."

At the trial seat, the judge asked.

"it's me."

A middle-aged man stood up from the table and opened his mouth.

"You are nonsense..." Liang Meiyan screamed.

The middle-aged man sneered and immediately looked at the judge: "I am a private detective, have a business license, have received the most professional training, and I am employed by Miss Ye Yi. After my unremitting pursuit, I finally found that Huang Mingkun owes a high in the casino. The amount of usury.

In fact, Huang Mingkun’s so-called kidnapping was found by some debtor’s debt collectors a few days ago, forcing him to pay his debts...

In addition, Huang Mingkun and Liang Meiqi have abnormal men and women relations...

I found the specific hotel and room where they often stayed, and installed a bug in the room beforehand. I just tried my luck. I didn't expect it to be a surprise. ”


The end of the update, ask for a monthly ticket to ask for a ticket?

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