Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1804: Interesting things

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At this moment, in the venue of the anniversary celebration of the stars, everyone looked horrified.

I never thought that the sensational case had such a big reversal...

Ye Jia Lao Er Ye Shao'an, not dead in the hands of Ye Shaoting and his son Ye Mufan, was actually killed by Ye Jia's steward Huang Mingkun and Liang Meizhen hired people, not only that, the two even married to Ye Shaoting and Ye Mufan two fathers and sons...

This is too horrible. Ye Jia’s master mother has an improper relationship with the housekeeper...

"Judge, I have some videos and photos here that can be provided as part of the evidence."

Immediately, lawyer Zhang He came forward and archived the video photos taken by the previous three elders and Beidou and others.

The content of the evidence is more than one open record of Liang Meizhen and Guan Jia Huang Mingkun, and there are two live video and photos.

"These can't be used as direct evidence."

After a long time, the judge opened the door.

Hearing this statement, lawyer Zhang He smiled slightly: "This is naturally known to us, but we have more evidence to directly indicate that Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting are not the real murderers of Ye Shao'an."

Immediately, Zhang He listed a lot of evidence of innocence, including Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting. There is no direct evidence of murder and murder.

Soon, Zhang He broadcasted a video of Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting on the night.

This video comes from Ye Jia's camera.

"As we all know, the evidence that Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting directly killed people was the video, but there are some very unreasonable places."

Zhang He’s eyes swept through the audience and slowly said: “First, in this video, Ye Shaoting and Ye Mufan, both of them appeared in Ye Family and entered Ye Shaoting’s room, about a moment later, In this video, Ye Shaoting and Ye Mufan reappeared and armed with murder weapons...

It seems that it is such a thing... But, everyone, please pay attention! Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting, armed with weapons, are facing the surveillance. Except for wearing, there is no direct evidence to show that they are the two of them. ”

"Hey, it’s a joke. The clothes are exactly the same. What happened to the face?" Liang Meizhen, who learned that the voice could not be used as evidence, immediately came to the spirit and smiled at the lawyer.

Weng, Zhang He looked at Liang Meizhen: "Even the voices of both of you can't be used as evidence. Is it just evidence that only two identical clothes can be used as evidence? Ms. Liang, your logic can be admired. very."

"You..." Liang Meizhen stared at Zhang He, and some words: "There are indeed fingerprints of the two of them on the weapon!"

“Fingerprint?” Zhang He smiled lightly: “The fingerprint is something that you want to get, it’s too simple, but when it comes to fingerprints, there are some more interesting things...

Ordinary people may not know, I need to emphasize that the weapon is thrown into the pond of Ye Family, and it has been soaked for more than ten hours. Even if it can take the fingerprints of Ye Mufan and Ye Shaoting, it must be crippled...but, from The fingerprints extracted by the Forensic Department are very complete... Is this reasonable? ”

As the voice of Zhang He fell, everyone in the court looked at each other and was very quiet.

"There is one more thing, I think it's even more ridiculous..."

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