Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1841: Is there any misunderstanding?

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At this moment, Ye Hao’s mouth twitched slightly, and he would have counted it to the family. He just wanted to find out Eric and see what he was sacred and what purpose... But who ever thought, this special... actually There is such a big melon to eat... Eleven is Eric, she has never let her think, but now, this Eric, actually the old seven of the division, the Secretary of the night cold his seventh brother!

At the beginning of the country, Ye Hao’s time gave the secretary a cold night... I also listened to the brothers’ nights and mentioned the brothers’ affairs.

A few brothers who died in the hands of the Secretary of the Night, each of them wanted the life of the Secretary. As early as the beginning, the Secretary of the Night Cold did not intend to shoot them. No matter how, even if they were half-brothers, they were brothers after all... ...

However, the few brothers regarded the night as a deadly enemy. Even though the division was cold and cold, the brothers did not appreciate it until they touched the bottom line of the night, only to let the night cold and make up their minds and destroy a few people. .

In addition to the boss, the remaining one is the old seventh of the division, but Ye Hao did not listen to the story of the old seven.

Although I don't really want to believe that this man is the seven masters of the division, but Xu Yi thinks carefully, Eric does not seem to have any reason to lie to them. Now, Eric has taken control of the power of the family, and, see, Qin Ruoxi and these divisions. The high-level attitude toward him, I want to come, the power behind him is also amazing, there is no reason to pretend to be the seven.

Even if I don’t want to admit it, Xu Yi’s heart is clear that this indeed the seventh grandfather of the family...

"Seven Lord... In this, is there any misunderstanding, Jiuye never said, I want to start with you." Xu Yi looked at the eleven, and quickly explained.

"Oh... is it?" The sound of the sound, the eleven mouths raised a cold smile: "Xu Yi, Xu Guanjia, do you think, I will believe it."

"But, Jiuye really did not say that you want to do it to the Seven Lords..." Xu Yi tried to explain.

"Forget it... Now all this is meaningless..." Eleven sneered: "The rest of the brothers, that's it...but why is the night cold killing the old eight... The eight brothers are dead in him." In the hand."

Referring to the old eight, eleventh, there is a faint cold light.

When I was young, I had a period of time. The eleventh and the oldest eight were in a foreign country. Although they were half-brothers, they were no different from their brothers.

Eleven can not understand, the Secretary of the night cold for a homeowner's position, actually will kill the old eight ... his eight brothers.

"Seven Lord... It’s really not like you think, Jiuye gave them too many opportunities, but they joined forces to find a way to set up Jiye to die, and Jiye couldn’t help..." Xu Yi sighed.

"Shut up!" Eleven shouted: "I don't care about others. The eight brothers have no interest in the position of the family of the family. It is even more unlikely that they will harm the old nine... All this is the old nine want to clear all Obstacles..."

"Eleven, the Secretary of the Night is not such a person." After a while, Ye Hao looked at the eleven, said openly.

When Ye Hao and Si Ye Han were still in China, Ye Hao knew these things.

"Oh... you mean, the old assembly lie to me." Eleven cold looking at Ye Hao.

Referring to the boss, Xu Yi shook his head.

The boss and the boss of the boss are harmless, but in the back, they hate the night cold, including the son of the boss, Si Xia.

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