Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1842: Old seven, are you looking for me?

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If these are the bosses who say to the seven masters, then Xu Yi will not doubt anything...

"Seven Lord, if it is really what you think, the boss and Si Xia, how could they live to this day, I am afraid that they have been eradicated by Jiuye..." Xu Yidao.

At this moment, Ye Hao looked at eleven, and could not help but laugh. This old seven is really complicated.

When I was a child, I had a very good relationship with the Secretary of the Night and the Old Eight, but I was swayed by the boss from the secret, and even told the eleventh that the division was looking for his traces everywhere, and wanted to kill him and remove the roots. Look, and mix into the family.

In the eleventh, the most dangerous place is the safest place. After his facelifting, he was mixed into the family and became a dark guard. In this way, it is impossible for the Secretary to find him forever and never think of it. The old seventh will be eleven...

Moreover, in Ye Xie's view, as the eleventh of the old seven, it is indeed the cold hate of the division, otherwise, it will not let the **** alliance to assassinate the division of the night, but this old seven is also extremely contradictory, although I want to I want the life of the Secretary to be cold, but I don’t want the Secretary to die in the night. After all, that is his youngest brother.

At the beginning, they accompanied the Secretary of the night in the cold, the Secretary of the night cold committed a serious illness, fell into a coma, and the **** alliance took the opportunity to enter, I want the Secretary of the night cold life...

And those people, it is exactly the eleven employment... If, eleven really wants to let the night die to death, you can stand up and expose the death roses impersonated by Ye Hao... but eleven but not... And played very well with the show.

"So, I should call you the seventh brother now, or eleven." Ye Hao stared at the eleven, faceless expression.

"Oh...just a name, feel free." Eleven smiled.

"Eleven, your heart, it is really very contradictory." Ye Hao smiled slightly: "On the one hand, the cold hate of the division of the night, want to peel the cramps, but on the other hand, when the division is in danger At the time, you are extremely worried... I don’t want to die in the night. In fact, when I was in a foreign country, I pretended to be a death rose. If you really want to die in the night, you can completely expose me to the **** people, but you don’t... You still care about the younger brother of the night, I said, right?" asked Ye Hao.

"Do you care about his life?"

I heard that Ye Hao said this, and eleven suddenly sneered: "Master... you have too much thought about it... I really want to let the night die... but I hope that he died in pain, when he was abroad, the night was cold. Seriously stunned, if he dies like that, it doesn't mean anything. For me, there is fun."

"Oh?" Ye Hao slightly stared at the eccentric eleven: "But you didn't say it before, the night is cold, your brother, you don't want him to die like that, how is it changed now?"

Ye Hao a few words, let eleven brows deep.

Ye Hao has already seen through the nephew of the priest, and his heart is very complicated. Even if he has a **** affection for the night, he will not admit it on his mouth. Just look at what he has done and he will be able to See through it.

"Master, stop chatting and tell me, where is the night cold?" Eleven looks at Ye Hao.

Hearing, Ye Hao shrugged his shoulders: "Sorry, good apprentice, I really don't know where your lovely younger brother is. If you find him, let me know."

"Old seven, are you looking for me?"

Not waiting for Ye Hao to continue to speak, a familiar voice suddenly surged.

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