Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1861: We were kidnapped (supplement)

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Seeing that Ye Hao is so calm, Si Bo’s brows are slightly stunned, and the people in front of him are, after all, fierce and ignorant allies...

"Do you think that we are coming empty-handed... not ready?" Ye Hao smiled.

Immediately, the eleventh and the elders and many others looked at Ye Hao.

"What do you mean." Si Bo slammed.

"In your manor, I have already been covered with a timed blaster. As soon as we die, someone will press the remote control. This manor will almost burst into pieces in an instant... At that time, no one wants to leave alive. Ye Hao smiled.

"Ha ha ha ... Bai Mengzhu, afraid that you are jealous of me?" Si Bo sneered.

"is it……"

Immediately, Ye Hao glanced at the wall of the manor.

At this moment, I saw only a few members of the fearless alliance, standing on the wall, in the hands of each member, holding a large red remote control.

Ye Hao was ready before coming to the manor.

Independent states don't have to worry about firearms, but this is not an independent state...

Of course, the so-called time blasting device is the sergeant, and the remote control is also fake, but Ye Hao can be sure that Siebel does not dare to do it. He definitely does not have the courage to gamble.

In addition, Ye Hao has already discovered that snipers far away...

Before they went to the manor, Beidou had already discovered several snipers and kept protecting them in secret.

Even if you don't have to think about it, it must be the men of the night.

As long as the people of Sibo have any idea of ​​disrespect, the sniper's bullets must be faster than them.

"Ha ha ha ... really is not the white maple lord ... there is a set, there is a set ... ... Sibo 懿 stared at Ye Hao, showing fierce light.

Not waiting for Stubbs to continue to say something, but heard the sound of sirens.

As the siren sounded, the sniper in the far distance disappeared immediately.

"Your Majesty!"

Immediately, Ye Hao shouted at the people like Beidou and the elders.

Although I didn't know what was going on, everyone was almost subconscious and was on the ground.

With a maximum of a few breaths, the manor’s door was knocked open and dozens of heavily armed policemen poured out from outside.

"lay down your weapon!"

The police shouted loudly after seeing the firearms armed with the sky.


Seeing the fully armed police in China, Sibo is unbelievable!

Nowadays, they have been surrounded by layers... If they resist, the consequences are unimaginable...

Almost no consideration was given, and Sibo had let dozens of people who had no heavenly clubs throw firearms.

"Hold your hands, kneel, fast!"

Several policemen shouted.

Immediately, a dozen people, led by Spoel, were kneeling on the ground and holding their heads with both hands.

"Boss, you are fine, you can scare me!"

Suddenly, from the rear, Zhou Xing of Star Entertainment ran over.

"Police comrades, she is our boss... Our boss and boss's friends were kidnapped by them..." Zhou hurried.

Ye Hao is the BOSS of Star Entertainment, and the police naturally know it.

"Police comrades... This is the big brother of the family. We are here to be a guest. He is forced to conduct business cooperation with me... I don't agree, they threaten me with a gun..." Ye Hao hurriedly opened his mouth. Road.

Beidou: "..."

Seven stars: "..."

Grand Elder: "..."

Three elders: "..."


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