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Looking at Si Bozhen looking at himself, there was a smear of poisonous color in the scorpion, and Ye Hao’s mouth was slightly raised, drawing a cold smile.

When I went to Sibo's residence, Ye Hao had already prepared a few hands, all of which were under her control.

"You are too shameless... Actually alarm..." At this moment, Si Bozhen stared at Ye Hao and gritted his teeth.

Si Bozhen never imagined that Ye Hao, the ally of the independent state without fear, would have done such a shameless thing, and simply lost the face of the independent state!

As an independent state, any disputes arising out of the dispute are solved by force. Who will go to the police? ! This is a shame for both sides. Even if it is dead, it is impossible to do such a shameful thing...

Even in the mind of Spoel, there is no concept of an alarm at all, and it is even more impossible to think that Ye Hao can do this.

"Sberber... I didn't expect you to be such a person... I actually have so many guns in private... I misread you..." Ye Hao stared at Sibo, sighing.

"Police officer, I have something to say... This woman, buried a lot of time blasters in my manor...!" Suddenly, Sibo looked at the policeman beside him and shouted.

Since Ye Hao’s alarm, it’s dying to die together and violate the laws of China, and he is not alone.

Hearing this statement, many policemen are a glimpse. In this manor, there are even time blasters? !

"Don't listen to him nonsense... If you don't believe it, you can check it out!" Ye Hao said.

Seeing Ye Hao’s unscrupulous expression, Si Bo’s brow was deeply wrinkled, and it’s hard to be... There is no such thing as a blaster in his manor... Before... No, Ye Hao deliberately scared him...

As Sergeant’s words were too serious, the police officers at the scene did not dare to sloppy, and immediately invited the bomb disposal team to conduct investigations.

However, the manor was inspected one time, but there was no time blaster in the mouth of the Secretary.


Si Bozhen stared at Ye Hao, and he wished to smash his skin... I was actually played by Ye Hao!

How can such a shameless person survive in an independent state? !

"What's wrong? I am a law-abiding person. We are different." Ye Hao looked at Si Bo, and said with no expression.

"According to the law and obedience..." Si Bo gnashed his teeth: "You are a despicable and shameless man... you are not worthy of being an independent state... shameless..."

Even today, his boss is not worthy of the fearless alliance, even if he is killed, it is impossible to seek the help of the police in China... This is a matter of principle!

Not only him, but any other force in the independent state, if you go to other countries, it is impossible to make such things. If this is passed back to the independent state, where is the face going? !

The next second, Si Bozhen looked toward the three elders and others.

"Look at what I do... What is the relationship with me... It’s not the police I reported... You don’t talk nonsense." The three elders glanced at Sergeant with some guilty conscience.

In independent states, they never have the idea of ​​an alarm...

When I came to China, it seems to them that it’s like two children fighting, but they just call the parents... It’s really...

Grand Elder: "This... you are indeed illegally holding firearms... It is indeed a crime... We have not let you commit a crime... You are self-defeating...not related to people."

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