Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1873: Ring that should not exist

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"Know it, you have said it several times. You see me so embarrassed, like a disobedient person? Rest assured, I will stay in the country and do not run around!" Ye Hao vowed to guarantee.

The seven stars on the side heard this and the brow wrinkled.

Beidou directly whispered out, "Where is the situation? What is the situation of Fengjie? Not all of them said that they have to leave, how can the little wild cat outside make a phone call, and it has changed its mouth in an instant? This is also too much to be fucked?"

For the attitude of Ye Hao for a while, Beidou is very shocked.

What the Seven Stars think is that Ye Hao still has emotions in his body. He must go back and find a solution as soon as possible. Huaguo must not stay for a long time.

She is now leaving a Chinese man for a man, isn’t he joking about his life?

At the end of the mobile phone, Secretary Night is not convinced of this sentence, but after thinking about it, judging Ye Hao should not be a lie.

After all, he had stabilized her that day, and she did not return to the independent state.

Thinking of this, the Secretary of the Night is calm and calm down, "Wait for me to come back."

"Well, I know, then I am waiting for you at home, you will come back soon!" Ye Hao's voice was soft and extremely well-coordinated.

The seven stars next to the more I listened to the face, the more Shen, I wanted to speak a few times, but I held back.

After getting tired for a while, Ye Hao finally hung up the phone, and then turned to the seven-star 叮嘱, "Is the ticket booked?"

The seven stars who are about to speak have heard this and stunned. "What?"

Ye Shuzui, "I explain the ticket to the independent state in the sky!"

The seven stars subconsciously nodded, "booked."

"Well, that's it, start tomorrow." Ye Hao said.

The seven stars are a bit worried, "Feng Jie, you just didn't say... you want to stay in China..."

Ye Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at his mobile phone. "Do you believe when you say something?"

Seven stars: "..."

Beidou: "..."

Feng Shou’s hand is yin and yin, and it’s too slippery to play...

It’s not that she always looks good and forgets, they will worry, who knows that she is so determined to resist the beauty this time.

Beidou covered the whisper of the seven-star ear. "I know, it’s not that Feng’s sister turned, but because the independent state has more beautiful people..."

Seven stars: "..."

Ye Haobai took a look at Beidou. "What are you talking about?"

Beidou was busy waving his hand. "Nothing is nothing. I am right to Fengjie. I just want to ask, you... Are you really married to the owner of this Chinese country?"

The marriage of the lord is still very important after all!

Ye Hao heard the words hanging down, silent for a while, then looked at the dark night in the distance, faintly said: "Who knows?"

Beidou: "Hey... Hey?"

What does it mean?

Is it unclear whether she is married or not?

Beidou and the seven stars looked at each other and said that they were speechless.

Ye Hao did not continue to speak, went directly to the car, let Beidou move toward the era of the gods.


At this moment, the emperor is somewhere.

The silver-haired man is sitting in a business car, his brows are deep and he seems to be thinking about it.

"I didn't would be that ring..." The silver-haired man murmured in his mouth, and there was a strange and worried look in his face.

"Impossible... that ring, after the change of the independent state, should have been completely destroyed, why..." The silver-haired man was slightly uneasy.

At that time, before Nie Wuyou had not disappeared, she clearly told her that the ring must not be preserved and must be destroyed!

And the disciple Nie Wuyou... is also in front of him, the ring is destroyed.

But why, is that ring still there? ! And, in the hands of Nie Wuyou...

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