Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Vol 2 Chapter 1874: The truth of terror (supplement)

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"Master, have you found a younger sister?"

At this moment, a woman who looks extremely glamorous, walks slowly into the business car and opens her way to the silver-haired man.

Speaking, the silver-haired man slightly decapitated: "Not bad..."

"The younger sister is also true. I just knew that she went to the independent state. I still want to go back and find it. As a result, she ran to China again. It really can wave." The charming woman smiled softly: "Master, what about the sister?"

"Your sister lost my memory... I didn't recognize her." The silver man said.

"Ah?" The glamorous woman looks weird and seems to be incomprehensible: "Master, why don't you recognize the little sister?"

"Now is not the time." The silver-haired man shook his head. "Your younger sister has already gone to an independent state before, but it is obviously a state of amnesia. If you don't know why, you still become a fearless lord."


The fascinating woman smiled slightly: "Master, this is still asking, the whole independent state, although knowing that the younger sister Nie Wuyou is not a few of Bai Feng, but even if there is not much, there is a clear king... I don’t want to know It’s that Ji Huang recognized the younger sister, and it’s not easy for Jihuang to help Xiaoshi’s identity to recover Nie Wu’s identity. After all, Nie’s family now has a fake Nie Wushou, but to help the younger sister restore the identity of the fearless lord, it should be no problem... ...and, Master, you don’t know, after the little sister-in-law has been drinking... I’m sure that the younger sister must be drunk in the fearless league...”

Hearing this statement, the silver-haired man smiled as if he remembered the year.

Indeed, his little disciple, once drinking alcohol, even if it is amnesia, I am afraid it will not stop the power of the body.

"However, worry-free is now a state of amnesia, how do you know that she can still look like after drinking alcohol." Silver-haired man looks at the glamorous woman.

The woman smiled a little: "I have seen the side of the emperor before, and the emperor told me in the future."

"It turns out that." If a silver-haired man thinks thoughtfully, then he can explain it.

If it’s not Nie Wuyou’s drinking, revealing the nature, and wanting the fearless alliance to completely believe that she is Bai Feng, it’s impossible, especially the elders who are fearless, one is more savvy, wants to fool them, no possibility.

"Master, it is better for us to find a younger sister, I want to die her." The glamorous woman is somewhat eager.

However, the silver-haired man shook his head.

The memory of Nie Wuyou is better to find it by himself... And, if he recognizes it, how can he explain to Nie Wuyou... What happened before she lost her memory...

For Nie Wuyou, it’s too cruel, even life is not as good as death...

If Nie Wuyou has no way to accept it, or... does not want to recall, it will be her eternal demon.

" are worried, but that thing..." Seeing the silver-haired man did not say that the enchanting woman was suspicious.

"Not bad." The silver-haired man whispered softly: "If I recognize each other, I will tell her everything, but now it is obviously not the time."

The seductive woman was silent for a moment, and immediately sighed: "I know... the younger sister blames herself, but that thing... the fault is not in the younger sister... she is not intentional."

The seductive woman vaguely remembers that many years ago, Nie Wuzhe sent a video call to her and the master, and Nie Wushou was in a state of death.

It is not that Nie Wuwei is too fragile. On the contrary, Nie Wuzhe is strong enough, but anyone who encounters that kind of thing, regardless of gender, may not have the courage to continue to live in this world.

Until the end, Nie Wuyou was chased and killed. After she and the master arrived, she vaguely saw a man and took Nie Wuzhan away from the independent state.

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