Perfect Supreme

Chapter 990

However, the sound of making the two people more shocked floated out of the ancient inflammation, only to see the neck of the ancient inflammation, a young man was buried in the body of the ancient inflammation, the upper body was exposed, the face of the handsome and free The killing intent, even the eyelids seem to be occupied by the killing intent!

Obviously, the ancient demon at this moment is Lin Ling, really isn’t ancient inflammation!

This change caused the two kings to tremble, and they were too underestimated for Lin Ling. At the moment, it is indeed the three kings!

“Lin Ling !”

An Yu’er beautiful eyes, she did not expect Lin Ling to have such a trump card, and next to her, You Mengyun also woke up, but also a small mouth slightly open.

“At this moment, he has taken control of the ancient inflammation, but the time can not be very long, otherwise it will be controlled by the killing intent, the incarnation of the unconscious murderer!”

At this moment, the imaginary soul around the two people made a sound, which is the soul of the ancient sorcerer: “Before he handed the river figure to me, he also told me that there was a taboo, and now we need three of us to come together. Remember, don’t look at Lin Ling’s imposing manner at the moment, but he can’t support it for a long time. It’s still three of us who really decide everything!”

“Okay, I will help you!”

An Yu’er and You Mengyun are nodding, and now they have no choice!

The almost transparent soul is also nodding. In fact, it doesn’t know how Lin Ling can be taboo. The little devil sometimes seems to know everything!

It didn’t know that Lin Ling came here before, Eye of Time appeared, and saw how the powerhouse sealed the secret, and the key is the river figure jade!

“Kill, capture the river figure Yuzhu!”

After the shock, “阎” watched the river figure Yuzhu, and another bone-wing man is also the case, the matter is here, only the war!

Hōng lóng lóng !

The two broke out of strength, the three kings great war, open!

The entire Heaven and Earth seems to be torn apart, heavenly and earth rends, flying sand running stone, the tens of thousands of pounds of boulder in the earth is like a straw-like sky, just fierce and domineering.

As for the alien martial artist in the distance, it is a fear of the moment, there are three kings great war, and many martial artists are implicated by the powerful aura, and instantly become ashes!

White flame, hōng lóng lóng skyrocketing!

The magic cloud is vast, sweeping Heaven and Earth!

The bone wing is also like hell, separating the sky!

“Come faster!”

The ancient sorcerer knows that the two kings of Lin Ling great war can’t support it for a long time!

At this moment, the three of them took the river picture jade beads as the center, and made a mysterious mark to make the sky also the rays of light. Unfortunately, it was covered by the great war imposing manner in front!

“This ancient genie just woke up six times, but it was terrifying, it is hard to imagine how the nine-tailed world-shaking!”

“This child is very mysterious. It seems to be ridden by murderous aura, but it has not lost its mind. How did he do it?”

“However, the patron saint of the Six Witch Holy Land is not something he can control. After the time has passed, he will definitely lose his mind!”

“The eight-star six sacred domain, the patron saint is so powerful, if I get it, return to the 7-Star domain can be awkward!”

The two kings were talking at the side of the battle, shocking the strength of the ancient demon.

“Well, the killing intent is getting stronger and stronger. If he controls the ancient inflammation, he will be swallowed!”

I don’t know how long it took, “阎” finally said coldly, the killing intent in front has been filled, and even he feels affected by the killing intent, which means that more and more murderous aura appears from the ancient inflammation And Lin Ling can’t control those murderous aura!

The bone wing man also stopped the attack, watched in front of him, his heart was shocked, a little ghost from the eight-star six sanctuary, he was oppressed, he had to resist, he had to say, this is very dreamy!

“Okay, it’s over!”

However, at this time, the smoke rolled out, and the huge ancient demon disappeared into Heaven and Earth. At the same time, a slender silhouette appeared in the eyes of everyone. Apparently, Lin Ling also knew that he would use the ancient demon. That would be ridden by the murderous aura, losing his mind, so at the crucial moment, he once again sealed the ancient demon!

And this means of controlling the ancient inflammation, once again let the two kings pupil condense, Lin Ling wants to come out of the ancient inflammation, want to seal it to seal it, this point, let them envy.

“Junior, you dare not use the ancient inflammation again, now, what other means do you have!”

“阎” step forward, body, magic out of the way, at the moment, Lin Ling has no trump card!

“is it?”

At the moment, Lin Ling’s face was a little pale. Before using the ancient sorcerer for too long, the murderous aura became more and more concentrated. Some of them affected him now. If he was in the air, he was afraid that he had lost consciousness. However, the current Time is enough!

“I really don’t dare to use the ancient sorcerer again, but it is his turn to play. Another secret of the tomb of the ancient tomb is from the patron saint of Holy Land!”

Lin Ling walked step by step to the sky, the sound was cold, but with the calmness of dominating everything, let the two kings body trembled, Lin Ling actually know this secret?

Their two ethnic groups came from the 7-Star sanctuary for many years, in order to get the patron saint of the eight-star six sanctuary, and this secret is rarely known, but the young man actually knows what he knows?

“You, nonsense!”

The winged man frowns said.

“I know more than you, I don’t talk?”

Lin Ling smiled indifferently, with confidence in her smile. Before that, he looked at everything around through Eye of Time. He knew that a long time ago, an ancient powerhouse came and sealed the guardians of the six Holy Lands. It is to let the Six Sanctuary land from the eight-star level to the nine-star level. Since then, it has been removed from Heaven and Earth and is controlled by the more powerful Emperor!

You know, this Heaven and Earth is boundless. The six Holy Lands are collectively called the Six Sanctuary, but only the corner of Heaven and Earth. Because the Sanctuary of Heaven and Earth is divided by stars, the Six Sanctuary is only eight. Stars, it belongs to a very small place!

On the far side of the sky, there are 5-Star, 4-Star, and even the 1-Star domain like the Immortal Palace. The star rating is the division of the strength of a region!

The so-called Scorpio era, that is the trick of the ancient Emperor, the elimination of the six sanctuary, let this place loss of life, all come back, from the eight stars to the nine stars, controlled by others, and want the Six Holy Land Great Tribulation Approaching, Heaven and Earth reshuffle, then the six guardians of Holy Land must be sealed!

In this way, Holy Land has no owner and can be cleaned!

This is the Scorpio era!

Through Eye of Time, Lin Ling knows everything, knows what the seal is, and what is the key to unlocking the seal!

It is the river figure Yuzhu!

“Come out, kill the patron saint of Holy Land – the night fork king!”

Looking down at the dark sky in the distance, Lin Ling’s gaze finally fell on the two kings, his right hand slowly rising, pointing forward, at the same time, An Yu’er three people posing a dazzling array of dazzling Rays of light, a few mysterious seals shot from the river figure Yu people, shining!

This taboo is also seen by Lin Ling through Eye of Time. Fortunately, it is not difficult to arrange. The key is the river jade!

Therefore, before he used the ancient inflammation, delaying the time, in order to let An Yu’er they set off the law!

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